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In the private car of Yukinoshita Family came to an apartment, it seems that it is not a residence, but a relatively luxurious apartment room.

Looking at Yukinoshita Yukino’s eyes, Arthur understood that this should not be a real home, was it temporary?

And Yukinoshita Yukino’s father hasn’t appeared yet, is it that–

“Come in and sit down, Arthur-kun, this is elder sister my room …”

Yukinoshita Haruno yanked Arthur into a room in the apartment.

Arthur looked at Yukinoshita Yukino, but he tried to break away from Haruno’s hand, but was dragged by the other party. However, Yukino also showed the eyes of doesn’t matter. In this way, he and Yukino were simply separated. Do they do ideological work?

When the Dimensional Tower is connected to each Dimensional World, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be set up in the defense department of the world. Presumably immediately, Arthur and Yukinoshita Yukino’s information has been submitted to the relevant people. This system is for the people of Dimensional World to do. Be prepared accordingly, and you can report when you are hurt.

Dimensional Tower is committed to maintaining peaceful exchanges between ACAD emy City and all Dimensional Worlds, and resisting criminal acts such as violent conflicts.

But some people will inevitably be lucky, so the existence of the diplomatic bureau is necessary.

And when entering Dimensional World, Arthur and Yukinoshita Yukino 2 were equipped with monitors on their bodies. The Dimensional Tower system is responsible for supervision, so even privacy behavior will not matter. After all, Dimensional Tower equivalent to A super intelligent system, there is no emotion, like a machine.

There is no seal. Arthur and Yukinoshita Yukino’s ability is to take into account that they may be persecuted by Dimensional World. After all, the scope of injury is not only ACAD emy City’s residents to the residents of Dimensional Tower world, and vice versa. So, these abilities can only be used Coming from Bao, it cannot be used to hurt people.


The room was closed securely, and Yukinoshita Haruno put a pair of pink slippers in front of Arthur’s, and put on the slippers himself-

“It’s really rude, so change it now. Since it is a little Yukino’s boyfriend, then it’s a family, don’t be restrained …”

“Thank you……”

Arthur took off his shoes and put on slippers, but still had a sense of uneasiness in standing.

“I have a look … Arthur, a member of Elf Royal Family, naturally Elf … It ’s so amazing, I did n’t think there was such a magical world, 15th ACAD emy City Main Representative, yes, in the eyes of Yukino’s perfectionism, I really look for men Friends should be like this, so what are you doing back? “

Yukinoshita Haruno 100 looked at the information submitted by the Foreign Affairs Office in a boring manner, eyes staring at Arthur, as if to see through him.

This looks nice, but the imposing manner is very strong, so strong that the ability to split second to see through people makes Arthur even more nervous, no, can’t be said to be nervous, maybe it can’t cope with such women?

In other words, Arthur has no communication at all, and the so-called communication is limited to those guys at home. He has no impression of the correct way of getting along with people. Although he has a country in Seraph of the End, it can only be said He has made achievements in national governance and cannot be said to have outstanding social skills.

The so-called social, on the surface, refers to the communication between people in the society. It is a social activity in which people use certain methods (tools) to transmit information and exchange ideas to achieve a certain purpose.

But to put it simply, people of the same status exchange social intelligence information with each other and then enrich themselves and others, so that the two parties can establish this exchange relationship in information transmission. Once they cannot get anything from the other party, there will be no such kind. Social relationship.

Arthur doesn’t understand what other people have what he needs, and he doesn’t know what he needs from others, but the feeling that he can live alone, if the defect is to be emotional Now, he is also establishing relationships with Jeanne, Scáthach, Yukino, Kirigaya Yuu, and the others, or lovers, teachers, students, friends, etc.

“As King Race, don’t you have enough money to live? I read your return ticket, the lowest grade, although you are a very neat person, but the cloth of the clothes is not particularly good, these can be done with one glance It can be seen.

So are you short of money?

Say, what method did you use to raise (teach) my lovely younger sister like that? She is the kind of person who does not confide or plead easily, put down her gesture and come back, reaching out with her parents to ask for money? I was surprised! “

Yukinoshita Haruno’s slender little hands fumbled back and forth in Arthur’s body, even unbuttoning his school uniform. Such an ambiguous move would definitely make Arthur feel that this is a kind of harassment under normal circumstances, but he understands that Haruno only examines him. It ’s just a dress, I have to say that she ’s awesome, she saw all the parts at a glance.

Arthur’s clothes are all made by himself. In the middle school section, the performing arts items are all made by him. The craftsmanship is quite good. However, in order to save money, the cloth I bought can only be said to be of mid-grade, but he is sewing. The clothes will definitely not give people a low-end feeling. If the fabric is slightly better, it can even be sold as a luxury. No one will doubt that Arthur is a very poor person.

Poverty cannot be moved, Arthur does not steal or snatch, nor does he want to crook the evil way, nor will he give up his dignity to ask for salvation, live in a frank manner, he will not betray his soul for money, and do something.

“You are really getting more and more incomprehensible. By your means, as long as you design a few sets of fashion, you can easily get a lot of money. Using your King Race identity, you can easily grab a lot of money and use you. What kind of woman can’t get the status of Main Representative? However, having such a perfect person, but the shabby life of life has reached such a point, even if it is still strong and alive, are you too perfect? ​​”

Haruno pushed Arthur and pressed him on the bed, probably—

Jealous, maybe?

After all, that Yukino has been chasing her elder sister’s footsteps since she was a child. Even when she was in high school, she chose the same high school. If the university and so on will certainly follow her pace slowly, right? But since Yukino disappeared, the split second that came back, as if shedding body, exchanging bones, has a different attitude to life than her.

Although he is still a perfectionist, he has the courage to take his own ideal steps, and he has even become himself. He will not back down or ignore anything in the face of it. Instead, he is looking squarely at it, and Yukinoshita Yukino is becoming Gradually perfect …

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