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After returning to the fortress, Ludmila warmed the jam black tea again. While tasting the taste of this jam, she suddenly realized that a trace of aura flashed across her mind.

Because he tastes the jam sent by Arthur, every time he drinks, he will inevitably think of the illusion that he is fighting the Muozinel army. It is because of the more likeness, and the mixture of the previous insights, there is a conclusion in an instant. ——

Those shadows are not medium-sized animals or mountain faults, but Muozinel’s army, they want to bypass Olmutz Dukedom into Brune Kingdom’s hinterland, and then attack, this idea is too …

It’s weird.

And the time chosen is very good. In this winter season, even if it is adapted to the wind and snow climate, Zhcted people will not like to go out frequently. The only thing that will go out is only sporadic hunters. After all, hunters will also be in winter. Hunting.

“Come on, go to count 1000 cavalrymen and prepare to fight! Be quick!”

Putting down the black tea in his hand, Ludmila took Lavias (Vralt) coldly. Although there was no reason, she could not leave it. In public, this is the Olmutz Dukedom area of ​​Zhcted Kingdom. The Muoznel invaded the border she managed. , Unforgivable, in private, Arthur … can’t just leave it alone!

Although Brune’s Princess died with her doesn’t matter, but …


After Arthur and Princess Regin turn hostility into friendship, they marched towards the border of the three countries together.

As for why it is the junction of Zhcted, Brune, and Muozinel’s 3 cars, it is because the terrain here is sinister, and as long as there is one party acting, the other two parties will act, so this is the most unwise offensive route.

However, the most dangerous places are sometimes the safest places. It is clear that the precautions are severe, so no one would imagine that an enemy would risk attacking from there.

Moreover, although Brune is now not at all entering the snow and snow season, Zhcted has already entered the snow and snow season in advance, and the march will naturally maximize the weakened lookout in this season.

“Knight Arthur, do we need any preparation?”

Regin asked.

“No, you just need to scout for exploration. I estimate that the most likely channel is the canyon. Zhcted is probably covered by snow and snow. The march in the valley is covered by mountains and snow and can be eliminated to the maximum. Vision, even if the opponent discovers it, may not be able to perceive it. A general without rich experience will not predict Muozinel’s march.

But I think Muozinel’s leader will have a hand, so …

Forget it, I am now worried about Mila, 10000. Once she is eager to rescue us, she will definitely count. “

Arthur looked worriedly at Olmutz Dukedom’s direction. Mila could not gather too many troops in a short time. Facing the 50000-person Muozinel army, and still having a defensive Muozinel army, she …

Muozinel’s general is not worried about being discovered by Olmutz Dukedom. Rather, it is said that he is hoping to be discovered, so even if the invasion fails, he can occupy Zchted’s border, Duchy Olmutz, killing two birds with one stone.

“Mila … Ludmila Lourie?”

Regin looked at Arthur suspiciously.

“Well, there will be a fierce battle in the snow, if your highness feels cold, put on cloak …”

Arthur released the cloak and gave it to Regin.

Shana hummed her mouth in dissatisfaction.

“Thank you … I do feel the temperature drop …”

Regin slapped his head lightly, grasping Cloak’s lace with a small hand, and a fragrant warmth wrapped her body.


The rushing Ludmila thought that he had given Muozinel a surprise attack, and led a 1000-person cavalry slaughter all sides. In a half-day battle, 5000 Muozinel’s soldiers were killed in the snow and ice country, and the blood became the snow-white land.

However, just at the time of the victory, there were suddenly about 10000 Muozinel troops appearing in two directions, appearing and disappearing unpredictably.

Therefore, Muozinel wears cotton cloth, and naturally there will be no loud sound.

It turned out that Muozinel’s chief Red Beard Kreshu not at all let 40000 soldiers act together, but let 5500 people form an army, each army is composed of 3000 in the center, 1000 in each side, and 500 in the rear as a reserve force.

If it is such a number, even a narrower place than the street can pass unobstructed and can move more smoothly. This is based on the map given by Ganelon. Kreshu conceived such a camp.

With a total of 7 troops in this formation, Red Beard Kreshu sits in the rear of the commanding army of more than 1000 elite guards.

Moreover, in order to guard against the unexpected, the distance of the 7 armies is very far, and the actions and rest time of the 7 armies are not the same, but they have a sequence, one army operation, 7 army rest, each The distance of each army is within 3 Belsta (3 kilometers) that is out of sight. The mountainous ups and downs can easily distort the sight and cannot see the scenery behind 3 Belsta.

Therefore, even if one army is ambushed, the neighboring army can provide support. Although it is not visible to the eyes, the fighting of several thousand people can be heard outside 1000 Belsta.

What’s more, 10000 is very convenient to retreat once the strategy has been seen.

Therefore, Ludmila counted, only saw 5500 soldiers, but …

Kreshu, who was sitting in the rear of the battlefield, laughed suddenly after receiving the scout information from the former army!

“Although the target is Brune, Zhcted is also a prey. Unfortunately, the Snow Princess of the Frozen Wave is a clever little brat, but he does not have enough vision to capture a Vanadis, then retreat decisively, Haha, so that he can Zhcted was hit hard and I heard that Brilliant Princess of the Light Flower had arrived at Zchted’s northern port, so it was impossible to visit her Polesia Dukedom! “


“Your Excellency is just …”


The adjutants aside exclaimed.

“Well, it’s free. Vanadis is a rider of 1000. Anyway, Ludmila is Vanadis who is good at defensive warfare. Don’t underestimate … step up the attack. The battle here has already started. Olmutz’s 10000 come Support, it’s hard to fight, at all costs, decisively win Ludmila, and then immediately retreat! “

Kreshu squeezed his Red Beard, not at all too much joy, it would be nice if Ludmila was taken before an accident, but …

Next, let’s take a look at Spirit Knight Arthur’s reaction speed, known as Princess of Dancing Blades, Dancing Moon Princess, and Knight Princess of Moonlight. In this battle, Kreshu could not eat the 30000 troops of Princess without delusion. For him It ’s enough to see clearly Arthur ’s wisdom. Even if it fails, it wo n’t affect his status. When the time comes, he says—

Worthy of being Spirit Knight sent by Gods …

Haha! ! !

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