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Arthur’s insisted and was recruited into Alsace’s Army, but Arthur found that the territory of this remote town had only a team of several hundred people, and most of them were holding long spear, carrying a sword, and arming their infantry with leather armor.

There is no decent cavalry at all.

But Arthur is Knight and was assigned to a snow-white horse, but not at all good horses. He has not been riding horses and he has been practicing riding recently.

Although horseback riding is still in practice, Arthur’s Sword Technique is very good. In the practice military exercise, no soldier is his opponent. Although the soldiers at first are holding the idea of ​​not wanting to hurt the young girl Knight, but soon They found that the strength is extremely powerful.

Experienced Bertrand is the close attendant of the Alsace Territory lord and serves the previous Alsace Territory master. He believes that Arthur may be a mercenary. After all, mercenaries have been sharpening their skills between life and death. If Arthur is really not a noble, Great, if you can stay, you can protect Feudal Lord when you step on the battlefield.

The lord of Alsace is an Earl called ‘Tigrevurmud Vorn’. Although the reputation is very loud, the place of management is a barren land. A rural lord who is not poor but not rich is the most obvious example. All the housework in Dizhong was left to the maid Titta, and the house where the lord lived was like this. It must be said that it was too shabby.

After a few days of simple training, after reorganizing the team, Arthur and they will set off, and the call-up letter issued by Brune’s His Majesty The King specifies the date of their expedition.

“Arthur … Please protect the Young Master, please, I will make you a lot of delicious …”

Titta told Arthur that she had learned to deal with Loli Arthur, and to lure him with delicious food, she would succeed!

“Relax, Titta, I will, when you come home triumphantly, you will roast the leg of lamb for me …”

Arthur’s mouth was already drooling.

“Really, ladies can’t drooling. How can you be so indecent as a beautiful girl like you?”

Titta frowned and wiped the spit from Arthur ’s mouth with a handkerchief. Now she ’s been Arthur as her younger sister. After a few days, Arthur ’s hearty and willing to help others ’character has become one with everyone, and many young soldiers are With love.

“Really, I am able to protect myself, protected by a lovely girl, is my lord too incompetent? When I first went to battle 2 years ago, didn’t I return with four limbs intact?”

A determined young man with dark red hair, one year older than Arthur, he naturally did not want to be protected by a younger girl than himself, although it seemed that he could not defeat Arthur’s. In other words, no one here could beat Arthur, even soldiers There is a feeling in it, if Vanadis, then Vanadis’s strength should be like Arthur.

“Last time there was Urs-sama …”

Titta said that there was a pause. The previous lord had died 2 years ago.

“Okay, Titta, rest assured, with my Old Guy here, I will definitely protect the Young Master!”

Bertrand laughed and said with a smile, “And if the Young Master is just shooting arrows, he will not be in danger.”

“Then please come to your house, Titta …”

Tigre patted Titta’s shoulder, and then stepped on the warhorse to take Arthur, Bertrand, and the assembled 100 soldiers on the journey.

The march must have a military flag. The military flag raised by Alsace Territory has 2 sides, one is the Vorun family flag with white half moon and meteor painted on the blue background, and the other is the red horse flag with black painted on the flag Holy horse with mane and red body is the symbol of Brune Kingdom’s.


Arthur their destination is Dinant Plains, and they will join forces with Feudal Lord Mashas Earl of Aude Territory, bordered by Alsace Territory.

After converging Mashas, ​​Arthur discovered how weak the battle strength of Alsace Territory was. It was also Earl at the border. Mashas led 2 well-equipped troops, even with the Knight team. In contrast, Alsace was so simple, the soldiers were even There is no iron armor like this, they are all leather armor, defensive power is naturally quite inferior.

Although there are so many differences between the two territories, Mashas seems to be very concerned about Tigre.

Mashas, ​​who had talked to Tigre, soon noticed Arthur like a crane standing among chickens ——

“Who is this–“

At first glance, Mashas thought it was Vanadis. Indeed, Arthur gave a strong imposing manner, and he rode a white horse in a brisk manner. The air became pure because of his presence, even if he stood quietly. Also attracted the attention of all soldiers.

“Oh … Wandering mercenaries, Ace Arthur Tepes Scarlet Clanquire with the spirit of Knight. After she was relieved by our hunger at that time, she stayed in return for gratitude and joined the army. The martial arts are very good. We count 100 people. Unable to defeat her alone … It ’s just that she ate a little more, and the food for dozens of people, and only the army can make her full. “

Bertrand said with a faint smile.

“Really? I thought that Zchted’s Vanadis, Zhcted Kingdom is composed of seven duchys managed by a king and Seven Vanadis. The commander we are fighting this time seems to be one of Vanadis.

Only 16 years old, but often undefeated. She is an excellent Swordsman, always waving a long sword at the forefront of the battlefield. She is also known as’ Wind Princess of the Silver Flash ‘and’ Danseuse of the Sword ‘Wait, etc., are deeply feared by people. “

Mashas recalled.

“Really? Vanadis, that’s really powerful, 16 years old, the same age as me, if it’s so powerful, isn’t this war hanging?”

Tigre didn’t expect Vanadis to be so young.

“Otherwise, the enemy army is about 5000, but our military strength is more than 2 10000 5000 people, which is really overwhelmed by emotions!”

Mashas said in a self-deprecating manner that this old Knight also has self-esteem. Obviously, he was dissatisfied with the war of bullying, but his army was only in a team of 2 10000 5000. No big waves can be turned over, just that the nobles in the territory near the battlefield Dinant Plains were born with the Knight Group directly under the kingdom. After all, the lords near the battlefield are obliged to assist the king in the war.

The same is true for Tigre.

“Isn’t that a winning war?”

Tigre said lightly.


Mashas is not optimistic, the elderly Knight seems to understand the situation.

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