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The residual wind scrolls the nebula, strong ice shocks and wilderness.

The raging winds overlap, the sky changes color, the sunset falls, the crescent moon hangs, the bright light reflects on the Knight Princess wearing silver armor, and the white cuffs that dance with the wind flutter and flutter, far away Looking at it from a distance, as if Dancing Princess appeared from the middle of the month.

Suddenly, from the bright moon, Knight Princess slashed the teeth of glaciers that ran through the sky and the earth, and rushed into the army opposite.

The stationed Duke Thenardier’s army was immediately shocked. Their master will be directly frozen by Arthur in the ice teeth. Through the frost faults, he can even clearly see his shocked expression before the freezing.

“Strong enemies are present, fearless, fearless, devoted, loyal, soulless, loyal, upright, and honest, and die die than submit, to protect the weak, no violation of heaven!

Knight Group, charge! ! !

Let the rebellious army helping tyrant Zhòu in his oppression be annihilated under the iron hoof of our justice! ! “

Arthur held Sode no Shirayuki a command of charge.




Even if there are only 300 people, the morale is more violent than the 3000, and the imposing manner is so fierce!

at the same time–

“Knight Group, follow the Spirit Knight-sama charge sent by Gods!”

“Knight Group, follow the Spirit Knight-sama charge sent by Gods!”

At this moment, Grandiose rushed into the two cavalry squadrons from the left and right wings. The smoke and dust rose into the sky, and it was impossible to tell the number of people. In fact, the total of these two was only 2. However, because of the branch tied to the ponytail, Mercedes rushed The dust is like a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses Mercedes-Benz! !

The Lord will be frozen in the column of ice teeth, and the remaining soldiers look around in confusion. At the same time, the cavalry led by Arthur shouted the flag of justice and their morale has fallen a lot, and the gods are extremely noble in the hearts of ordinary soldiers. Yes, Arthur was rendered as Gods’ Spirit Knight, and with such a beautiful and powerful force, they made them completely frightened, as if fighting against Gods …

3 After the Cavalry rushed into the army of the left-behind army, even if the left-behind army was also elite, but without morale, it was just a group of dull puppets. Let Arthur and his men rush to kill.

At this moment, Arthur understands the importance of being in justice and having justice, so it seems to be like a god, and the deified things have a great influence on ordinary soldiers. Brune, who believes in Ten Gods, is in awe of the gods. After all, the founding country King Charles is Guided by Gods to become a king, and Arthur now incarnation has become the identity of Gods’ Spirit Knight, naturally occupying the righteousness.

“Duke Thenardier betrayed the king, betrayed Gods, and I, as Gods’ Spirit Knight, came to help Prince Regnas to punish the traitors. Those who persist in your own wrong doings, etc., did not lay down their weapons, surrendered to me, disarmed, not surrendered Killing is all Brune’s people. Why do you have to face each other with swords? Are you waiting for the royal family or the duke? “

On the battlefield of Arthur, the rebelliously defeating each and everyone opponents, whether it is hard armor or a thick giant shield, were easily cut off by him. The black hair was greeted by the wind, and a piece of bright The crystal of ice fluttered around his body …

The brave Spirit Knight seems to be the Gods’ Messenger coming in a dream. The gorgeous and beautiful body makes even the opponent’s soldiers have to pay attention. Gradually, all the hostile soldiers are convinced by Arthur’s powerful Above the appearance of strength and out of the ordinary, even the crescent moon above the sky was bright and clean because of him.


The fighting continued for an hour before it gradually subsided. All the people who were loyal to the Lord in the public were beheaded, and the rest were captured by Arthur.

As night fell, Arthur and Tigre merged in Celestia City. Arthur asked the captive soldiers to atone for the residents of Alsace Territory to rebuild Celestia City together.

Although he defeated the remaining 3000 people, Arthur always had a bad hunch that Duke Thenardier would not send 2 people to attack.

“Arthur, I learned from the captives that Zion took two dragons to march, one Earth Dragon and one Wyvern, and Titta was kidnapped by him!”

Tigre approached Arthur immediately after dealing with some things.

“Dragon !! Why did I forget to interrogate the captives? It turned out that this was the reason for the anxiety. No, I want to go on a single ride. Tigre and you will bring these 1000 Knights to catch me up after dawn. Celestia still has a lot of things that you need to deal with. Moreover, the soldiers did not have much physical strength. They walked in Voyes Mountain Range for a day, then extinguished the fire, and fought for another day. They were already so tired that they could not let them march again … “

Arthur stuffed the bread 2 to 3 times into his mouth and hurried towards the stable.

“No, I will be with you too, I will save Titta!”

Tigre couldn’t stay any longer. After knowing that Titta was in Zion’s hands, she couldn’t calm down at all.

“No! The residents in Celestia need your City Lord to comfort you. Only one night, you have to deal with all matters carefully. This is your territory. As the lord, you have the responsibility to protect it, and–

If Zion really wants to kill Titta then it is possible … but if he wants to keep Titta to humiliate you, then Titta is temporarily safe.

By the way, this black bow, you hold it, it is your heirloom! Closed. “

Arthur handed the black bow to Tigre, pulled his horse out of the stable and turned it over. With a horse’s belly, he drove out of the city and galloped starry night …

“Safe travels!”

Tigre looked at the black bow in his hand, and then looked at Arthur’s background. He grasped the black bow tightly. He thought that the black bow was also burned. He didn’t expect that Arthur had taken it out of the fire. Then he must thank him.

“Tigre-sama … What’s wrong with Arthur-sama? Should I call the soldiers?”

A Knight team attendant came to ask Tigre.

“Knight Princess is going to march through the night and doesn’t want everyone to be tired anymore, so we rested one night and set off.”

Tigre sighed said.

“How is this possible, Arthur-sama underestimates our Knight spirit, no, I want to call everyone together, we will never be humiliating to Arthur-sama!”

The team attendant frowned and said, now they just want to fight with Knight Princess and fight with Spirit Knight. It is their glory!

“Knight Princess is favored by Gods, it will not be a problem, but we need to rest one night to have enough physical struggle, do not let the soldiers get up again, they are also reaching the limit, and saved all the residents of Celestia, you have The Quest has been completed with honor. “

Tigre patted the soldier’s shoulder and said with a long heart.

“Okay, Tigre-sama, take a break earlier …”

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