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Ludmila rushed to Brune’s barracks quickly, immediately came to Arthur’s tent, and said that she was worried about Arthur, but she didn’t believe that Arthur would die. What she worried about was what shameful things Eleonora would do.

“Yo, I haven’t seen you in a few days. You are still a little guy. You haven’t grown much!”

As soon as he entered Arthur’s tent, Ludmila was stretched by Eleonora and pressed against his head. “It seems that the chest and the chest are more shrunk …”

“You brutal rude guy, take your claws away!”

Ludmila glanced at Eleonora’s chest, and the two balls that kept shaking were about to take her face.

“Last didn’t touch was enough last time, so do you want to touch it again, ah, Lourie Family’s etiquette is really too flattering, think men want to be crazy?”

Eleonora said contemptuously.

“Who would be as rude as you are, and as Vanadis, you have to be a little self-knowledge … I am different from you, but there is an agreement between me and Knight Princess. In this world, his first return to me, what I can take it at any time, and I am not the same as a reckless person! “

Ludmila reached out to open Eleonora’s arm and said confidently.

“Oh, the guy who hangs small bottles of jam and black tea around his waist all day is also eligible to talk to me about etiquette! It’s ridiculous.”

Eleonora hummed.

“I don’t always bring them with you! You guys … die!”

Ludmila was poked at the sore spot and took out his blue gun.

“Exactly, let me teach you!”

Eleonora also pulled out the Silver Flash sword.

“You two! Stop, this is a ward, you can’t make any noise, let Brune’s people find us Zchted’s Vanadis fighting with each other, but it’s not honorable, forget, I’ll help him wake up, you go!”

Lim pressed his head in a headache, and the two would argue if they met.

“Aha … did we argue, didn’t we?”

Eleonora hit Haha and Ludmila together in an instant.

“That’s what we call friendly greetings, Lieutenant Lim, this is not yours Ah …”

Ludmila also put away the long spear. Compared with being kicked out, pretending to be a friendly relationship with Elen is nothing.


Um, then split second, Lim has a blinding feeling, if these two guys can do well, she will go backwards!

“Okay, don’t waste your time, help Arthur undress, Lim. You’re done at the door, don’t let anyone come in.”

“Yes, yes, especially that Regnas!”

Eleonora and Ludmila, who have a common enemy, are rarely reconciled.


I’m in trouble when undressing, who comes first?

“Mine above, yours below!”

Eleonora decided happily.

“Why am I below?”

Ludmila feels that the higher is higher than the lower. She thinks that she has a good education, she must be above Eleonora.

“I have a large number of adults, don’t you say that you have made an appointment for the first time, and you can do it casually, and hand it over to me, I am still Eleonora Viltaria!

Eleonora patted her chest and said that she would n’t be cheaper for Ludmila. If it belongs to her, she can feed her mouth to mouth in a while. She does n’t believe that Ludmila really has the courage to do that kind of thing, so now the upper part is very advantageous. of.

“No … how do I think you are cheating!”

Ludmila looked at Eleonora suspiciously.

“Okay, then give it to me. I said I didn’t touch it before. If you’re not afraid of being taken away by me for the first time, you can change it to the top.”

Eleonora squinted and said quickly.

“But … there are more touchable things on top, there are only legs below …”

Ludmila’s eyes narrowed.

“Don’t believe it yet, Arthur-chan’s legs are beautiful. If you want to give them to me, I can play with those legs for a year, or the non-stop kind!”

Eleonora patted his conscience and said that he wanted to touch Arthur’s leg last time at Crescent Lake.

“Is it really so beautiful?”

Ludmilia’s cheeks came red.

“Of course, you can see how good his skin is. His legs don’t have any fat muscles. They are as tight and slender as a girl. They must be elastic and creamy. If you feel them …”

Eleonora began to turn around.

“Don’t say it … your saliva comes out!”

Ludmila looked at Eleonora in disgust.

“If you want to play with it, you can play with that leg for a year?”

Eleonora laughed in his heart, the legs were fun, but the top was more fun, but it would be nice to be able to play together, but unfortunately this is in Brune’s Barracks, if the dispute comes, don’t want to play at all. Arthur, this Knight Princess is unconscious. If you are awake, you want to play dreaming!

“Ghosts want you to play. I will be the one who will be the next, and I will be generous today!”

Ludmila hummed.

“I said … Eleonora-sama, Ludmilia-sama, please whisper, don’t talk so fiercely, pay attention to the image! Can’t you just take off your clothes and take a shower?”

Lim blushed to his neck after listening to it for a while, these two guys really can talk.

“To understanding……”

“You are optimistic about the door …”

Eleonora and Ludmila looked at each other and began to take off Arthur’s clothes.


After taking off the outer armor and the inner shirt, Ludmila felt blind—

Is this really a man’s body?

It’s the work of the Gods. It’s just a masterpiece. After the clothes are not wrapped, an intoxicating scent permeates every pore of the body, as if its own dust is instantly removed. It’s really fragrant.

And the magnificent pure skin reveals crystal-like luster, crystal clear and near-transparent ……

Okay, blind …

Obviously a man, she actually felt that she had profaned him, what the hell felt.

And it really feels like this leg is coming, because most of the strength is filled here, the slender feeling is beyond the silk, tight and powerful and soft, and indeed Eleonora did not tell lies.

“Let me play, I regret it …”

Eleonora regretted that Ludmila was playing with her legs, and the skin there was really perfect.

“No, don’t change it. Who knows whether you will lick it on a wild beast like you!”

Ludmila said firmly, and she hasn’t played enough on this leg yet. Although she doesn’t play it for a year, it’s OK to play for a while … The ghost knows how she likes to play on Arthur’s leg!

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