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Arthur’s decided to confuse everyone throughout the meeting, and suddenly this decision was made …

Moreover, there are 10000 Muozinnel troops on the southeast border, leaving only 1000 cavalry and a lesser-known border Earl Tigrevurmud Vorn. Even with the support of the Viscount of Territoire Territory, can the suddenly recruited teams come in handy?

“Knight Arthur, can you tell me why? The 30000 army is going to Olmutz, is it to fight Zhcted?”

Regin looked at Arthur for unknown reasons.

“There is no time to explain to you, Her Highness the Princess, now I am acting for the military.”

Arthur was deeply exhaled, explaining that a lot of time would be wasted, and now there is a delay, then …

“Although I did experience the previous pains, but I have cheered up, Knight Arthur, as Princess, I have the right to know, you want to fight with Zhcted, it will affect our Brune’s honor, after all, I have just been with Zhcted before. Completed the peace talks.

Brune is now in internal trouble and outside aggression, if even the friendly Zhcted has become our enemy, then … “

Regin is also serious, after all, she wants to consider for the kingdom, she is not a puppet.

Recently, she has heard a lot of questions about her. Now the army can unite because of Arthur, Spirit Knight, Moonlight Knight Princess, Princess of Dancing Blades, Dancing Moon Princess, not her weak Princess.

Although she knows that Arthur is a just Knight, if you let the soldiers think like this, she will definitely …


For a time, the entire Conference Hall froze, and the atmosphere was terrifying.

Will the conflict between Knight Princess and Princess finally open?

“Betting on the glory of Knight, I, Ace Arthur Tepes Scarlet Clanquire have absolutely no sense of injustice. If your Highness doubts my loyalty, please allow me to wander away. Since then, everything that happened to Brune Kingdom has nothing to do with me! “

Arthur put his fist on his chest and said absolutely and decisively.

“Say me, just go straight, be suspected …”

Shana tried to speak, but Arthur covered her mouth.

“His Royal Highness, Ah …”

“Without Arthur-sama, how are we …”

“How can Spirit Knight from Gods …”


Suddenly almost all the nobles and generals were surprised. Although they were also surprised that Arthur’s strategy was strange, they must not lose him at this time, and Arthur rescued all the people here under difficult circumstances.

“Her Highness the Princess … Knight Arthur, in my opinion, this is just a misunderstanding, I think there must be something urgent, time is running out so Knight Arthur ca n’t explain too much, so how—

As we move forward, Knight Arthur explained to us, do n’t delay time, after all, fighters are precious, time is life. “

Mashas said quickly.

“Yeah, it’s Ah …”

“Mashas-sama’s words are …”


“Okay, then I agree to march, but Knight Arthur, I am responsible for Brune and 30000 soldiers, you must tell me why.”

Regin had no choice but to agree. In fact, she knew the result, but at the moment she was able to stand up and make everyone aware that her Princess exists.


Arthur and Regin walked on the front of the team on fast horses and started to communicate.

“Her Highness the Princess, you are doing very well, I thought you would always be silent, in fact, I also want to see you like this.”

Arthur suddenly smiled.

Regin stared at Arthur dumbfounded, didn’t he?

“Now the soldiers have talked about it. If you do n’t give me a dismissal in public, then how do the soldiers know your existence? You are Princess. You have to know your identity. This bitter plan is necessary. This is about … “

Arthur’s smile was very cheerful.

“The reason is this, Lord Knight Arthur, please forgive Regin’s dullness and make you suffer … everything is for me.”

Tears slipped from the corner of Regin’s eyes. Suddenly, there was a warmth in her heart. From the previous shock to the present, the only warmth she felt was given by Arthur. In order to cheer her up, she had to act …

“Where, as a Knight, to have a spirit of sacrifice, I want to bring peace to Brune, that’s all, okay, it’s all right–

I guess Muozinel used a thousand thousand army!

The 50000 attack on the southern port is indeed the main force, but what is the battle of the Muozinel country, it is the ‘looting’ slave, after all, it is the only country that retains the slave system, and the war is the plunder for them, isn’t it?

However, there is nothing to grab on the desolate border, at most a few thousand slaves, they want more slaves and wealth!

I said before that Ganelon and Muozinel collaborated, but Ganelon did not give a soldier or a soldier, even money and materials, so what can be given is the intelligence and those virtual promises after the war. Muozinel wins, Ganelon will give For more things, you do n’t have to give it if you lose. It can be seen that Ganelon is doing business with no cost.

So what is this intelligence?

If you think about it, Ganelon wants to get rid of us, then this information can give us absolute damage.

Highness Regin, what are you most afraid of when fighting? “

Arthur asked.

“The most scared … of course is a sudden turn, the opponent has reinforcements, or the weather changes …”

Regin still doesn’t understand.

“Exactly, people’s eyes grow in front, but they can’t see in the back. What can be seen is not worthy of fear, but invisible …

It was fear, so Muozinel would miraculously appear in the Brune border and attack us.

But can Muoznel in the south be able to teleportation behind us? Although this idea is false, it is not impossible. I guess that Muozinel’s army is advancing along the border of Zchted’s Olmutz towards Brune, the number is about 50000!

You now understand why I should march in a hurry? “

There was an unpredictable curvature in Arthur’s mouth.

“But Tatra Mountain Range is between Brune and Olmutz, and Olmutz Dukedom’s Vanadis has a stronghold on Tatra Mountain Range … Is the information sent by Ganelon a safe passage?”

gradually Regin straightened out his thoughts, and there was cold sweat behind his back. If Muozinel really appeared suddenly behind him, still 50000 troops, then …

But this is only possible, why Arthur is so sure that Muozinel will 100% …

“Don’t let slip an opportunity, the loss will never come, the art of war will be clouded, and the soldiers will also be deceitful, so they can’t show it, they can’t show it. Lure it, take it chaotically, actually prepare it, strong avoid it, anger and scratch it, humble and arrogant, don’t work, and leave it alone. Attacking it is unprepared and unexpected. Don’t pass it first.

The way to use troops lies in countless changes.

Fighting with soldiers is a capricious technique. Various methods are needed to deceive and confuse the enemy. Deception is the core and foundation of all strategies. Simply put, the paradox is that continuously creates mystery, so that the enemy cannot understand our true intentions, thereby disrupting the enemy ’s strategic thinking, the deployment and operation rhythm of the force, in this case, the enemy will change from reality to reality. , From prepared to unprepared.

Muozinel’s leader is a cunning old fox, so as long as he reveals a little fox’s tail, he must hold it tightly, and then fight against the generals and cut off his head!

As long as he dares to really enter Brune, I will let him go back and forth, 50000 troops are damaged on Brune’s ground, then for at least a few years, Muozinel has no guts to attack Brune and Zhucted.

However, you can’t underestimate the other party. Since you have the courage to pass Ganelon’s secret path, you must have a backward route, but unfortunately we don’t have more preparation time, otherwise, Muozinel’s army can be completely defeated.

So this time will not be such a simple victory, only a tie that’s all … “

Arthur sighed.

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