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Mashas’ questioning made Arthur hesitate for a moment, Zephyria, where the name seemed to have been heard, and it was a name that had been heard recently.

Gradually, Arthur remembered that Valentina had told him what he was the reincarnation of Zephyria.

“Sir Mashas, ​​that’s just circulated, and there are many similar people in the world. I can’t conclude that Knight Arthur is Zephyria, and Zephyria has been dead that many years. Whether people have reincarnated or not is not yet known.”

Regin clenched her fists, and she never believed that Arthur would be Zephyria.

“You can’t be careful, Your Royal Highness. Recently, the veteran investigated Knight Arthur’s identity, definitely not Brune’s, and suddenly appeared in Alsace Territory to participate in the war of Dinant Plains.

If it is Knights dispatched by Gods, it is indeed possible to believe the reason for her sudden appearance.

However, as Muozinel preaches, she is also the reincarnation of Zephyria. Your Highness must also understand that the country of Asvarre is now in civil strife.

You must have heard about it, right?

Asvarre’s King King Zacharias has passed away. Rumors have it that it was food poisoning or accidents. However, no matter which country will face the situation of the throne.

King Zacharias has 6 children directly, and left a last word before the death of the elder male Germaine. However, a few days before the coronation of Germaine Prince (wearing crown), Germaine Prince summoned his siblings to the court. After that, they were killed once in the name of suspected rebellion.

Although the news is very secret, our country in contact with Asvarre already has information there.

If this were the case, Germaine Prince ’s succession would be smooth. After all, all Prince and Princess were dead, but the weird thing was that someone escaped from Germaine, that is Second Prince Eliot and First Princess Guinevere.

The chaos has begun since–

After ensuring his own safety, Eliot launched a rebellion against the big brother. Although it was the last king ’s last words, there were many noble lords who resisted and killed the 4 Prince and Princess ’s Germaine. This time the rebellion was successful, and Germaine abandoned the palace and fled Now …

I will not elaborate on the details, but your Highness should also understand the importance of the reincarnation of His Highness Zephyria?

During this civil strife, if Zephyria supports one party, then this party must be Selection of the King, not to mention that Knight Arthur is so powerful, and it also proves that the historical overlord Zephyria is brave and unparalleled, and the rumor is about to reach Asvarre the time comes there must be various spies coming to investigate Knight Arthur’s appearance … “

Mashas said dejectedly.

For a time, all the nobles in the conference hall and Princess Regin’s hands were extremely pale.

At this time they are the only ones who cannot lose Knight Arthur’s.

“I do n’t understand if I am Zephyria, I ca n’t deny it, I ca n’t be sure, because I do n’t know my origin, but, Her Highness the Princess, and everyone, my Ace Arthur Tepes Scarlet Clanquire swears with my soul. Never leave before peace is ushered in!

Even if I really had to be the reincarnation of Zephyria, then I would return to Asvarre when Brune was at peace, when Her Highness the Princess took the throne.

Knight is the one who keeps his promises the most, and swearing to the soul is impossible to repent and blasphemy, so you can rest assured? “

Arthur said, stroking his chest firmly.

“So, great, there are others in your Highness to relax, I think Your Highness Arthur will not abandon us.”

Mashas waited for Arthur’s sentence.

“Are you really His Highness Zephyria?”

Regin couldn’t help but look at Arthur.

“Don’t I send Gods to Brune’s Spirit Knight?”

Arthur smiled and asked back.

“Yes, you must send Gods to Brune’s Spirit Knight!”

Regin said positively.

“So, now let’s discuss how to pass the thenardier and Ganelon’s defense line …”

Arthur folded his smile and unfolded the map—

“Now we are on Brune’s Agnes, which is the southeastern border, and Northwest is King Nice, but now it is not so simple to enter the king. The central city of Duke Thenardier’s territory, Lance, is also in Northwest and is located directly under King Nice. The westward direction, that is, just in front of us, is unlikely to bypass, and other small nobles or the like may inform the Duke.

In other words, only meet force with force is possible.

But one thing to consider, Duke Thenardier, if we win, then there will be Duke Ganelon afterwards, and he will not easily put His Royal Highness into the King Capital.

Therefore, I would like to divide the troops into two groups, all the way against Duke Thenardier, and all the way against Duke Ganelon.

Considering the difficulty of this battle, we can ask Zchted’s Vanadis for help. We have a favor for Wind Princess of the Silver Flash and Snow Princess of the Frozen Wave. It ’s time to use them. About the two countries involved For diplomatic relations, we do not use Zchted’s King, we directly hire 2 Vanadis by way of employment!

On the battlefield of Dinant, we treated Leitmeritz’s more than 2000 captives friendly and had friendship with Wind Princess of the Silver Flash. When fighting in the canyon, we fought side by side with Snow Princess of the Frozen Wave …

I think even Zchted’s King understood there is no way. After all, we have helped them a lot. The canyon battle when the time comes can be said to be Muozinel ’s invasion of Zhcted. As a friendly proof of the neighboring countries, we saved Zchted ’s Olmutz Dukedom at any cost. Snow Princess of the Frozen Wave.

Diplomacy is a matter of bluffing, and from the previous peace talks process, Zchted’s King is an Anti-Army messy king, as is some of the information learned from Eleonora and Ludmila. Zchted’s country is very doomed in internal affairs, with Brune’s His Majesty The King is the same.

forgive me to speak bluntly, if not His Majesty The King, let the nobles grow up, the 2 Dukes impossible have such a momentum … “

“Help Zchted’s Vanadis? Sir Mashas, ​​what do you think?”

Regin said thoughtfully.

“It’s feasible. Knight Arthur is not wrong. If we rely on our own strength, we can’t deal with two powerful enemies at all, and the battlefield we are fighting with Duke Thenardier is a plain area. There are not many strategies in this place. It depends entirely on the force of meet force with force. Maybe we won, but there is Ganelon in front of us. It is clearly a wise choice. “

Mashas couldn’t help but admire Arthur’s method and actually hired Vanadis to participate in the war. This is unprecedented.

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