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The entire battlefield was almost shrouded in Arthur’s Reality Marble space, which made the instinct morale of the Army of Thenardier unstable.

The unsold soldiers were weak by one point.

Even more deeply hit is that Ganelon’s remnants have left and right before Arthur’s. They don’t want to fight anymore. After all, Spirit of Knight, favored by King of Gods Perkunas, is not something they can contend with. If you want to compete with Gods, only dead end.

On the battlefield, no one will fear death, and being with him at any time is the consciousness he faces after becoming a soldier.

However, it does not matter that you are not afraid of death.

If death has its place, then fighting is a must.

Now they have no reason to fight!

Because of Reality Marble, the scene was enlarged, so the five-headed dragon could not threaten Ganelon’s more than 5 parts.

“Overlord Zephyria! If you are a Spirit Knight sent by a simple Gods, then my thenardier can only admit defeat. After all, he is an enemy to God, and it is really unwise. I then believe that Godardier Family never believes in Gods, but the appearance of God has to be believed.

However, now that you are also Zephyria or Red Dragon King Artoria, then I ca n鈥檛 lose without a fight. As Lord Brune Nemetacum 鈥檚, I have the right to protect this land. Then, the honor of thenardier 鈥檚 will never allow any outsiders to invade Brune 鈥檚 land. !

charge! ~! “

Duke Thenardier’s face is fearless, even Gods, he has to fight. If Arthur is a Spirit Knight sent by Gods alone, he will not stand for the hegemony with Princess Regin. However, Knights of the Round Table was summoned out, which means that Arthur’s identity is twofold, and Asvarre’s King must be kicked out!

“Knights of the Round Table, charge !!”

Arthur’s cheeks showed a cold color, even if Thenardier surrendered, he would not allow it, and he would not be called Brune’s hope by conquering the tyrannical Duke.

“Follow the king!”

The members of Knights of the Round Table’s looked at Arthur’s silhouette, revealing a firm expression, exactly like the king’s breath, being summon here, they have the obligation to fight for the king and charge with the king.

Steid led the proud axemen of Thenardier collided with Knights of the Round Table led by Arthur. Even with the powerful battle strength, Knights of the Round Table are all elites, plus Heroic Spirit The body is not afraid of pain and life and death, they are invincible!

The five-headed dragon was dealt with by Shana, Ludmila and Eleonora.

Among them, 3 are Earth Dragon with earth-yellow scales, one is Fire Dragon with red-brown scales like stone bricks, and the largest one is at the back. The skin and scale armor are reminiscent of metal-like iron, dark Silver is mixed with black steel colors, and Fire Dragon and Two-headed Dragon have huge dark chains on their bodies.

“Ougi: Shinku !!!”

Shana’s behind him exhibited Wings of Crimson flying high into the sky. The Samurai knife in his hand was wrapped with red flame flame, and at the same time was wrapped with the flame of Shinku again. The double-layered flame represented Shana’s understanding of crimson flame and made it Unrestricted Spell with modernization.

The Samurai knife wrapped around the flame became extremely large, and was thrust forward by Shana in a very natural posture, while chanting a name in the power of the crimson flame, it was launched-

“Guren Danzai!”

Guren (crimson) 艑dachi’s front flame turned into a huge blade.

With the loudly shouted voice falling.

Guren (crimson) 艑dachi went straight to the front of the three heads of Earth Dragon along the sword, and One Cut Split into Two together with the earth. After the slash, the body of the three heads of Earth Dragon was crushed and evaporated instantly, with the High heat of evaporation …

The whole world in front of you is like Guren’s hot furnace hell, which confirms Shana’s power, the Crimson flame of Judgement and Condemnation, Flame-Haired Burning-Eyed Hunter.

As Arthur’s power increased, Shana’s power was also sublimated!

Then Eleonora and Ludmila who rushed up also used Dragonic Art not to be outdone!



Eleonora and Ludmila 2 breathed their real names held by Vralt.

The two heads of the Two-headed Dragon stared at Alan all the time. Allen glared at his eyes, waving his long sword. There are almost 2 combos with no interval, and it seems that there is still physical strength.

The atmospheric sounds converge on the Arifar held by Eleonora, forming tornado with infinitely overlapping wind blades, and then shouting their skills-

“Silver Flash 鈥?Hundred Tornado Dance!”

At the same time as Eleonora’s shouts.

Ludmila also released Dragonic Art, releasing a huge air conditioner from the spear head of Lavias-

“Frozen Wave 鈥?Ice Splitting the Vault of Heaven!”

However imposing manner is majestic, but the result is not as good as I want!

Eleonora’s storm blade, which can cut the earth and tear the atmosphere, advanced to the eyes of the Two-headed Dragon and stopped, as if there was an invisible wall blocking the storm’s violent wind, and then there was strong friction. Save.

At the same time, the huge cold air from Ludmila instantly froze the ground, and the ice gun that protruded from the ground not at all pierced the Fire Dragon as if there was a defensive cover to block the attack.

At this time, Fire Dragon, who was breathing, opened his mouth, deep in the dark mouth, and immediately sprayed Red Lotus Fire, impacting Ludmila.

“Silver Flash 鈥?Shadow Wind !!!”

At this moment, Eleonora instantly pulled his foot out of the stirrup and then jumped up. At the same time, Two-headed Dragon used its two heads to attack from the left and right to lift the head and tail section of the war horse riding on Eleonora into two halves and devoured it.

The horses were eaten before they even whined.

Eleonora leaped into the air with the aid of the wind channel created by Arifar, directly moved towards Ludmila, ran to the ground, held Mila and fell down to the ground, and then held Ludmila in her arms, but behind her was facing the Fire Dragon The fiery fire erupted from the mouth.

The blazing flame instantly melted the clothes on Eleonora’s back …

“Fool! Why …”

Ludmila frowned at Eleonora, even though he was injured to save her …

“Will you also show such an expression? Where did your arrogance go?”

Eleonora looked at the tears in the corner of Ludmila’s eyes. This guy of her age who had been arguing until now would cry?

“If you …”

Ludmila immediately used frost to freeze the burn behind Eleonora …

“Fortunately, the burning place is not the chest. I am proud of it. If the place is gone, there is no way to set off your chest …”

Eleonora blinked his eyes and said that although painful, Vanadis would not fall so easily.

“Stupid, still at this time, it really is a vulgar guy … I won’t appreciate you, at most allow you to wear Arthur’s ** in the future …” Ludmila said with curled lips.

“Without your permission, I have already put it on!”


“Vanadis who was saved, you really are …”

“Aah, you and I are not finished …”


“Urusai urusai …… What should I quarrel to go home, this is the battlefield, and if you get up, you will fight again!”

Shana blocked the Fire Dragon’s flames and frowned at the two arguing fools behind him.

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