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Brilliant Princess of the Light Flower Sofya Obertas said goodbye to Arthur and returned to Zhcted Kingdom.

From her mouth, Arthur knew that Sofy had been to Przeps, a port north of Zhcted, to Asvarre’s Eliot His Highness the Prince to seek an alliance.

But because Muozinel’s invaded the borders of the three countries, Sofy returned to his homeland and made some arrangements. At this time, Brune’s civil strife also broke out. So, Zchted’s King Viktor hoped that Sofy would go and question why Brune’s king hired Zchted’s Vanadis, and directly passed His king, of course, has a bad face, so he came here to seek benefits.

In fact, he did fight for the benefits, and the specifics were not something Arthur could understand.

Sofy Vanadis has a Vralt tin rod like a kind of ceremonial or witch-like prayer tool, so Viktor is often instructed to visit countries, and she does n’t seem to be underestimated, so it is easy to enter countries. .

After Sofy returns this time, he will go to Asvarre again. The reason why King Viktor supports Eliot is that Eliot did not kill his own family, but Germaine has suspiciously killed his younger brother younger sisters by temperament. Such people are probably Viktor. Consider it an unbelievable ally, and Eliot ’s coup d’ état succeeded in driving Germaine out of the palace.

The territory of the country of Asvarre is 2 in 2 areas, one is the island above the sea, the other is the land bordering Sachstein and Brune, the island is the center of the Asvarre palace, and Imperial City is established on that island country. Eliot drove Germaine out of the palace, and now it is Eliot who occupies the island country, and Germaine on the mainland.

As for Princess Guinevere, she has no territory and hides, and the nobles and forces who support her are the least.

Elen and Mila 2 left at not immediately, but asked Arthur’s future plans.

“I had hoped that you would get any titles and territories in Brune, and then I took a guest for a while, but now it seems almost impossible, King Faron is so ruthless, even the Spirit Knight sent by Gods is so refusal … as long as I know, I will support Duke Thenardier. “

Ludmila hugged indignantly for Arthur and said that even if there were maidens around, she looked unscrupulous.

“I didn’t expect you to be so rude to ignore etiquette, Mila, but I agree with this …”

Elen was also unconvinced.

“Don’t think so … I will change your savage girl …”

Mila said with a straight chest, a self-righteous look.

“It’s you who are savage, tell me, how do you push Arthur, how does it taste, it seems quite cool to see you …”

Elen looked at Mila’s body curiously.

“You go to die! Vulgar, tasteless, and unsophisticated country folks!”

Mila’s face was suddenly purple.

“… Don’t quarrel, I will go to Asvarre’s 3 messengers. If they stay in Brune all the time, they will definitely make the public officials of the capital of Nice have some doubts about me. It is time to leave this country.”

Arthur not at all Any displeasure, as Knight, cleanses himself, does not admire vanity, does not count gains and losses, walks in the world with the will of self.

“Shall I lend you Lim, you are alone in Asvarre this time, and it’s nice to have an adjutant who is proficient in all kinds of affairs next to you? With a small chested loli around you all day, your hobby will become Strange, I do n’t want you to have any interest when I push you! “

Elen extend the hand arms around Arthur’s shoulders and said that the soft silver hair and Arthur’s black hair interweave very well, and the elastic skin squeezed Arthur’s chest.

“Asshole! I want to kill you, and no one can stop him from becoming a lolicon!”

Shana’s ears are still very sensitive, she is not a little guy!

“The chest is concentrated with essence. Whoever is like you is full of empty cotton. It is a strange appearance to grow so big!” Mila said disapprovingly. What happened to the chest, Arthur was good.

“Aaah … you quiet me, I tell you, I am a girl!”

Arthur exploded, pushing away three fools violently, and then walked towards the other palace, where there were Asvarre’s messengers.


Arthur entered the other palace, and carefully looked at the three messengers—

Wrapped in a black cloak, is it a woman in terms of body shape?

One is about 25 years old, with short blonde hair and transparent blond youngster, the sun-tanned face is sharply tight and very powerful, with domineering and curiosity in his sight, not fat or thin but very suitable for armor Stomach-dressed youth, very temperamental people, but unlike nobles, should be similar to the kind of teenagers in the country.

The last one is a young man in his twenties. It ’s very tall, rather than a burly figure. It ’s a rough figure. His wrists are particularly thick. He wears a decorative leather armor. From the cocoon on his finger, it should be the bow Is it like a skillful person like Tigre?

“Zephyria … Your Highness!”

In the split second in which Arthur came in, the three of them suddenly froze, and yes, it was His Highness Zephyria, who even behaved the same way, so much!

“Well, it doesn’t matter if you are Zephyria, my current name is Ace Arthur Tepes Scarlet Clanquire, just call me Arthur … talk about the three of you …”

Arthur sat on the seat calmly and watched three people.

“My name is Tallard Graham. I am a kid from a fishing village. I want to kill the tyrannical and stupid Germaine Prince. Although I was asked by Germaine for help on this trip, I want to be Asvarre’s King with your help!”

The short-haired man did not hide his thoughts. He believed that His Highness Zephyria was definitely not an ordinary person.

“My name is Harmith, a subordinate noble, a viscount, but Eliot is able to treat my ordinary person like a companion. Eliot Prince cooperates with the pirates because it is a last resort. Now with the help of Zephyria … Your Highness Arthur, you will Cut off the relationship with the pirates and fight against the pirates. Germaine’s kinship cannot be a kind king. “

Said the burly youngster.


Under the sound of a very beautiful spring, the girl opened the cloak, and the black hair at the waist was slightly green, the body was slightly full, the face was a pale white egg face, and the face was slender eyes, slender bridge, Thin lips, a woman shocked by heaven and earth——

“Guinevere Colchicum Ophelia Bedivere Asvarre …”

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