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[There are many things in the New Year, and the update time is not stable, but the lamb will change 5 times a day. If you can update on time, try to be on time. I hope you understand.

After entering the fishing village, Arthur and Guinevere were temporarily separated, but Arthur still let Shana and Lim protect Guinevere’s safety. He and Olga 2 people came to the blacksmith shop. The moment when the overlord Zephyria arrived at Asvarre’s and disappeared ashore, it came.

Therefore, the villagers of the entire small fishing village came out to watch the same. Although the pirates have been raging recently, many people seem to have the courage to hear the name Zephyria.

I have to say that Arthur and the place they landed on is a very good fishing village. It seems to be a god. The blacksmith shop in this fishing village is very complete, and the person who made the iron is a descendant of a member of the Knights of the Round Table. Not a direct lineage, but also a noble house holding Knight, and after this, the blacksmith’s family also served the king Zephyria.

In this blacksmith shop there is a portrait of Zephyria enshrined, like a Guardian God.

“His Highness Zephyria!”

The overlord who bowed down every day was in front of him, and the old blacksmith was almost in tears.

“This Senior must not be excited. This time I was born in Asvarre. Naturally, it is to bring peace to this kingdom. In order to bring permanent peace to Asvarre, I hope I can borrow your blacksmith shop to build Ark. Summon is noble in this world. Knights of the Round Table permanently guard the stability and peace of this country. “

Arthur lifted the old blacksmith and said softly.

“Zephyria wants to calm down the civil strife, please let me join your Knight Group too. My unscrupulous son opposed Germaine Prince, became a pirate, as a father, and for the loyalty of Knight Group, I must kill him myself. Although I am an old book, my physique is still very strong! “

The old blacksmith said seriously, pointing to a pair of Knight armor in the blacksmith’s shop.

“Why would your son oppose Germaine?”

Arthur couldn’t help asking.

“Germaine Prince indulges the soldiers to force food … Alas, even so, they can’t betray Asvarre’s King’s room.” The old blacksmith was helpless, his son’s blood was …

“This is what you did wrong. Prince broke the law and sinned with the people. As Knight, naturally he must have a pure soul, fairness and justice, and dare to resist the violence. Descendants of Round Table, then I think you can ask your son to try to see if they can be recognized by Ark’s. “

Arthur wanted to promote Ark through this event. Since this blacksmith is a descendant of Knights of the Round Table, everyone in the fishing village should know, then …


Arthur started to build Ark’s without split second after entering the blacksmith’s shop, but waiting for the news to be communicated, it would make sense for more people to gather here.

On the first day, Guinevere brought the nobles who supported her, and after seeing Arthur’s appearance, they were 100% sure that Arthur was Zephyria.

On the second day, Zephyria was circulating throughout the island country as Asvarre’s message.

On the third day, Eliot led his confidant Harmith and the others to the fishing village.

“Your Highness Zephyria, no, Your Highness Arthur, you are so honorable, why not go to the palace, where it should be your place to stay.”

Eliot heard that Arthur wanted to build Ark. He was a little skeptical, but he still came here. After all, the Brune people regarded Arthur as a god. 10000 will really have Ark this thing. He must get it. Having Ark will surely calm Germaine!

“Eliot? Are you also eligible to become Asvarre’s King with the Pirates? But since you are here, then I naturally want to give you a little face. Do you want Ark? Yes, you can get it if you have the ability.”

Arthur looked at Eliot himself, about 25 years old, with a rough and explicit desire similar to a hungry wolf. Desire eyes, a delicate and pretty face that seems to give a superb impression, but has an arrogant attitude, even In the face of Arthur, the tyrant who is Zephyria’s current life, he can raise his arrogant attitude.

“I can be a descendant of the unscrupulous. How can I fight Ark with you? You should grant me Ark to defeat Germaine. He is the traitor, hand-held family, crime deserving ten thousand deaths. Your obligation to appear here is Help me become Asvarre’s King! “

Eliot looked at Arthur blatantly, and he had no temperament similar to that of Zephyria. It was so beautiful. He did not believe that Arthur was Zephyria, but the temperament could not be simulated. The portrait of Zephyria, as long as King Race has been seen countless times, This is Zephyria!

However, such beauties made him more itchy. Compared with the beauties he collected, it was too outstanding. Although he fantasized about his ancestors, it was not a real Zephyria, Reincarnation Body!

It would be nice if it was available.

“Ark belongs to Asvarre’s, as long as you have the ability, after I have built it, although I come to take it, but I want to remind you that the reason why Ark has the name of the holy is to build for the holy Knights of the Round Table. Only Holy Knight can wear it, which can be recognized by Ark, so how about I give you? “

There was no joy or sorrow in Arthur’s face, and there was no disgusting expression at Eliot’s aggressive eyes, but the corner of his mouth smiled playfully.

“Okay, since you said that, I said that I will try to get Ark’s approval on the day of the fight. If I can take it away, it will be mine!”

Eliot also sneered in the corners of his mouth, isn’t it just a few pairs of armor, even if he weighs it he can move away.

“Then I will wait and see!”

Arthur nodded, it’s finally time to build.

The momentum created is already large enough, and the news of him and Ark’s has been spread out by public opinion. At least until Ark’s forging is completed, he is safe.

“How long does it take to forge? Can I watch it?”

Eliot not at all means leaving. Although he believes that Arthur is related to Zephyria, he still questioned. After all, how far can Zephyria come to this World again. So, as long as Arthur deceived him, then he can do it instantly …

Anyway, now he is the most powerful. Germaine will die in his hands sooner or later. The only headache is that Tallard’s guy …

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