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Arthur didn’t know that he and Guinevere were already …

However, I understand that it is similar to what Ludmila does. Although I have read some books about men and women, I still have no special feelings.

Even if those processes happened, Arthur still had a willingness to subconsciously think of herself as a girl.

However, he is not stupid, knowing that he is different from them.

Where is his return? What was he like originally?

“Wang, Brother Eliot sent a ‘petition letter’ …”

Guinevere came to Arthur’s office in plain clothes. It was a lot of tossing last night. Wearing Ark increased the burden on the body, but considering staying in bed all the time will affect the reputation. After all, Arthur really has to disappear in the future. To exist only as a woman, with the purpose of the queen.

“Well, what do you mean? Why didn’t you wear Ark?”

Arthur dismissed his thoughts and looked at Guinevere.

“I’m a little weak. You were too fierce last night. Wearing Ark will make you notice. The dress dress is better … Don’t mention this. Eliot-nii said that Brother Germaine has been killed by Tallard. Please punish this. Plant the big bad guys who committed the crime. “

Guinevere sat pretentiously in front of Arthur’s, watching his eyes always had a feeling of fiery body, a little hair wearing Ark’s Arthur had a kind of majestic dignified feeling.

“Oh, what do you think, Guinevere, I have also taught you a lot of government affairs and military strategy. In the future, you will take over the position of queen, and you must learn to analyze the truth of things.”

Arthur nodded, accepted Guinevere’s remarks, then Ludmila was also physically weak afterwards, but he didn’t feel this way at all, was there a physical difference?

“Yes, my king, I think Eliot-nii wants to find out whether you are the power of the Knights of the Round Table that you dominate. This is one of them.

Secondly, like what you said to drive the tiger away, Eliot-nii uses your power to destroy the Tallard he fears, and then strikes you when you lose morale. This is its 2.

Finally, since Eliot-nii has discovered that you are the orthodox Asvarre King of Knights, then you do n’t want to let you go back to the royal palace and exclude you, and when you are on the mainland, it is not so easy to return to the island country. After all, the pirates on the sea are all his forces, this is his 3.

Intelligence, tactics, and terrain are summarized as strategies in these three directions. Although it is only a sentence, it contains a lot of things. “

Guinevere thought carefully.

“Yes, the answer is very comprehensive. I have been successful in your teaching. I am very happy to see you being so motivated. You are also connected. The queen ’s position is left to you, then you Say, where do we go next? “

Arthur gently took Guinevere’s little hand, which was the growth he was expecting.

“You also have more temperament, the temperament of the king … I think we can take the initiative to defeat Tallard, and then return triumphantly, if Eliot-nii embarrasses us, destroy him, although Ark’s Knights of the Round The Tables did not show strength, but as the owner of Bedivire, I naturally know how strong Ark’s strength is. “

Guinevere said without hesitation.

“Well, counter soldiers with arms, and water with earth weir, we have enough strength and confidence, and now it ’s time to bring the Knights of the Round Table to the battlefield, and triumphantly return in the name of righteousness. No one can stop us. We have won the hearts and minds of the world, and the pirates will soon be eliminated.

We have to have a valid reason to eliminate the pirates under Eliot, such as being blocked back to the country, when the pirates are in front of us, they will have a reason to even them!

But Guinevere, there are still many things you still have to learn, and then I will slowly teach you the strategy for marching and fighting.

Let me tell you, Lim secretly rehearsed the offensive lineup 3 days ago. The training takes 5 days, that is, we will start at dawn 3 days later. Eliot is not enough. The most important thing is Tallard. , Is a hidden danger. “

Arthur took out the map. He thought that if Tallard is smart enough, he is now plot against. This battle is not that simple.

“That … King, you can …”

Guinevere’s cheeks were blushing with honey-colored–

“I have come a few times like yesterday. You have no problem asking me to be a queen, but Arch Dragonar must have a heir. Only your Bloodline can. So, I want to do it for you as well as for Asvarre, To breed an excellent king, although your thinking has some problems, I tell you the truth that what we did yesterday was …

Although I deceived your simplicity to a certain extent, but you cannot escape, and the heavens are at your disposal. This is your duty and power. “

“Oh, I’m not stupid, I know, not at all, you were deceived, Lim told me a lot, I’m trying to see myself as a male, and I have a long-cherished wish in my heart, Mordred, the name you What do you think? “

Arthur didn’t escape.

“is ours……”

Guinevere is a bit shy, has Arthur even gotten his name?

“Well, the next Arch Dragonar’s Master, I always feel that I am a little owed to this name, subconsciously, I can live to this day, it seems that a Mordred’s girl saved me with the soul of life, so …

Yesterday and you … I suddenly felt this illusion. “

Arthur felt that this should not be a random subconscious. He had Mordred’s breath on his body, so this time Guinevere was used to liberate her and give her a new life.

“Mordred … you’re in charge.

Asvarre’s King men will have 3 names, women will have 2 names, 1st place, surname, 2nd name, 3rd name, Knights of the Round Table name, country name, in this order, Knights of the Round Table The name contains, the desire to get their asylum, you decide his full name. “

“Mordred Pendragon Tepes Scarlet Arthur Asvarre, what do you think?”

Arthur said thoughtfully.

“Well, then you have to work hard … I hope he can be born before you leave this World …”

Guinevere’s body is a bit numb again, I really have to thank Lim’s for persuasion, or I am afraid that King Arthur will not have such consciousness at all, and even think about the name …

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