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In Legion War’s Shop List, there are various medicines of healing-type and spirit type, and the restricted use place is limited to the battlefield.

If these potions can be used in ordinary adventures, they will definitely increase the survival rate. However, this is impossible. The purchase of Legion War field items from contribution points can only be used in the Legion War field.

The price of Character Substitution Card (Fake) is 100 contribution points ——

Character Substitution Card (Fake): One Legion schedule can only be redeemed once, redemption required contribution points 100.

After the purchase was successful, Arthur began to enter K’s world.

The first is to try to sleep, switch [Crimson Realm] and [Illusion World], the blue color in the depth of one’s soul is Illusion World, which is the dimensional world parallel to the space of [Crimson Realm] Legion War field.

Entering the split second of Illusion World, Arthur came to the corner of a school. Fortunately, the place of arrival was a hidden place.

Next is the character substitution. The negative effect of the Character Substitution Card (Fake) is that it is susceptible to interference from the substitute character’s Soul Willpower. However, Arthur has the soul sword Futsu no Mitama. This can be ignored, and the soul sword will help him automatically cleanse these interferences.

It’s just that the fake card still wants to kill each other.

Well, who is this unfortunate person?


The finger touched the ground, extending a dark shadow, and walked out of the corner, binding the student who passed by the corner of a person instantly.

Shadow Binding Technique is still very useful.

After assassinating the student with a shadow, Arthur used the Character Substitution Card.

“Use Character Substitution Card (Fake) instead of character detection-

“K” world:

Tamasu Tsukimi, male, Ashinaka High School 3rd year student … “

“Character substitution begins …


[1]: After engulfing the alternative character [Power of Existence], obtain his character identity, status, ability, and knowledge in the same way as the original body;

[2]: The effective scope of the Character Substitution Card is the world to which the replacement character belongs, which is limited to “K” world;

[3]: The use period of fake card is one year. If the use period is exceeded, the substitute character Power of Existence is deprived;

[4]: The fake card will retain the character of the replaced character, etc .;

[5]: After the replacement of the fake card, only the power of Ougi is allowed, all skills except Ougi are sealed, and the band seal is also retained, and the energy value is retained;

[6]: Other abnormal exclusion phenomena take responsibility for the consequences. “

With the use of the Substitution Card, the body of the Academy student turned into a blue and white phosphorous fire and disappeared within the realm. A white flame entered Arthur’s body.

So split second, Arthur shared everything about this student …

Despite the short-lived soul chaos, Arthur retains his complete consciousness under the control of Soul Sword.

It ’s just that he bitterly laughs that the fake card is really a fake card. The replacement is incomplete. The first and second notes are the same as the real card, and the third period of use is also prepared. The fourth soul is chaotic. Arthur with the soul sword is not afraid, but the fifth is a very serious problem. That is to say, he can only use his own Ougi to fight, and what is more painful is that the dimensional segment is sealed, and only the energy value is retained. That is to say, only the soul is not weakened, but the physical state becomes the ordinary person.

The sixth one is chilling. What other abnormal rejection?

This fake card is really obsolete. No wonder Yakumo Chen was able to kill 5 opponents in Naruto World. No matter what rank of King-Type Ability User, the fake card is an ordinary person without rank, except for a strong soul. There is nothing special outside.

Then Arthur can use the Power of Ice and Bloodthirsty, and Kendo, I do n’t know whether his current weak body can achieve fast battou, etc. In short, it is a headache, and it will seal the strength. .

Such a carelessness would be dead, that is to say, the power of this World must be studied?

Through the swallowed objects, Arthur gradually learned some secrets about Kworld, this World, no, it should be said that the Kantō Region of Japan is the territory where King infested, and the system that governs this country is the King system.

Selected by Dresden Slate, the king will drive Sword of King’s power to gather clans to drive King, etc., and the former management of Japan is 2nd King Gold King Kokujouji Daikaku, which manages the country’s largest clan [Timeless Palace], all members are Excellent talents in various industries such as politics, economy, science and technology have jointly maintained Japan’s prosperity and stable operation, leading Japan, the defeated country of World War II, to realize the revival and economic take-off and dominate Japan for decades.

This characteristic of King’s reminds Arthur of Dimensional Tower’s Sword of King. Sword of King can unlock the power of being sealed in a short time.

Arthur has Sword of King.

And this World also has Sword of King, the king of this World has a Sword of King, and Sword of King is also the sword of destruction——

A typical example is the [Kagutsu Crater] event fourteen years ago. Due to the strength of the former 3rd King Kagutsu Genji exceeding the limit, the outbreak of King and the fall of the Sword of Damocles, the event caused the former 4th King Habari Jin and its ScScScepter r 4 Including most members of the clan, 7010000 people died …

This is similar to the setting of Dimensional Tower Sword of King’s. When Dimensional Tower’s Sword of King is used, if it is used more frequently, it will collapse. Tohsaka Rin once told King Arthur that the power of power collapse will destroy a city … …

Maybe there is some connection between Sword of King.

This made Arthur interested in the King system of this World, maybe it would be helpful for his King’s growth. After all, the power of King should not only be to unlock the restrictions of Dimensional Tower’s seal, but should also be able to show his control. Powerful, his 0th King is in charge——

Creation, All-Embracing, Power of Interfering, etc.

Then these abilities should be able to show up, but showing these forces will make Sword of King more and more collapse, and one day will fall.

The King that this World produces is Dresden Slate, what about Dimensional Tower?

I thought K was just an ordinary world. After experiencing Naruto World, Arthur didn’t want to feel too much about this World. I didn’t expect it to be awakened again.

Sword of King, the same term, the same result, what is the connection between Dimensional Tower and Kworld’s King, Arthur must figure out, this is an indispensable opportunity, he can’t just browse this World just like sightseeing, and To be more serious—

It is best to master the power of King in this World.

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