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After the purple-haired girl left, Arthur moved towards Mihashira Tower and rushed away. Now this time is when it is most convenient to feel close to Dresden. Green King attacked Mihashira Tower. He just wanted to get King and super powers. Slate.

When Arthur arrived at Mihashira Tower, the fighting was fierce, and the entire Mihashira Tower became bumpy and suffered heavy damage.

5 Sword of King, Silver King, Blue King, Red King, Green 5 and Gray King appeared in the sky!

The last king came on stage, and Arthur couldn’t help but feel some bad factors. Are Green King and Gray King in a cooperative state?

Thinking about it, Arthur directly expanded the ability of Gold Holy Domain. In the vicinity of Mihashira Tower, his power seemed to have received a bonus. Before listening to Anna ’s explanation, after King ’s expansion, it will be within a certain range. There is a causal change inside, forming a feedback area, that is, the more King Races in the King Holy Land, the power of the King and King Race will increase exponentially.

There are a large number of Huang Jin Clan clan in Mihashira Tower, therefore, Arthur’s ability has also increased dramatically.

With strong golden rays of light criss-crossed, Arthur’s feet stepped on a planet and quickly rose to the top of the tower. After breaking the glass skylight, he entered it.

In this, a gray mist like a gray mist covered the line of sight, completely unable to see everything in front of him.

“Tsukimi …”

Anna looked at Arthur’s breath and called.

“Anna, I’m fine. Fortunately, is Gray King on the side of Green King?”

Arthur looked at the scene before him and said.

“Well, Gray King, Outori Seigo, is Green King’s Assistant, commanding the Grey Clan [Cathedral], is an outstanding person who has strength and virtue, and is respected by members of the clan and ordinary citizens. Former Blue King Habari Jin is comparable in strength.

14 years ago, because he wanted to prevent Kagutsu Genji’s Sword of Damocles from falling, he led [Cathedral] to the scene, but he failed to stop it in the end. The clan members were all killed in the Kagdu giant pit incident. Since then, the 6th King Outori Seigo himself was also deemed dead … “

Kushina Anna explained to Arthur.

“Well, since it is an enemy, it seems that the ability of Ash 5 is to blur the line of sight, it seems that it is not just this, it can interfere with the perception …”

Arthur analyzed.

“Gold King, now Slate is officially handed over to you for management …”

Blue King Munakata Reisi felt that after Arthur’s arrival, he had such a decision and he had failed.

“Yo, yo, your expectations are too high, but you can’t get results comparable to them, so in the posture of aloof and remote and devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence, you will transpose power, you really have to escape. … Blue King Munakata Reisi? “

Gray King Outori Seigo said sarcastically–

“Oh, I thought you were a different person from me, and it was the same. I wanted to create a perfect world with my own strength, but the more lofty the ideal, the greater the setbacks, and you really understand Your failure, so should I learn to entrust my real dreams to the capable?

“Go ahead and stop him! You still have battle strength Gold King!”

Munakata Reisi’s sword breaks into two and a half, so Sword of King is eliminated, probably his heart is shaken, and he has the heart to control Slate, but not at all get any gains, and the powerlessness in the face of this situation , Sword of King is useless because of hesitation …

After the mist had dispersed, Arthur and Anna and Isana Yashiro and the others discovered that Munakata Reisi had failed.

“Yo, Gold King, instead of chasing me, you need to worry more about your companion, is Red King Kushina Anna the one you care about?

Don’t even understand the power, shouldn’t you protect your clan first? “

Outori Seigo looked at Arthur without any fear.

“Anna … how are you …”

Arthur realized that Anna’s face was pale, and suddenly hugged her into her arms.

“Suddenly into the battlefield, naturally will be a little tired, not to mention worrying about your fight …”

Outori Seigo took Green King’s body and stepped on Dresden Slate. At this time, the top of the tower burst and opened a channel. The helicopter fell from above and took Slate with Feng Shengwu and Green King Hisui Nagare to the sky.


Arthur really did not care about Slate. Although he was worried about Anna, this was not the main reason. The main reason was that he did n’t find a way to break Slate, so even if he came to manage Slate, when the time comes, he still had to find a way to break Slate. method.

“Why don’t you chase and grab it, you have the ability, Susu? There is no such consciousness, how did you become king?”

Munakata Reisi didn’t understand Arthur’s thought at all, thinking he was cowardly.

“You can manage Slate. I don’t care about Slate, but Anna and HOMRA’s everyone.”

Arthur frowned and said, “Did you blame someone else for your failure? The only reason I am here is to protect Anna, although Slate’s loss is really helpless …”

“Well, well, don’t disturb Ah … Susu must fight Colorless King, it must have consumed a lot of power …”

Isana Yashiro said, “I think everyone should think about the next strategy together …”

“Is there a way to destroy Slate? Power will only make people fall into a fight, and this power beyond human control should not exist.”

Arthur looked at Isana Yashiro and asked.

“This … there should be, I still need to study the information left by elder sister. Susu must be right. This kind of power really should not exist. We should consider stopping Green King Hisui Nagare ’s conspiracy next, and Crush Slate … “

Isana Yashiro said.

“We will not give up … Reisi … work together …”

Kushina Anna nodded, looked towards the struggling Munakata Reisi said.


Munakata Reisi did not speak and walked out quietly.


But Arthur did n’t think Blue King was hit. After all, if he was really hit, he would n’t leave quietly. Presumably, he had already thought about countermeasures to deal with failure. In short, he still had to rely on Silver King. After all, he was the king of initiation. He must be able to find a way to break the slate.

“What happened to Colorless King?”

Anna looked at Arthur and asked.

“It’s almost a tie … But her strength is very strong, but she is still dealt with by me, Anna, you can deal with Green King …”

Arthur’s strategy is to watch the King battle while resisting the purple-haired girl.

In fact, it is best not to interfere with the process of this World, so he did not participate too much in this process, and finally found a way to break Slate.

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