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Chapter 527 ACT. 3rd “Fairy Tail: Tower of Heaven”

[Today ’s 4nd item is sent for subscriptions, monthly tickets, recommended tickets]

Fea’s show that Arthur thinks it is just a trade-off of interests. Although she is a girl, her high position determines that she cannot live like a girl. Although Arthur is willing to help her, she definitely does not want to be her Item.

The reason why she did this is probably to completely bind Arthur to her war chariot. It is no coincidence to get the Special Item twice consecutively. This shows that the heart is pure enough to be able to be Special Item approved.

“Relax, I won’t leave Elf Race’s. Did I join Nether Race because of Soul Seal? I also have my own will. My goal is also the ultimate KING, so I will never rely on powerful people to make myself stronger and stronger. Not given, but obtained by myself. “

Arthur stood up from the couch, he didn’t feel discouraged or anything, just a complicated happiness.

After all, he used to be very lonely, existed in obscurity, and lived without any trouble …

It would be better to say that you would not make friends without friends, but since the beginning of this dimension, his life has changed gradually. There are some friends who have the same heart and pure soul. As long as they communicate with each other, they will be rewarded.

The friendship that can be obtained without having to please anyone or hurting anyone is simple and sheer as pure as a jewel without scale. This is the life he wants, experiencing each and everyone world, as if experiencing again and again A happy journey, a short break is just to digest this happiness.

Arthur knows that he has a big flaw in his emotions, but he is growing up, at least now he has been able to admit his lolicon hobbies, although this is not ‘good’ for normal people. Hobby, but for him, this is a necessary thing to admit his emotions. ,

It is natural to be able to see your own hobbies and then pursue this feeling.

Rather than becoming split second perfect, it is better to appreciate this beauty gradually and to enrich himself. Although he is a blank puppet, he is already accumulating feelings. This is both a road to KING and a road to happiness. Grow powerfully and reap happiness along the way.

Even if there is sorrow, he should smile and face. After all, he ca n’t even feel sad in the past that he does n’t even know what sorrow is. This shows that his heart has a temperature, not a cold heart.

“That’s good, but Shadru is a very good girl, and it is also very beautiful, and it is even more outstanding, plus Soul Seal itself will gradually make you remember each other, and one day you may choose her …”

Fea gradually took a deep breath, “I don’t understand why you are so weak now that you can be trusted by me. I can only say that it is intuition. I can promise you without interfering with your feelings, but you have to promise me, as long as I need you. You are Elf Race’s. I want to realize my dream, but it will never conflict with your dream. “

“Public is public, private is private, I will not betray my companion, well, I’m going to rest, you go out, ready for the next battle, I’m going to recuperate.”

Arthur placed the Expulsion Order.

“Did you hate it?”

Fea said, biting her lip.

“Do n’t trust me with this kind of utilitarian nature next time. I do n’t want to smear my feelings. I ’m not the kind of man who can be grasped by the body. You should also cherish your chastity, friends and love. I can still distinguish clearly. “

Arthur is really angry, does Fea want to use his body to restrain him? This kind of thing may be a common method in King Race, but he hates this kind of interest close.

“I see, it’s rude …”

Fea’s face instantly regained her cold posture. In fact, she was not willing, but her mother and Elder’s suggestion of Clanquire faction. Although Arthur’s current strength is weak, he found Special Item 2 times in a row, which is very good. Talent and potential.

“I don’t hate you, but can you please come to me as a friend next time, I want to experience the bond of friendship.”

Arthur suddenly scratched his hair shyly, or Fea like this was more touching.

“You really are a strange male …”

Fea’s smiles instantly like snow and water, friendship, is it a strange guy, friendship seems beautiful but in most people’s eyes is nothing but ethereal things, not as realistic as the body, but Arthur is such a What about special people?


After confessing his heart, Arthur and Fea temporarily became true friends, respect each other and help each other, and grow together on the path of KING.

With or without such communication, Legion War 3 is coming.

Dragon Race’s Legion VSElf Race’s Legion.

“Semi-decision competition rules:

Elf Race King-Type Legion VSDragon Race King-Type Legion. “

“Participating Soldier:

ID: Ace Arthur Clanquire Tepes Scarlet


“Contribution Points: 10000.”

“Legion War Item Possessed:

Futsu no Mitama (Legion Item): Reduces the spirit of the Nether Race King-Type Legion by 50%. The character Ougi seal is not effective.

Victory Sword GRAM (Legion Item): Weakened the defense of the whole army of Dragon Race King-Type Legion by 50%. The character Armor seal has been effective. “

“Legion War World Chosen:” Fairy Tail “world.”

“” Fairy Tail “World Time Calibration: In 776, at the beginning of [Child Hunting], Black Magic Cult used huge funds and manpower to build Eight Tower of Heaven (Tower of Heaven alias Rsystem, or [Resurrection System], based on a living person The sacrifice can bring a dead person back to life. Magic), because it can resurrect a dead person, but violates humanity and is banned from construction by the Magic Council. Seven Towers are consumed because of the suppression of the council, but the 8th Tower is hidden near the sea near Caelum No one noticed … “

“Special Item collection–

[Bombardment 5-Star] Brionac (Brionac), Special Stat: Reduces the skill damage of Demon Race’s Legion by 50%, and the resistance of Light Element and Lightning Element skills by 50%. “




Bombardment 5-Star?

Arthur feels that this should be the gun of Light Element and Lightning Element. He has seen some of the myths kept in his home, among which Brionac is the Danu Divine Race held by Ruger McEssoron, the god of light and sun in Celtic Mythology The famous Treasure Magic gun, this gun is one of the Four Treasures of the Tuath Dé in Celtic Mythology, symbolizing the light of the sun and the lightning in the sky …

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