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Just after Old Granny helped Arthur with the Fire Burning Stick to cook the food, three unexpected guests broke into this remote village enchanted by demons.

“Is there anyone?”

“Can I stay for a while?”

“Are there any food?”

Three differently dressed Little Brat came in and looked at everyone in the village with the door closed. Only one door was open and all came in. Two of them were somewhat restrained, but it seemed that the leader was directly Grab the porridge in Arthur’s hand and drink it—

“Ah, it’s really saved …”

The silver long-haired little loli sitting in front of Arthur has a carefree look. Like a bad girl, one leg stretched one leg on the chair, and two slender legs were stretched out. The black purple shorts and the same color Her knee-high stockings and camisole highlight her bad personality.

Probably the same age as Erza?

“Are you a gang?”

Old Granny asked the silver-haired loli and Arthur sitting side by side and couldn’t help asking.



Arthur said that he and the three guys are not together.

The silver-haired girl said that her sister, siblings and three others were together.

“Since it’s better together, many people have great strength, and after eating, go and destroy the demon spirit, you two Little Brat also come to eat.”

Old Granny said to the other 2 shy guys who were standing.

“Which Guild do you belong to? Our Fairy Tail Guild has accepted this Quest. Why did you come here?”

Arthur was a little irritated, and she was still as cute and cute as Anna. This guy was so unlovable.

“We are passing by.”

The silver-haired girl snatched the buns from Arthur’s hand again and said, “Which kind of Magician Guild do you have? Have you heard of it, what Quest, listen to it, maybe I can help you, Do n’t look at me being younger than you. I ’m very experienced in destroying demons. ”

“Mira-nee … this is bad …”

“That is, how can a man grab food from others?”

The other two Little Brat said timidly.

“Forget it, it’s not easy to see your 3 sisters and sisters traveling. It’s easy to leave after I finish eating. I don’t have any money, otherwise I can give you some. Dealing with demons and so on is not as simple as you think …”

Arthur didn’t care too much, but only a few meals, and Old Granny cooked a lot, and it was okay to eat together. Before, he and Erza 2 were also wading in the mountains, sometimes they couldn’t eat.

“I didn’t eat you in vain, let me rest assured!”

The silver-haired girl snatched Arthur a bun again.

“You have something to eat, can you not grab me, bastard! ~”

Arthur broke down a little bit, did he still let him eat?

“If you don’t agree, I will.”

The silver-haired girl spit out her little tongue in disdain.

“Count me bad luck, you can see it from a distance, you can’t just enter the center of the battle, have you heard it?”

What else can Arthur do? As a result, three tow oil bottles were brought.


Under the narration of Old Granny, Arthur took three towed oil bottles into a mountain in the mountain village rag, this mountain also has a strange look, one after another cracked huge gorge is densely covered in the mountain, one accidentally It will fall into the gap, when the time comes It is not so easy to climb up.

The 3 sisters and sisters behind Arthur all have silver hair. The robbing thing for Arthur is Mirajane Strauss, wearing a blue suit, but the burly figure looks very unsuitable. The younger one year old younger brother Elfman Strauss is the last. An obediently young girl Mirajane in a pink dress is 2 years old Lisanna Strauss.

When Arthur asked about the background, Mirajane only said “indifferently” why the three of their sisters and siblings came out to travel, because she wiped out the evil demon in the church and was possessed by the demon, which was hated by the people in the village. Forced to leave the village.

“Don’t look at me with that kind of sympathetic eye, I said you, this kind of character is not good, as usual, you should not even let us eat?”

Mirajane put his hands behind his head and walked striding meteorically.

“Well, it’s just a meal, and Old Granny also sees that you and I are not the same person. She said that deliberately, and I didn’t lose it if she wanted to invite you to dinner.”

Arthur waved his hands indifferently, and then asked seriously, “But will you lose your will if you are possessed by a demon?”

“You’re stupid. If I lose my will if I’m possessed, I’ll die long ago, that is, my body will undergo some changes, and some parts will become like demons.

Mirajane said carefreely.

“Oh, it seems that it should be a Magic of the Transfiguration Type? It will be fine if you will not lose your will. Magic World has Magic Power of all kinds of strange things, and Magician is the person who takes the unusual path, Mila, and enter Magician Guild. How, that will not be hated, and can use your Magic to protect some, and can also earn remuneration, when the time comes Lisanna and Elfman can live happily. “

Arthur couldn’t help but suggest that the ability to demonize Demon Transformation is probably a kind of Magic. He can sense that the Magic Power on Mirajane is very powerful.

“Then why are you doing a thankless job? I don’t think my mother-in-law has any money for you …”

Mirajane looked at Arthur for unknown reasons.

“This … well, Magic World can’t be treated with common sense. Magician is more important than following the rules. It is not against your own heart. There is no direct relationship between salvation and remuneration, just like you take care of yourself. Younger brother younger sister does not need any return. The Quest without remuneration is to comply with the rules, but it is scum to die if you are not paid because of remuneration! “

Arthur said seriously.

“It sounds reasonable, but don’t think I will be grateful to you. I’ll consider visiting your Magician Guild …”

Mirajane recalled that the demon who destroyed the church in his hometown not at all asked for a return. With some approval, although he was cast out, should Magician’s world have her place?

As long as you can make Elfman and Lisanna happy and happy, it doesn’t matter if you become a demon.

“The sound is terrifying, Mira-nee …”

Elfman burst into tears.

“Don’t cry if you are a man, Elfman! Any elder sister will protect you.”

Mirajane comforted him by wiping Elfman’s tears.

“Arthur-nii will protect us too?”

Lisanna looked at Arthur and said.

“Well, so … you three just stayed at the foot of the mountain. I went back to fight the devil.”

Arthur looked at the cliff swayed by the strong magic wind, and was worried about the safety of the three Little Brat.

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