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In order to make Mirajane grow, Arthur released the Bloodthirsty Ougi of Second Stage. What is different from her demon reception is-

This is Ougi who created the demon.

The demons created by themselves are demons made of absolute darkness in the world.

Satan Soul, Soul of Bloodthirsty, 2 forces fuse together, smashing the demons in the canyon, leaving no trace of residue.

The sky was gradually clear, and Arthur and Mirajane lay weakly on the ground, enjoying the rays of light of the morning sun. The gleaming golden brilliance shone on the icy body and appeared warm.

“The power of love … decided, I want to join Fairy Tail, use my Magic to protect Elfman and Lisanna, and …”

Mirajane turned his head slightly to look at Arthur, only that he had fallen asleep.

Bloodthirsty Ougi’s Second Stage draws blood from within the body, not just consuming energy value …


When I opened my eyes, it was almost noon, but the scene in front of me was not the gorge in the crack, but at Old Granny’s house.

“Wake up, it’s really weak, I haven’t fainted! I still got you down from the mountain!”

Mirajane, who was standing in front of the couch, was eating fruit with his 2 legs up. After seeing Arthur, he projected the fruit in his hand into Arthur’s mouth …

“… you want to kill me !!!”

Arthur struggled to sit up, too unlovable this guy.

“So you can wake up immediately, what a good way, hey, hey … I will consider throwing a bomb next time.”

Mirajane said with a smirk.

“I’m definitely not unconscious next time … not to mention next time!”

Arthur vented at the fruit in his hand.

“If it weren’t for me, can your Quest be completed? Cough Cough, I heard that Quest’s remuneration is 3010000 J, half of me …”

Mirajane said with a blink of blue eyes.

“You are a big head ghost. This Quest Old Granny has no money at home. I made it for free. There is only one Fire Burning Stick. If you want it, you will be divided in half …”

Arthur was talking, but before he finished, Mirajane’s fist came up! ~


Nose bleeds out of Arthur’s nostrils.

“Don’t mention the Fire Burning Stick to me in the future !! How dare … how dare …”

Mirajane discovered afterwards that the thing that had stomped her was not a Fire Burning Stick, but …


Arthur is a little unclear. So, it is also silver-haired little loli. Why is there such a big difference? Anna-chan is cute.

“Because all the clothes have been melted, so your ** I chopped it down and put it on myself, when I have a new one to return you …”

Mirajane said with a grin on his back.

“You won’t do anything wrong with me?”

Arthur couldn’t help but clenched his arms.

“You can go die!”

Mirajane didn’t hit her face this time, just hit her chest.

“Cough cough … well, you loli are so good, can’t I take it? Then let’s take 2 shots, burn anyway … (fire stick) … you don’t want to.”

Arthur didn’t earn a penny for Quest this time, and originally wanted to find a rental house with Erza, 2 siblings can lead a stable life, but unfortunately …

“What a beat 2 break, don’t you want to take me to join Fairy Tail Magician Guild?”

Mirajane pulled Arthur and walked outside—

“Hurry up, or you won’t be able to catch up with the time. I have helped you so much. When you come back to Guild, you can ask me to have a big meal.”


Arthur really has no temper, this little loli is so black belly, he still hurts.

“Little brother, don’t you go before dinner, Aiya, our old fogey and everyone in the village will prepare a farewell party for you …”

Old Granny came out, followed by Great Grandpa, both of them looked very good, and all the people in the village came out.


Arthur pulled Mirajane over and said, “I think everyone in the village is kind, it’s better to eat and then hurry up, you see Elfman and Lisanna are drooling, you don’t want to think about me, I also want to think about your younger brother younger sister Right? “

“Okay … then leave after eating …”

Mirajane can only agree for the time being. In fact, I was in a hurry to rush off because I wanted to use the feeling of rush to calm down my inner cranky thoughts. When I was quiet, I would think about what happened in the canyon with Arthur yesterday. Jumping …


At lunch, Arthur and they had not been released, and they celebrated until the evening. Then the people in the village organized a campfire festival. According to the customs in the village, such a grand festival is the best time for couples to come together. In the festival, couples will hold hands and dance around the bonfire, talk to each other …

Originally Arthur was going to dance with the cute Lisanna, but Mirajane took the initiative to prevent younger sister from being tamed by him (2 translation: childhood sweethearts; 1 translation: tamed to push down the dyed fingers at an early age).

“Uh, Lisanna is only 9 years old, how could I have that kind of thought …”

Arthur really can’t understand what Mirajane thinks, what the hell is young, it’s the big brother’s love for the younger sister.

“You control that many dry cough, I will jump with you …”

Mirajane pulled Arthur into the campfire brigade.


However, two people soon became embarrassed. The men and women in this village seemed very open, dancing and performing various affectionate movements. Arthur and Mirajane 2 were also done by Great Grandpa and Old Granny like ordinary men and women in the village. .

Half push and half place Arthur and Mirajane made some open movements, but they quickly merged into the celebration of the campfire festival. The people in the village are not special thoughts. This way is just to celebrate important festivals. To help the festival, the youngsters can also thank each other for the hard-won, and at the same time, pray for the village to be able to multiply and grow …

Primitive Tribe Village is like this, with some open environment.

Arthur and Mirajane didn’t think too much about others, and it was good to experience this joy.

The key is that Mirajane can also accept her Power of Demon, and can use this power to bring happiness, then this power is not bad. For the first time, she was thanked by many people. Before, she was killed by her own village because of the demon ’s incarnation. The people inside are disgusted and have never received any gentle treatment, but here she reaps the first happiness in her life as a Magician.

Use power to save others and reap the sincere smile is not false happiness.

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