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After unbinding the Fairy Sphere, Arthur crawled out of the tomb, but still looked weak.

Brionac really had to devour the Lord’s Magic Spear. If it wasn’t Arthur’s special physique, it might have been sucked dry. This is also the reason why the concentration of Stigma’s blood is too high. In short, Special Item Bombardment 5-Star is collected.

“Mr. Fairy’s body will glow Ah …”

While Arthur was taking a shower, Mavis launched a ‘sneak attack’.

“Hello … Ghost, don’t just run around. What is the hell?”

Arthur couldn’t stand this guy anymore. That day was obviously a serious first generation SAMA. How can it be like this now? It’s the ghost who does what the ghost should do!

“Mr. Fairy, why don’t you have wings?”

Mavis swam to Arthur’s back in a bikini and kept scratching with her small hands. “Is it invisible?”

“Ilf has no wings, I don’t know …”

Arthur pouted.

“Do you have a tail?”

Mavis’s small hand reached out to a terrible place–

“Don’t fart, let me find your little tail …”


Arthur was dull, what is called mischief, and that’s what it was like to play Elf in front of Mavis that day! ! !

“As a result, there is no difference between the structure of Mr. Goblin and human Ah … but the taste is a little good Ah …”

Mavis said, smelling Arthur’s.

“You give me to stop while one can! I’m going back to Goblin Township …”

Arthur was about to leave, and his injuries had almost recovered.

“Play with me, Mr. Goblin, you are dead anyway …”

Mavis said, holding Arthur’s finger.

“I am not dead!”

Arthur sighed, is this guy really ghost? How can the entity be captured?

“Then how can you die?”

Mavis asked.

“Are you cursing me to die?”

Arthur was a little irritable.

“Woo … Mavis was bullied by the goblin …”

As if frightened, Mavis shed tears on the rocks on the side …

“Eh … Well, my fault, my fault, what are you going to do?”

Arthur really has to think of ridicule, this guy really needs to be the first generation president?

“Father mother said that the crying child will not see the goblin … so Mr. Goblin will leave … Mavis is so sad …”

Mavis looked at Arthur wang wang in tears.

“Mavis doesn’t cry, I won’t disappear …”

Arthur can only comfort this first generation, alas, what a rhythm this is.

“Mavis doesn’t cry, so the goblin won’t leave?”

Mavis’s big eyes immediately lit the stars and secretly made a victory sign to himself.


Okay, Arthur was cheated again, especially meow, this guy really can play, how can I leave?

Legion War’s notes stipulate that it cannot be suspected after the role is replaced, but not at all says that it is suspected that the Substitution Card is not used. A situation like Magic Fair such as “Fairy Tail” will have any probability. This kind of thing in a space can also be accepted …

But this does not mean that Arthur can stay in this World forever.

“Can I go to the world of goblins with Mr. Goblin?”

Mavis asked.

“This one……”

Arthur is hesitant. Legion War is different from Dimensional Tower’s world. It stipulates that no characters can be brought out. Although the ghost is not specified, it is not sure to take away the ghost.

The Special Item such as Soul Sword may be possible, but if it is in conflict with World Quest, then it will definitely lose a lot of lifespan value. Mavis is the first generation president and is likely to be connected to multiple main lines …

“Probably not …”

“That Mr. Goblin can promise me, as long as Mavis doesn’t cry, you won’t leave …”

Mavis said with a wink.

“But I can’t go back, that’s good … you teach me Magic about the missing body, and then I leave the missing body head office?”

Arthur can only do this, leaving a trace of Soul Clone in Naruto World, and it should be possible to leave a missing body in this World?

It should be usable if it complies with the rules.

“That’s fine …”

Mavis thought about the nodded, picked up the branches on the ground and began to teach Arthur to think about Magic.


The thinking body needs a very large Magic to be established, and it needs to be injected with will. It is more powerful than Shadow Clone and weaker than Spirit Transformation Shadow Clone. It is the ability to live between the two.

Although it is not as good as Spirit Transformation Clone Technique, it is more convenient to return to the body, so it is more outstanding Avatar Magic.

But the situation is the same as Naruto World’s, that is, Arthur may not be able to contact the missing body after leaving this World, so when the time comes the behavior of the missing body Arthur cannot predict.

And it is impossible to be sure that the missing body can be maintained after his body leaves.

“Anyway, Mavis will give it to me. My name will be Ace since then?”

Missing body looked at Arthur and said.

“The name and so on are random, pay attention to that Guild’s people will sleep in the tomb when they come to the island. Don’t be found, unless I return to this World, the remaining time will play with the first generation …”

Arthur nodded.

“After wait till you get back, there may be surprises when you take back …”

Ace looked at Arthur’s mouth with a smile. He had existed as a missed body for a long time. He could grasp a lot of information, and then he could help the body with many things. At least one thing is true. Magic Power will swell to a strong level. To the point.

When the time comes Arthur is not the kind of S-Rank Magician with skill but Magic Power lacks.

“Yes, whatever you do …”

Although Arthur wants to ask for more things, he shouldn’t cause more surprises. He lives here with the first generation. The rest is what he should do instead of thinking about the body.

Just because Arthur is Elf, the way of thinking about the body is a little special, incorporating some elemental will of this World, so it is growable. The fusion of his own consciousness and the elemental will of this World is limited to Elf. Whatever you do, it is possible to grow to where you can grow, but just do n’t be distorted by Mavis.

The nature of the missing body is more appropriate to purity, and it is a simpler existence than him. Elf’s missing body is exactly this characteristic, so it is estimated that it is more in line with Mavis, only these two guys do n’t do anything strange. Okay, 2 simple terrifying IQ super-tall idiots are the best to play hide-and-seek on the island …

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