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[Today ’s 2nd item is sent for subscriptions, monthly tickets, recommended tickets]

As usual, I entered the stage of deep sleep, but the feeling of this time is not so easy. The whole body seems to be cut by a sharp knife-

“Soul-type world automatic soul (soul), such parallel space exists soul destruction probability …”

“All ability items except soul-type cannot be used …”


Arthur’s was warned at the moment when he saw “Shinigami” in the parallel space of the present world, and the Legion War tower system will carry out different levels of prohibition according to different worlds.

Arthur glanced at it briefly, his ability to use and Item have-

Ougi Bloodthirsty, Ice Spirit (the Ougi class seems to be classified as a soul) skills Getsuga Tenshō (itself is a Shinigami World skill), Sode no Shirayuki (itself is a Shinigami World Zanpakutō), Soul Sword (soul control item).

These 5 types are available, and the others are banned, but there is a measure to enforce the use of these capabilities, such as-

Sword of King.

Sword of King itself is a representative of the use of extraordinary abilities beyond the rules. It is not Kworld’s Sword of King, but Dimensional Tower’s Sword of King. If the opponent is Demon Race’s, it is the same as him who owns Sword of King’s. Is the opponent Shaka?

Not at all the real confrontation in the finale game, he only played against King of Heroes Gilgamesh, this time may be the real fight.

If Sword of King can also make the contract apostle summon critical, there is Shana’s to help him be more confident. Although Legion War prohibits the apostle from entering, Sword of King can break the rules and interfere with the Dimensional Tower. Legion Tower is also located in Dimensional Tower’s. Within the genus, there should be no problem.


After crossing the gap between Crimson Realm and this world, Arthur came to the world of Shinigami, and at the split second of this world, someone appointed him.

Like the wood houses and streets and river channels of the old generation, the violent sun shook people’s hearts. The shrivelled straw and the dry air made the world look desolate.

“Come here to collect [Order Voucher] and go to live in your area …”

There were shouts like screams above the market. That was a few people who were more formally dressed than ordinary wanderers. The wandering souls who came to this world were called out.

Arthur also walked involuntarily.

“One person, randomly distributed according to the chronological order of death, the person who received the sorting ticket will live in that district according to your certificate. There are 320 districts in Liuhun Street, 80 districts each in East, South, West, North … “

The person who inspired the voucher sorted one by one to the wandering souls who came to this World to be regarded as identification vouchers.

Arthur in the line looked at the people around him, not at all found that familiar people came out, neither his own nor the enemy …

In this world, it seems that there is no difference from this world. People stand on the ground, breathing ‘air’, without any sense of weightlessness, like a everything is real.

‘Air’ is not ‘air’. Although breathing air as a human is to survive, breathing ‘air’ as a soul in this World is also for survival, but the meaning is different. This World will not be hungry as long as breathing ‘air’, And obviously feel something like energy.

“Give … this is yours … good, West 3 …”

“Thank you …”

Arthur took a look at the sorting ticket, which was clearly written on the 3rd district of Xiliulun Street.

After receiving the reorganization voucher, Arthur moved towards the third zone, but—

“Bring it over you !!! Here for you!”

Just when Arthur was familiar with this World, a strong man rushed in front of him and snatched the finishing ticket, and then threw him another finishing ticket—

“Suspended in Area 78, Nanliuhun Street …”

“Ah, it’s such a poor guy. This has happened so many times …”

“Yeah, it’s prevalent to snatch up the sorting tickets recently. Finally, they are divided into excellent areas, but now they have to go to poor areas …”

“The weak are prey to strong is such Ah …”


Arthur picked up the voucher and walked indifferently, only to understand afterwards—

It turned out that the place where the wandering soul lives is also divided into classes.

The 80 districts of each Liuhun Street increase with the area code number, and the security situation and living conditions of each district will decline and become worse.

In the first district, the public security and living environment are ideal, and food is plentiful. In the 80th district, barren is full of famine, public order is chaotic, and everyone ’s souls kill each other to determine who has the right to survive.

The 3 districts he obtained before are a good place to go, and the survival rate is relatively high. However, the finishing ticket that has been replaced is a reciprocal district. The number 78 is already a reciprocal …

The more he walked toward the end of the street, the more Arthur’s houses on both sides of the house were old and decrepit, and he ate less water.

After reaching the 78th district, this district is even more miserable. Along the way, you can see that the child is stealing from the merchant ’s drinking water, and some are even killed because of it. Drinking water is very common in the previous district. But here it has become a clearly priced commodity. Even in this world, there should be a currency trading system. It probably needs work to earn money to support itself …

It ’s just drinking water, and indifference is common in this place …

“Youngster … youngster … wait …”

Just as Arthur aimless walked, a trembling voice passed from behind him, a Great Grandpa over sixty years old-

“This Soul Street is where unrelated souls gather to form a new family and live together. Although the time and space and historical background from each other may be different, they can all communicate, contact and be close to each other. New family …

If you have nowhere to go, live with the old man … “

“Is the family of Liuhun Street organized like this?”

Arthur asked suspiciously.

“Yeah, a family established without blood, everyone came here, although some may remember the previous life, but the relatives of this World are people who have lived for a long time. Anything in the previous life will be abandoned, now start from scratch. Start.

There is no major difference between life here and in this world. Let ’s live again … My original son is dead. I wanted to watch him get married, alas … “

Great Grandpa trembled before Arthur’s.

“That’s fine … there is no way to go, is living here with you … is it a life again?”

Arthur held the old man’s arm, thinking that he would learn some basic information first.

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