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The dead wood is pure?

Arthur seems to have heard of it, the 6th Captain Vice Captain is dead …

This matter was mentioned in the setting of the world background timeline when entering Shinigami World …

“Captain Yamamoto, is no one alive?”

Mao Zhihualie asked.

“No, only some information was left. After the secret mobile team received the information, the analysis completed by the floating bamboo …”

Captain Yamamoto shook his head. If someone came back alive, would n’t he be able to fully analyze all this?

“The information conveyed is only information such as location, time, and Yachucas, and the number of Yachukas is not less than 3. There have been some fluctuations in the current world, and some Shinigami who are serving in the current world have also been Inexplicably swallowed, and even caused spatial fluctuations once … “

The Langzhu Shi 4 Lang explained.

“It seems that what Achucas are looking for …”

Urahara Kisuke rubbed his eyes and bounced out.

“Just hack it, just give us the Eleven Fan Team!”

Gengmujian 8 grinned, but his smile made the scar on the left face more abrupt.

“I just do n’t know if there will be a Vastod level illusion. If this is a Vastod order, then be careful. Maybe it ’s deliberately attracting us. I recommend at least 3 Captain Shinigami, if not, is likely to be eliminated by the opponent’s gradual differentiation.

It’s enough to get rid of the big virtual forest, and then watch the wall.

One imaginary circle is not so easy to conquer, even if it can destroy all of Vastod, new results emerge one after another, and that kind of environment is not suitable for our battle.

2 It is necessary for the Ling Lingting to maintain order. They shot against the present world and the expeditionary army, but they did not attack the corpse soul world. It has been stated that their goal is probably here, attracting a certain battle strength and then entering the Ling Lingting is not the thing impossible. “

Sacred Wood Yinling said.

“Three people? So who would like to see the situation in Daxu Forest?”

Captain looked towards everyone.

“I’m going!”

More wooden sword 8 The first opening.

“No, your simple recklessness can’t handle the importance of this Quest!”

In general Captain refused.

“Just let me fight, not for the revenge of my son Cangchun, as a noble, but also to blame the body, the deceased wood family has this obligation, although many people think that the noble children want to earn contribution points and join The expedition team, but more important is to protect the stability of the corpse soul world, the nobles should also have the nobility’s responsibility. “

Deadwood Yinling stood out.

“Well, the ability of the decayed Captain is still worth worrying about, then the two of you, the Chiba Captain and the 6-car Captain, will follow along.”

Yamamoto’s Captain looked towards the team of ten and nine.

“Old fogey! How can such a Quest not be given to the Combat Fan Team, Achucas … I haven’t had a good fight in a long time …”

How can the more wooden sword 8 miss this opportunity?

“Your staying in Ying Lingting might meet a stronger opponent, maybe … Vastod.”

Captain Yamamoto shook his head, not at all agreed, even more wooden sword 8 should be left in the Ling Lingting, he also considered that the purpose of the manipulator behind the virtual forest is the Ling Lingting.

“Total Captain … I am willing to go as a support person.”

At this time Arthur stood out from behind Mao Zhihualie.

“Oh, are you going to join this operation?”

Yamamoto Yuanliu can’t help but feel a little spirited.

“Yes, although I just joined the 4th team, but I have self-relied ability, I have mastered the fire, I can get it back even if my 4 limbs are broken, and my Zanpakutō is very useful for the previous Quest. This Quest itself It is mainly to explore the real and the fictitious, but overly intense fighting will be detrimental to us.

If the virtual circle is so large, there may be many forces. If we are too strong, the forces of the virtual circle will unite …

And my Zanpakutō, Shikai ’s ability to emit fog can interrupt all virtual spiritual pressure perception, they ca n’t see us, and they ca n’t even perceive us with spiritual pressure, but we can see them, although the strength is too strong, they can Capturing us through abilities such as sound and smell, but that is also limited to the big imaginary with high enough IQ, at least the level of imaginary Kili’an we will not be aware of by their side. “

How could Arthur miss this opportunity, but this is one of the opportunities to find a killing stone, there may be something like that in the virtual circle.

“Well, it ’s a good idea. There is the most Kilien in the big virtual forest. If you can evade their attacks, it will be easy to concentrate on those Achucus. The ability to heal quickly on the battlefield can also help your opponents. … “

Yamamoto Wonju nodded, the strongest auxiliary system, Zanpakutō, if it can be used in actual combat, it will have a more important meaning for the corpse soul world after some experience.

“No, if you die in such an environment, you will lose our important potential Shinigami. Tsukimi has the potential to grow to the Captain level. You cannot enter the virtual circle at this time.”

Mao Zhihualie refused and said.

“Ah, Uma Captain will rarely take care of people Ah …”

Hiroko True Son hummed, but he was killed …

“Well, youngster should have some experience, so do n’t worry about Captain Maozhihua, I will also bring Bai Zai together this time, when the time comes, the two of them can be companions, and it ’s not bad to experience the fighting environment. Will protect them, of course, provided that we can protect ourselves … “

The dead wood silver bell said with a faint smile, but I didn’t expect that Mao Zhihua Lie would even take care of people like this. It seems that this youngster is very much liked by Mao Zhihua Captain.

“Well, we people will also bring some powerful assistants to go with us, and it’s nice to have an excellent medical teammate …”

Zhibo said wholeheartedly.

“Then set it like this, choose a date, and go to the virtual forest. Note that the search area is limited to the virtual forest. If you meet Yachukas, you can kill it. If it is Vastode, collect information and go back. Come back … The rest of the people guard the Lingting, and the Shifanfan team is responsible for analyzing the intelligence of the world … “

Yamamoto Yuanliu Chongguo feels that this storm has just begun, perhaps with a larger conspiracy surging in the dark.


Everyone accepted the order.

It was just that when Captain was gone, Arthur suffered. He was held by Mao Zhihualie and bowed in his clothes and walked outside …

“Alas … Ah, Captain, I was wrong …”

Arthur suddenly regretted what happened next?

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