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[Change to the hospital today, the recovery is almost the same, the update time can immediately enter the stable stage, do n’t worry]

[It ’s injured and you can incredibly moe moe, so [Ahoge ’s April Fool ’s Party] will be held in the VIP group on April 4st.

Activity reward: 5 ahoge pillows waiting for you to take home;

Activity content (仮): Come and pick up the rhythm with ahoge, pick up and eat it and you can transform into a weird party. It is said that the ahoge you attend will drop the rhythm inexplicably …

All interpretation rights of this activity belong to the ahoge lamb, no one shall infringe this authority without permission]

With the strong spiritual pressure of the 6 Che Quanxi’s outbreak, Yachukas was forced back, and everyone got breathing time.

“Haiyan, how are you?”

Zhibo came to Zhibo Haiyan wholeheartedly and looked at him with concern.

“It’s okay, I’m fine …”

There were tears in the corners of Zhibo Haiyan’s eyes, “The sky crane’s hand can also be restored …”

“At this time, I care about other people, you really are …”

Zhibo shook his head sighed wholeheartedly.

“I didn’t expect Tsukimi Vice Captain’s replicated to be so good. The previous ghost road was also very good. Two ghost roads above 2 also abandoned the fuse together at the same time, which is very good, and the first person who perceived Achucus was you. This auxiliary ability is too good and excellent. If you do n’t come, we will suffer a lot.

For the first time, I felt Shinigami of the auxiliary department is so powerful. “

Rotten Wood Silver Bell couldn’t help but take a second look at Arthur.

“Thanks for Captain ’s praise, it ’s just what we do now. Look at that Achucus, it ’s not a general imagination, but it is obviously premeditated. If my Zanpakutō field continues to expand, it will consume the spiritual power of the Master. Now I can only find one. The place lurked temporarily … “

Arthur not at all feels so proud, now is not the time to think about such things.

“It is much stronger than the average Achucas, and it is estimated that we will soon evolve to Vastod. In that case, we really can’t go back. If there are three such Achucas, our trip must be very dangerous. “

Zhibo was a little hesitant. Even if these three Achucas were their three Captain levels, they still struggled a lot. If they have a more powerful Vastod behind them, it would not be as simple as cracking a joke.

“Then use some Forbidden Technique to create some scouts …”

Arthur caressed his chin, thinking, “I have an idea, by boarding the power of the ghost road on the virtual body and then observing them, just trouble you to catch a few virtual, let’s take a break for the time being Well, the previous battle consumed a lot of spiritual power. “

Arthur feels that his spiritual power needs to be supplemented. Although his Zanpakutō is very good, he consumes a lot of spiritual power instead.

“Well, take a rest in the mountain opposite, if you have the ability to monitor very good …”

Deadwood Silver Bell was nodded and agreed to Arthur’s plan.


After resting in the inner wall, Arthur transforms the falseness captured by the dead wood silver bell and the others. The more common the false consciousness, the simpler and easier it is to transform, erase its existence, and then plant the ghost road into its body. The split second of death will return all the information back, with the help of Spirit Transformation Shadow Clone for transformation, but compared to directly modeling soul, indirect borrowing of a virtual body will have a great success rate, but spiritual pressure is returning to the body When there is a negative feeling, it brings back the negative of the virtual itself …

Therefore, people who are not determined will never use it.

After the transformation, Arthur released the falsehoods.

“If this method is used on soul other than virtual, it is very cruel, and it directly erases the meaning of its existence.”

Deadwood Yinling feels that Arthur is the best to enter the Technology Development Bureau or the ghost.

“So it’s Forbidden Technique, and only in this state can I try.”

Arthur leaned against the wall, somewhat weak, and Spirit Transformation Shadow Clone could not be used normally even within this realm of soul-focused power within the realm.

It will be traumatic to the soul itself.

“Then wait for the news. Our goal this time is to search for intelligence, not to kill Acchus. After understanding their purpose, we will report to General Captain.”

Zhibo is sitting on the ground with Zanpakutō in his heart. They may have some Captain-level reaction ability, but Shikiki Baizai and Zhibo Haiyan will be a little flustered. After all, the first face of such a powerful virtual, Jiu Nanbai is The guy who doesn’t have normal behavior at all, the person who doesn’t know how to deal with it is okay, and Arthur is able to stand alone.


“Find their place … you see–“

Arthur in eyes closed stretched his hand in the space in front of his eyes, and a picture was unfolded. Inside it was the Achucas who was fighting before, and there were 2 other people, but the masks on the faces of these 2 people have been removed. It is completely different from ordinary Achucus, and can see the existence of the face!

Basically, it is no different from human beings. Except for the fact that some places still have false proofs, there is not much difference.

“this is……!”

The unprecedented image of imagination, Zhibo Yixin, Yinmu Yinling and 6 Che Quanxi have not seen such imagination at all, and it is difficult to find such descriptions in the history of the corpse soul world.

“This is really unimaginable, no, you must immediately return the corpse soul world.”

Yinmu Yinling frowned and said, “When necessary, the team can only handle this matter.”

“There should be some records. These imaginary things broke through the original realm and began to transform in a certain direction. However, in the previous records, most of them are only some small changes, and such complete changes are not recorded … “

Zhibo explained wholeheartedly that he has encountered these cases, but such emptiness is very powerful.


Arthur was even more surprised. What he did not expect was the existence of Shaka among these three people. That is to say, this was Demon Race’s Legion sent to the Ability Users of this World. They kept making trouble because they wanted to find the killing stone. What?

So what are their abilities?

Is it not Shinigami’s ability, but virtual ability? But why is this form again? Xu is not like this.

Do you want to continue? Arthur looks at the decayed silver bell and Zhibo. They are a little confused. Should they stay here or return to the corpse with the realm? As you can imagine, Shaka may not let them go …

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