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There has never been an incident where Shinigami used replied to treat deficiency, and Arthur is the first! !

Neither he nor Nelly Ellu understand what changes this healing power will bring.

Arthur’s spiritual power was sealed by the blue dyed right seal as the ‘center’ material of Bengyu because of the particularity of his spiritual pressure, and a large number of Shinigami and fine Heroic Spirit’s Bengyu were blended. , Will complete the study of ‘Beng Yu’ more quickly.

The virtual power is introduced into Shinigami’s body, and the power of Shinigami is introduced into the virtual body. Such a thing itself will be dangerous and unpredictable.

Bloodthirsty Ougi is Ougi. It devours the power of the opponent into its own power, instead of turning the opponent’s power into its own power. The conversion is indirect plundering, and it becomes direct plundering. Although it has near meaning, it is fundamentally different.

And now Arthur is introducing the power of Shinigami, and the power that can become the material of Bengyu into the body of Nelly Ello. If the object is Shinigami, this power will stay for a while and disappear, just as a healing power. Exists, but if it is virtual, in addition to healing, it will also-

Realize the inner desire of Master!

No, it is not realized. After all, this is not true jade collapse, but a mechanism for turning this wish into reality and turning it in the desired direction.

It is the particularity of spiritual power that Arthur possesses, Samsara Wheel of Life and Death, which was originally the Wheel of Fate in charge of 10000 reincarnation and evolution, and Arthur’s soul was influenced by this Wheel of Fate, and at the same time made him a spiritual son With this kind of probability.

Samsara Wheel of Life and Death is 6 Life and Death Wheel, 6 Daoist, Heavenly Dao, Asura Road, Humane, Animal Path, Hungry Ghost Path, Hell Path, 10000 things are born from Root, and the growth and evolution of 10000 things are both life and death To be controlled by the wheel of life and death.

Life and Death Samsara is like the cycle and nature of nature, dust returns to dust, earth returns to earth, everything comes from nothing, everything passes from something …

The Samsara Wheel of Life and Death is what enables innumerable living beings to break through the shackles and reach a stage of fetal notification. In simple terms, it is to break the boundaries and go from one cycle to another.

Just as Beng Yu can break the boundary between Shinigami and the virtual.

What Nellie Allure wants is to be able to break away from the virtual wildness and become a sensible existence, in fact, it is to break Shinigami’s mask——

“bang! !!!”

In the process of Arthur’s treatment, Nelly Elro accepted Arthur’s power and prayed to be the character Arthur hoped for–

Become Vastold who changes the virtual circle.

This strong hope caused the abnormality of the spirit son that Arthur put into her body, and then like the domino Bone Token effect, Nelly Ero exuded a strong rays of light throughout the body, and a stronger force emerged than before. Come out! !


The mask of Nelly Ellu’s face began to break, exposing the human face, and then the antelope-like body also began to transform into a human form, and at the same time a handful of Shinigami Zanpakutō appeared beside her! !

At the moment, Nelly Alor is almost different from Shinigami in appearance. Except that the exposed spiritual pressure is a virtual breath, other places are no different from Shinigami. The only thing that can prove that she is virtual The identity is the cover of the imaginary mask above the head.

“This power is …”

Nelly Ellu looked at her body in surprise, returning to the human body, and a stronger force than before was revealed.

“how come?”

Arthur looked at Nelly Elro in a state similar to that of Shaka, and he reached this point. What is the reason because of him? Or Nelly Elro’s own ideas?

Even though Nelly Ellou did n’t understand it, she just remembered the gentle words that Arthur told her, the power from the very beginning she had, but it was not found, and the power did not appear because of the killing, It’s about having something to protect, it can be a person around you, it can be a dream, etc.

And now, she took this step …

“I succeeded … are you okay?”

Nilu Ailuo walked up to Arthur’s and gently lifted him up. This Shinigami is really special. Is she destined to meet the noble?

“It feels more impossible to beat you now …”

Arthur smiled bitterly, and the power of Nelly Elore has changed substantially. She has more control and wisdom than when she was Vastold. If she wasted a lot of power during Vastold ’s time, she can now Saying that no extra power is wasted at all, the body’s strength has also increased a lot …

“I have no reason to fight you again. Will you regret saving me …”

Nelly Ellu held Arthur in her arms so that he could see his face more clearly.

“It’s not regret, it’s just … I didn’t expect such a quick change, and now I’m afraid it is impossible to defeat you at all …”

Arthur is obsessed with this.

“It really deserves to be the strangest Mr. Shinigami in the corpse soul world.”

Nelly Elro thought that Arthur was very simple and lovely, and could not help but say, “Your simplicity is really terrifying. Since I was defeated by you once, there may be a second time, and how can men say that they ca n’t do it?”

“Well, I didn’t crack a joke with you. The mistake I made at this time was enough to stay in the infernal hell for many years, and it might not be released …”

Arthur just smiled bitterly. Fortunately, after reading on the 9th layer month, no one could see this scene.

“Then, I will use the entire army of virtual circles to release you from the infernal hell. Rest assured, no one will notice here. Your spiritual pressure is very good. You can’t heal me without a full grasp. Since he treats me with peace of mind, then I won’t care about this kind of thing. You’re just being disturbed by my sudden evolution, and I am also not calm. “

Nelly Elro said with a faint smile and helped Arthur up–

“Okay, I ’m leaving. The meaning I ’ve found has been found. Continued here will cause you trouble. Are you called Ace Arthur Clanquire Tepes Scarlet? I will always remember this name and regard it as As the most important thing, you are the man who gave me a new life, and it is worth my life to remember you. “

“Well, it’s not necessary to be so serious. I just don’t look at the imagination, don’t think I’m as good as I think, and I will be worried about the imaginary life of a Vastod!”

Arthur sighed, was remembered, really distressed Ah …

“That’s right, Ace, you can treat me as the most special kind of imagination, I will be very happy …”

Nelly Elro reached out and touched the space to open the black cavity leading to the virtual circle.

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