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[Today ’s 2nd item is sent for subscriptions, monthly tickets, recommended tickets]

On 2nd day, Charlotte was still wearing a school uniform for boys. Although she didn’t figure out what it means to be alive, she thought Arthur’s words were very reasonable.

People live because of a certain meaning, either hope or pursuit or expectation …

No matter what the reason is, people need a wish to support life!

The desire of the heart!

It is precisely because she does n’t know that she is alive so far, Charlotte wants to find out the meaning of her existence, otherwise she ca n’t give up!

After putting on the armband of the Disciplinary Committee member, Arthur began a regular early morning patrol, just—

“Arthur-sama, please wait for me …”

Charlotte trot on Arthur’s body, shaking with braids tied in a headband, holding his hands on his chest, running very cutely.

“What are you doing over here? This is not where you should stay. Go to class, I have Quest to patrol …”

Arthur reached out and pressed Charlotte’s head directly, preventing her from rushing.

“Arthur-sama is stingy!”

Charlotte puckered her mouth in dissatisfaction.

“You look so disturbing to me, now you are a ‘boy’, this is harassment to me!”

Arthur really wants to get rid of this guy from Tsai’s side, and obviously wants to find a little loli to live with. Why is there such a strange guy?

“I just want to patrol with you, don’t the Disciplinary Committee members need to be hired?”

Charlotte asked, tilting his head.

“No, if you need, there are a lot of hands, you should learn from other girls, isn’t there a boy in the class? You should get along well with the weave spots …”

Arthur looked around and found a silhouette of a summer spot, and quickly said—

“Textile, De Noah doesn’t understand some of the boys’ facilities, so you take her to familiarize yourself, and give it to you …”

“No problem, De Noah, come here …”

Weaver spot sees the entanglement of Arthur’s Charlotte in the summer. He is instinctively dissatisfied. After he moved out of the room, there was another boy who lived in.

“No, I’m already familiar with it … Classmates with weave spots shouldn’t bother …”

Charlotte could only temporarily walk to the classroom, and the only thing he wanted to know was to ask Arthur next time.


After the end of the day’s course, Arthur once again gave IS core evolution guidance to the King-Type Ability User of the IS school camp on the training ground, but only—

Charlotte also received training.

“Please allow me to join in …”

Charlotte has put on the IS suit and launched IS, which is an orange IS body, although from the production process, it is also the second generation of the final machine produced by the French company De Noah [the rebirth of the wind] (Rafale * Revive)], but it is a special machine tailored for Charlotte. It has a strong stability and is not much weaker than some Early-Stage version IS of the 2rd generation.

Arthur collected the basic information of this IS from the information box. The name was earlier [Rafale * Revive * CustomII], compared with the teachers in the school who used the machine to rebirth. In addition to a few basic equipment, it can also double the expansion area, so that the defense coefficient will increase.

At the same time, it can be seen from the external shape of the fuselage that the pair of propeller wings behind Mecha are separated from the middle part and become 2 wings, therefore, the maneuverability and acceleration are higher; the armor on the shoulder is originally All 4 physical protections have been removed, replaced by protection on the left wrist and armor with integrated wrists.

But in order not to cause trouble for the shooting of the right wrist, it became smooth sliding armor.

In short, these changes make it more suitable for Charlotte, stability and fluency are more outstanding.

“What are you messing up? And I have your information here, I don’t need to guide you at the level, and you can guide me at your level …”

Arthur said with curled lips.

“Don’t you have a question in China called” 3 people must be my teacher “? Even if I know more about it overall, but you still have the strengths I can learn from, I heard that Arthur-sama is trying to evolve the core form of IS I developed it, I do n’t know if I can get involved? “

Charlotte knew that it was almost impossible, but wanted to try it …

“… You can really say that it’s not gloomy at all. You looked at you withered yesterday … Well, whatever you want, just look at your Innate Skill …”

Arthur doesn’t understand why Charlotte is entangled with him. If it is to obtain IS core data, there is no need to be so blatant, right?

“Bee … Bee … Bee …”

At this time, the entire training ground, no, it should be said that the entire IS defense network system is paralyzed!

Arthur They have been guarding against the attack of the deceased machine industry, but they have not been prepared to attack the network system of the IS academy. This shows that the deceased machine industry has an entire expert, which directly suppresses the system of the IS school

For a time, the shield shield of the entire arena blocked all exits! !

A huge screen appeared in front of Arthur’s-

“Good evening, everyone, my name is Lilith! You understand this way!”

The woman who appeared on the screen was wearing a half-face mask and had a very tall figure. Behind her, stood a group of 100 IS aircraft! ~!

“Now I have controlled the entire organization of the deceased machine industry! And I will become the king of Dark World! From now on, we will start a war against the whole world!

I have waited for life to be put out of sight, I am waiting for sublimation in the dark, and we want to innovate the human world!

The US government is now under our control! ! The country with the third largest territory in the world overnight is our national machine industry!

Fear, howl, and then understand what power is in war! ! !

Life is inherently unequal. The so-called patriarchal society, the so-called matriarchal society, the so-called King society, the so-called slave society, etc. are all abnormalities in the ugly evolution of human beings! ! !

Power and interests rule the long human world, and finally we conclude—

weak are prey to the strong are natural rules!

But God said that life is parallel, why there are so many unfair existences!

So now I want to reinvent the core of New World, IS, anyone can have it, as long as you are more loyal to me, the stronger the power you can get, as long as you understand now, I am the God who rules you-

Queen Lilith!

Whoever has power, fear me! People who have no power, pursue me! The world will be destroyed by me and rebuilt by me! “

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