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Arthur was tired of being chased by Shino, and stopped running.

“Are you still running?”

Shino’s Regiment carried the wooden knife and threw another bamboo knife in his hand to Arthur—

“Duel, you fall or I fall!”

“Don’t cracking a joke, okay? Do you think a person as simple as me would think wrongly because you say those private words?”

Arthur couldn’t afford to play.

“You liar! Disgusting face!”

The wooden sword of Shino no longer pierced Arthur.


Arthur picked up the bamboo knife and blocked it. This stabbing was terrible!

“There is no guilt at all, it’s really thick-skinned.”

Shino’s Ghost coldly snorting said.

“Do you want to count your sister to say this?”

The sword in Arthur’s hand won’t give in, so if you try Kendo, you can’t stop easily!

“Isn’t you indulging her yet? Don’t say that you will resist, you will not admit it when you are comfortable, you are really amazing!”

No matter how the elder sister and Arthur are together, do n’t think about the elder sister ’s natural confusion, curiosity, and randomness, but Arthur is a man of opinion, if he does n’t want to. There will be a relationship.

It’s just that for her, Arthur is her second ‘childhood sweethearts’, and compared to a summer, Arthur is very inspiring to her in Kendo and life. It was originally taken as a girlfriend by Arthur. The result is …

It ’s not because of the male identity, it ’s better to say that it ’s better to be a male. After all, Arthur is also called, and he hates being with elder sister, the elder sister she hates, because elder sister she grew up Life has all kinds of restlessness and drift.

At that moment, there was a feeling that my girlfriend was taken away by elder sister. It was really unpleasant!

“Yes, I indulged. Considering that it is helpful to both parties, Shu is to do IS core research. I want to deal with Lilith. Our goals are the same. At the same time, she is also a kind of innocent woman. Some charm, I am also a man, her all kinds of temptations. I naturally cannot bear it, so I just … “

Arthur is also voluntary. If he does n’t want to, no one can force him. It ’s not the feeling of a lover. It ’s just a relationship of friends. Their goals are the same. Article, so it is where water flows, a canal is formed …

“Congratulations, you have a common goal!”

The wooden knife in the hands of Shino’s Ginoki is almost like a knife, purely venting!

“I’m sorry, but I think Shubi is more attractive than you. Forgive me for being a guy with strange taste.”

Arthur didn’t mean to converge at all. Yeah, if he had any feelings, he had already played with Yui. As a result, this kind of serious girl was not his dish, and the bunch was more appetizing, although the ridicule was on the side. Strange broken girl, but enjoying all kinds of bizarre and motley things on the other side, the reason is very simple, because it is very pleasant!

This is a wonderful life, Arthur knows elegance and taste, but he will not do it!

Before using a tea ceremony to persuade Yukino and Haruno’s mother, Arthur was very elegant and elegant, but that was too fake, he likes to live real, why do people hide their true emotions?

“Ah, it’s so nice, I am also relaxed and happy, so please take care of your honeymoon !!”

The attack of Shino’s Miyagi becomes stronger and stronger, and the ground has stepped out!

“That’s impossible, because I don’t have that feeling with her, maybe you feel strange, but in my opinion, that kind of thing has been done, it doesn’t mean that it is a lover, but the lover will definitely do that kind of thing, me and She is just the former, and I would rather choose to treat you emotionally, but it ’s just that there is a better appetite for you. You are a friend, she is a friend, this difference. “

Arthur one after another hit back, and the strength of the bamboo sword increased.

“As a result, we were all played by you? Really a winner in life!”

Shinozano doesn’t understand why she has had a relationship with Sister Shu but she is not a lover. The same answer is given by Sister Shu. Arthur is her friend. She asks whether Sister Shu has another man he likes. It’s only Arthur who can play that kind of thing with her in this life …

So she did n’t understand, why?

“If I were a winner in life, it really must be cautiously. Without a little effort, this winner of my life would die on the road to happiness. Compared to me, Yixia is the winner of life, there is no threat at all, right? ? And you still remember his 6 years of childhood sweethearts even when you are separated!

Everyone from childhood sweethearts is going to die! “

Arthur is about to get angry. This guy refused him at first, didn’t he? So he can only be a boyfriend, not a boyfriend.

“Even if strangers coming together by chance, I hope you will be better to Shujie, maybe she is harder than I thought …”

Shino’s 箒 probably has a mentality to help elder sister, right? I learned from the 1000 winter of the weaving spot that Sister Shu has been hiding for 3 years to build her exclusive IS. The white style for Yixia is also to experiment her wish. Her wish is naturally to be with Yixia …

“I admit her, she also admits me, do whatever you want, but we are friends, not that kind of relationship. Sometimes, after breaking through the relationship between men and women, there is no way to face each other. We will deal with our affairs. , So can you forgive me? “

Arthur finally slashed hard, and both the bamboo and wooden swords snapped off.

Finally 2 fell to the ground, panting …

“Sure enough, Arthur’s Kendo is the best. Can I still practice Kendo together …”

Regent of Shino reached out and grabbed Arthur’s clothes.

“Don’t seduce me. I don’t play with auntie … cracking a joke … Of course it will continue, so don’t have any shadows, we are still friends.

If you are bullied after a summer, let me teach him … “

Arthur relaxed, It hurts fast, and really it’s better to use Kendo to communicate, is this the first idea?

“I don’t want to call you brother-in-law …”

Xiao Zhizhi said frowning.

“I do n’t want to be your brother-in-law, and I have n’t gotten into a family relationship. I will still be your friend and your girlfriend in the future, but I ’m just going to change my status, male girlfriend, even if you talk to me, I know Xiao Xiao, do n’t you want to lose my friend, do n’t you meet a friend who can communicate with Kendo, have been sticking to Kendo for 6 years, but you ca n’t talk to you in the summer, probably he will not understand.

So I am your only one … “

Arthur blinked and said, well, it was a good result.

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