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In the final blow, Arthur and Asias both suffered terribly. The reason for this result is that the two men are of equal strength.

Kendo’s cultivation is much harder than those skills. The advantage is that it can be used at any time. It does not need to borrow any transcendent power. It only needs enough of its own will and physical strength.

For the first time, Asiasias did not beat her opponent 4 times in a row. Battou sacrificed souls. If it lasted until the last knife, the result would be very terrifying, and life and death would be split second. Betting on it, it is for this reason that she can understand the extraordinary Kendo Sword Draw.

She does not have the guidance of her mentor, she is advancing with her own will, and is obsessed with Kendo as the soul. If she fails, the soul will naturally face the crisis of dying!

And Arthur continued to use [Unknown] and killing stones, and his spirit was also tortured. The loss of physical strength was only a trivial matter. If you continue, the collapse will be in danger of collapse, but he ca n’t stop here.

“Soul-Hua Shiju * ​​Sen Lang.”

Asiasia pulled out the knife in his hand!

In a huge month, Silver Wolf appeared in front of Arthur’s and shocked …

“Unknown * Tendou Sword Drawing Style Zero Type 3—”

Arthur slowly lifted Dongxue above his head, then moved towards Silver Wolf and slashed down …

“【Azao Soutouken】 !!!”

Silver Wolf evaded Arthur’s slash and continued to bite at him! !

But just before it was near split second in front of Arthur’s eyes, his head and limbs slid to the ground one after another!

“How can it be!”

This last shot of Asias has the ability of double reflection. With the help of the mirror of the water, Silver Wolf has 2 kinds of lives. The first one to be slashed by Arthur is illusory shadow, and this second This is a real fight, under normal circumstances, it is impossible …

“Sure enough-I’m right!”

Arthur naturally did not understand the difference between the last cut of Asias and the first 4 cuts, but compared to the rampage of the first 4 cuts, this last blow should be ‘cunning’, so Arthur used a similar double cut, After 1st Strike, there is also 2nd Strike. With the current ability of Asias, 2nd Strike cannot be seen.

If Arcias is a two-headed wolf, then Arthur is a two-headed sword! !

After the final blow, Arthur’s right side appeared a shrunken Silver Wolf.

The knife drawn by Asias was aimed at Arthur–

“True chopping-seeing Sisisha * Wuming Mohe 81 Pindu !!”

The split second, the crow, Flood Dragon, White Tiger, dragon lizard, and Silver Wolf, which floated around Arthur, penetrated into one, starting to burst outward from Arthur’s body, one after another dense and numerous cracks from Arthur’s body Show, but there is no blood shed, but there is endless fog and dust, as if to be transformed into a grave!

With the completion of this slash, Asias fell to the ground in an instant, the repercussions of the soul sacrifice finally came, a huge shadow of Asura appeared from above her head, and a huge ghost hand grabbed the body of Asias Her soul was caught!

She herself not at all achieves this kind of realm, and compulsory use beyond this realm’s ability, you must dedicate something for this. If the 5 sealed souls are her true meaning of Kendo in the past, then finally this One cut is to take the opportunity to bet on everything to see the wider world.

The core of Sword Draw is fast, and the word fast has a profound meaning. What is the fastest?

No one knows, but if you get rid of the fast, rise a realm, will [Instant Ougi] on [Quick Ougi] be more powerful?

No battou is needed, but a battou that can be chopped out instantly with just one idea should be chopped right?

The instant slash must be much faster than the Sword Draw, without the Sword Draw of Battou, it is the realm that Asiasias is after.

However, since it is a cut, then it must be battou, exhausting wisdom, and Asiasia can only seal the past Kendo Ougi into the sword, and use the battou that breaks Time and Space to reproduce the past Ougi in the present, barely can be called as [Blink], the speed is really fast to the point where it is invisible to the naked eye.

But Asiasia understands that even then she can’t get as fast as Sword Draw, because it’s just Kendo, which is a hypocrisy. The so-called sword without a sword in the heart is just a hypocrisy. The so-called sword in the hand and the sword in the heart are both A thing that exists, if at first there is no sword, then there will be no Kendo, if there is no cut, then there is no Sword Skill.

So in the end, Asiasia returned to the original point, breaking the falsehood, comprehended this kind of [true chopping Ougi], extinguishes and thinks the dust * Wuming Mohe 81 grade confusion, seeing thoughts, dust and Wuming together is called 3 confusion, representing With all illusions, seeing thoughts is inside confusion, dust is inside and outside confusion, ignorance is outside confusion, 3 kinds of hypocrisy, Maha is for [infinitely large], 81 character confusion is representing all confusion in 3 realms and 9 lands .

In fact, there are totally 3rd-layers. So far, Asiasia has only cultivated the First Layer, 81 products, 3 realms, 9 lands, and Grade 9 (upper, upper, middle, and lower, middle upper, middle, and middle) Xia, Xia Shang, Xia Zhong, Xia Xia), a total of 81 grades of confusion!

People who are really hit by this First Layer must survive 81 puzzlements before they can survive!

She is going to die, but she hopes that Arthur can survive. After all, although she has the pride of Kendo, she was born for Her Royal Highness, so if Arthur’s death confuses Her Highness, she will not do what she does. It makes sense. Since Her Highness Lilith took a fancy to Arthur, then she could only be the stone that sharpened Arthur’s, allowing Arthur to step on him.

Maybe she did too much?

It’s just that Arthur is really a good Kendo opponent. From practicing Kendo to now, Arthur is her first opponent who really uses Kendo.

It’s a pity, but she is going to die …

“Your true chopping is of no use to me !! Because I never have any falsehood, I am true and blank, so sorry, I must defeat you, although I admire your consciousness, but I also have consciousness What I bear is not only the reincarnation fate of life and death, but also the pressure that no one can imagine.

At first, there is no life and death, because I have no life and death, only the beginning and the end. “

Arthur ignored the mist and dust that spilled from his body, and the soul sword was now in his hand, and he started his counterattack—! !

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