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After Arthur was hit at the fourth time, Xiaoshu Beam finally analyzed the Avatar performance of the black IS.

“How is it? I have the last shield energy left, don’t play again …”

“It has been tested-

Nagato C has probably obtained the information of this space, and then manipulated and connected the information, manipulated the information in the space, changed the shape, attribute, and function of the material, and artificially reconstructed the illusion of impossible existence.

You know that the external facility package is a facility that IS uses to replace equipment. It can quantize the information of objects. If you are skilled, even clothes can be quantized.

Nagato has C quantized and applied special molecular materials to the composition of the human body, and physically created the Avatar of the human body to increase the number of attacks.

This is to use the stored mass in acceleration mode to structure and fly to most coordinates, but the use of this technique will immediately cause an overload response of the IS core and human organs, so the number of Avatar and the maintenance time are limited. .

It ’s not a spatial ability, we analyzed it at first wrong … “

The small beam beam quickly analyzes the Avatar ability of the black IS.

“Then you mean that this is the derivative ability of [instant acceleration], quantize the excessive mass produced during acceleration and then throw it to other coordinates, right?

How do we deal with it? “

Arthur asked.

“Xia Ya, do you know why I did [not set] the status of Xue Ying at first? To cope with the situation in front of me, first of all, I must know that your IS core is not the same as Xiao Gie, her expansion The armor is much more complete than yours. Your unfolded armor is not a complete body, but a device of probability.

To know that the 4th generation machine can not be completed at split second, so your snow cherry is the same as the white type in the initial stage, the quasi 4 generation machine, and the 4th generation equipment is used in some parts.

In order to cope with the sudden situation, I did not set it. To know that after setting one direction, if you go in the other direction, you need to go back and regenerate. Now you only need to regenerate.

The genius Xiaoshu is super powerful. In the time that Xiaoya is fighting for, in addition to analyzing the Avatar mode, it is still writing, which means that the cracking and writing are going on at the same time, so the split second of the result is analyzed. , Asia of IS has the same acceleration performance.

Okay, let’s fight back now! ! “

Xiao Shushu gestured the V with his hands, indicating completion.

“Have you completed the setup? Really have you …”

Arthur couldn’t help but be surprised. The analysis of the beam of Shino was really amazing. In such a short period of time, the ability of the opponent was decomposed and acquired and then displayed on his IS. It is a genius scientist.

“The accelerated mass quantum Avatar mode is starting-

0 … 50% … 80% … 100%, possible to use! “

The virtual screen prompts Arthur.

After being beaten continuously, do you finally start to fight back!

Arthur instantly accelerated—

3rd-layer accelerates instantly!

3rd-layer Avatar mode!

On acceleration, Arthur is better than inky IS. The derivative ability of instant acceleration is Avatar mode, then how many times is the Avatar accelerated!

“Soul-Hua Shiju * ​​Sen Lang.”

“Soul-cutting-Longlong Cave * Gang Li!”

“Scatter it, Chun Sakura!”

“Freeze, Dongxue!”

Arthur and 3 Avatars used battou at the same time! !

2 targets its soul and 2 blocks its IS!

“How is it possible … long door …”

The manipulator of the pitch-black IS was killed before he was surprised!


“Nothing is impossible, you have the black technology of Nagato, and I have the black technology of the beam of Shino, and each other! The same ability and strength, you are not my opponent !!”

Arthur whispered, and sustained a heavy blow, and now he can finally fight back.


“Unforgivable! Aah!”

The dark IS manipulator roared at the moment of resurrection, and the entire underground lava river became very boiling, stirring a wave of intense lava tide.

Gradually, the mist surrounding the black IS began to disperse, and turned into a huge dark tentacle. Under the number, there were several dark tentacles.

“Second Stage !!”

Xiaoshushu reminded Arthur.

“The second form unfolds–

Heroes of gorgeous 100 flowers Knight! “

Arthur also unfolded the second form. The holy armor intersecting the golden and blue enveloped the main body. A bright star sword appeared in the right hand, shining bright rays of light.

If you use the Burning Devil Ghost itself, the resistance to Fire Attribute will be better, but then Kotori will be used. Arthur still does not want to know the existence of Kotori, so it can not be used, although the beam of Shino There is probably a lot of information related to ACAD emy City, but Arthur still wants to be conservative.

Because of the performance of the 4th generation machine, Arthur found that after the change of the second form, the whole body’s appearance flashed a layer of Barrier of the wind. The Barrier formed by the airflow emitted by the body manufacturing, the sword in his hand was even more invisible In the state of the wind, the existence of the sword itself is covered by the wind blade’s refraction of light. The invisible sword may probably make the opponent suffer.

However, IS can determine the length of the sword and the like through the perception of energy …

“go to hell!!”

The tentacles of the pitch-black IS flew over the sky, releasing scorching rays and winding up Arthur’s IS.

“It’s not that easy! 4 instant accelerations !!!”

Arthur’s body accelerated 4 times in a row, and differentiated 4 Avatar and attacked the dark IS at the same time.

However, tentacles were stretched out of the dark IS, and Arthur counterattacked!

These tentacles seem to have no limit in number, extending one by one, and Arthur has no way to get close to the armor of the dark IS. The energy of the slash has been hedged by the scorching rays emitted by the dark tentacles before it has passed.

“Haha! No one can beat my 2nd form! I am the strongest, and you will soon understand that even if you prepare how many abilities you cannot beat me!”

The tentacles on the pitch-black IS danced throughout the space, and all the things they touched were melted away!

“It’s Ability !!”

Xiao Shushu reminded Arthur that not only the 2nd form, this tentacle is the Ability possessed by the black IS!

“Analyze its tentacle core area, and slashing the outstanding degree of that area may work …”

Arthur said to Xiaoshu while avoiding, he did n’t want to use the sword of Aksha now. After all, there was Lilith in the end. The sword of Aksha should be kept as a hole card. Use pseudo Ability …

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