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After Arthur’s swallowing stopped, the wound of Age of Gods quickly recovered to the point of completeness, but the heart could not be recovered, but it was not difficult for her.

After instantly grabbing the core of an angel camp [Ⅱ], she disappeared into the dark abyss stage, able to arrange the plan without the slightest hesitation, she was already ready to retreat, choose the second round of the camp, she I chose Gog and Mago’s camp, but what happened was that she didn’t expect Arthur to have the ability to break her defenses.

This is definitely not the ability obtained in Absolute Duo world, it should be its own ability. Ougi or other things need to meet certain conditions before they can be used, otherwise this method will not be used in the end.

“Welcome to Arthur-kun’s at any time next time. My body has memorized your touch. Although it did not achieve the desired effect, the best is not available. I originally liked prey that are easier to hunt, but participate After playing this game, I found out how could it be done without any pursuit?

It ’s so cool Ah that you just bite here … Although I ate a lot, the feeling of being eaten for the first time was really exciting. If I did n’t die, it would be even more lucky! This time it is the soul, and it will be imposed on my body next time, more violently, let me sell like a soul! “

Age of Gods Li Shi’s voice gradually disappeared in the darkness-

“The prayer said: My Lord, I am ashamed to see you because I am filthy.

God said: Come and see me after bathing. You are polluted by the earth, and you will be cleaned by the spring of the earth.

The prayer said: The spring water washed away the filth. But I am more ashamed now. Because my mind is dirtier than my body.

God said: If you have no body, there is no so-called dirty; if you have no dirt, there is no so-called clean. The world is dirty because of you, and clean because of you. “


“That guy looks a little unfathomable mystery, do you know what she said at the end?”

49 Yuan Liusheng couldn’t understand the words of Age of Gods.

“That’s Kafka’s” Dialogue with Prayer “, expressionist literature. Expressionism focuses on expressing inner emotions through the work, while ignoring the description of the form of the description object, so it is often expressed as a distortion and abstraction of reality This method is especially used to express feelings of fear. Although most of them are repressive works, Kafka’s book also has a bright place, and it is a valuable realist writer. “

Arthur naturally clear comprehension what Age of Gods is expressing.

“Okay, I don’t understand how the heads of these talented students grow up, or are they literary teenagers and literary girls?”

49 Yuan Liusheng’s helpless wave-

“Anyway, when I saw those words, I felt a headache …”

“You guy won’t be able to enter famous school because of failing the written test?”

Arthur narrowed his eyes and asked.

“I fell asleep during the exam. I slept with my eyes open, great !!!”

49 Yuan Liusheng said proudly.

“Well, okay, I do n’t know how to ride the ridicule. If you have zero points in the written test, there will be no outstanding school institutions in the penultimate. Although some are like Kirigaoka ACAD emy, they are single-level, but they are girls. ‘school Ah … ”

Arthur sighed said.

“It doesn’t matter, although I did it unintentionally, it seems that many people are intentional. After all, the death rate of first-class academies is generally high. Of course, there are more proud and arrogant people … and most of them have not seen any market. . “

49 Yuan Liusheng helped Arthur up–

“It’s so risky, to be honest, I want to kill you, but I thought, what should I do if 10000 is overcast by you, seeing you with a cute face and a chrysanthemum look, but it’s a scheming, hiding With so many backers, is there anything still not exposed? “

“You really have nothing to hide, but this can indeed gain my trust. To say insidious words, you are not much worse than me. If you want to live, how can you do it?

The angel camps of the previous [Ⅲ] stage were obviously played until the end to understand who the real opponent was, but it was too late … “

Arthur pouted, and said nothing to each other. If the understood of the 49th hospital was all understood, he would definitely deal with him.

“I don’t have anything to keep. Oh, Arthur-sama is too overestimating me, but how did Master Yuliye get into this space, I really want to know? This should be the first case? The local world people Into this space !!! “

49 Yuan Liusheng narrowed his eyes and looked at Yuliye, who was completely confused and looking at the space of the dark abyss.

“Probably she is not only one … However, as the battle between the angel and demon camps is coming to an end, this space may be useless next. Angels are basically in a state of annihilation, leaving only the demon council!”

Arthur reached out and pressed gently on Juliet’s head, feeling a terrifying energy, but how could Juliet not be afraid, after all, could there be a darker existence than him?

Once the darkness is completely released, I am afraid that no one can reach him. Of course, if such a thing comes from my compliment, it is really dull. After all, it is almost self-degraded because of this. Thanks to Yuliye. Yes, if the Age of Gods is really ‘eaten’, then the result will be terrifying, right?

“? ~ Ya … because Juliet and Arthur are staggered …”

Although Yuliye couldn’t understand what Arthur was talking about, she knew that Arthur had his own affairs to deal with, and she also had no way to tell Arthur’s secret, so she wouldn’t care about such things.

“Unfortunately, my double-edged sword was unfortunately killed in battle …”

49 Liu Sheng showed a jealous expression.

“Won’t it be your assassination?”

Arthur didn’t believe that this guy would really need anything.

“Hey, hello, Arthur-sama, how can a gentle boy like me do the kind of completely crazy and ridiculous thing, but it ’s you, licking the girl ’s place is not enough, actually eat it, Master Yuliye wants Be careful … “

49 Yuan Liusheng reached out and digs his nostrils.


You Liye stretched her hand to cover her small breasts, it seems so petite not to eat?

“Don’t worry, I won’t eat …”

Arthur glared at Ryusen in the 49th courtyard. It was really okay to find something. He was not morbid. He ate there exclusively, but only the liberation of the killing stone. Some of them couldn’t help themselves, and they couldn’t help but just swallow it?

“? ~ Nai, although small, can lick!”

You Liye said something that made Arthur didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

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