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As promised, Arthur returned to Absolute Duo’s lifetime within the realm, and Lilith had already prepared her private yacht.

Only, there seem to be some exceptional characters.

99 Outside Shuo Ye and Tsukimi glass rabbits and other people in the Hao Ling Academy, there are Lilith, not Lilith in Absolute Duo world, but Demon Race’s Lilith, and this guy in the beam of Shino …

Is this the story of true and false Lilith and real and fake rabbits?

Can you still play happily?

“Yo, my husband, it seems that you really like me. The name Lilith is very important to you?”

Liness (Demoness) and 99 Shuo Ye stand together like twin sisters.

“Xiaoya, why didn’t you play with the rabbit (Tsukimi Glass Rabbit)? This is unreasonable. You all play Lilith (Bristol)!”

Shino’s beam head wears mechanical rabbit ear costumes and Tsukimi glass rabbit standing together is also very good, as if entering the maid cafe-like feeling.

“You are linked so fast, even if it’s a surprise, do you have a little psychological preparation?”

Arthur smiled bitterly and lay down on a sun lounger on the deck.


“That position is mine, don’t take it casually …”

Shadru jumped out of the sea lightly, and purple’s long hair twitched tiny drops of water, which became very shining under the sunlight.

“I invited His Royal Highness Shadru, how can she also help You Liye to complete her revenge, freeing Yu Liye’s obsession …”

Lilith (Bristol) came out of the cabin, followed by Juliet and steward Sarah, the girl with fruit tea—

“After the world is connected, the Bristol family has to do some business, so it needs the cooperation of His Royal Highness Shadru and His Highness Liness (Demoness). Shu Young Lady also wishes to provide research on the core technology, so this time I will invite them to meet together Well … after all, such a big yacht, just 3 people are too boring … “

“Did you do it on purpose? I encountered this kind of thing just after I was kicked out of Yukino. It’s really good to play (it’s strange)!” Arthur said in a crash.

“It’s okay to give you a lesson, the province is always pitted … I’m pitted by your blood!”

9th layer diligently walked out with a bitter glance. Behind him were Ming Huang Zhe and Yong Cangyi ten thousand li, which seemed to be hugging each other.

“Uh, why didn’t you die, this is unreasonable …”

Arthur pretended to be surprised.

“Cooperate with you to kill me. Forget it. Anyway, it’s over. Yin Yu told me everything. The past is over …”

9th layer permeated but suffered a very serious blow. Although the process was very painful, in the end (protagonist aura burst) defeated Ming Huang and reunited with her, she recognized each other, and Otowa also resurrected, everything seemed to have returned to 2 years ago The time is average.

“Thanks to the fake death technique of His Royal Highness Shadru, otherwise I have no way to be a lover with Touliu … One day, I will reach the realm of Absolute Duo with Touliu.”

Ming Huang looked at Shadru gratefully, she thought she would really die.

“The beauty of an adult is only, and my purpose has been achieved …”

Shadru picked up the juice and drank it shallowly.

“Then I am also an adult beauty?”

Age of Gods Li Shi watched with a book in a dark corner.


Arthur didn’t understand it at all. Why did Lilith (Bristol) invite so many people together? In addition to their own camp, there are hostile camps.

“Arthur-sama, does it seem unpleasant?” Beya Doric is as elegant as ever.

“Unpleasant is for sure, many people should not be here !!”

The Dark Hazard Nuclear coldly looked at the Hurricane Refiner.

“Isn’t it as if I haven’t heard it? Such a perfect ending is all rejoicing. Isn’t it fun for people with different opinions to gather together and move towards the same direction?”

The hurricane adjudicator said with a faint smile.

“But you killed the steel technician, layoff?”

The gui gui door smiled and drunk with a wine glass.

“Ah, I’m trying to get His Highness Shadru to sit in one of the 7 Yao. Should the 7 Yao now be in the other direction?”

The hurricane arbiter seems to have no intention of concealment at all.

“Okay, since everyone can get together, then open up. After the world is connected, the people of our world must unite together to make this World more interesting …”

Lilith (Bristol) took the fruit tea from Sara’s hand and leaped into the water—

“Just whoever swims to the opposite island first, the person who arrives first can choose to spend a night with anyone here, no limit to the use of power, but must advance in the sea water, don’t blend Young Lady! “

“It’s fun, why can’t I participate, I still have to talk to Xiaoya about life!”

The idea of ​​the beam of Shino using black technology to achieve its purpose has failed …

“I want to spend the night with the angel !!”

Age of Gods Lisse is very excited.

“Don’t grab anyone, Arthur is my husband!”

Liness (Demoness) estimates that you want to play this paddling game more.

“Then 8 cents across the sea, Magical Powers …”

Minghuangzi also has to participate. Hey, hey, cheating is not a good habit.

“If you don’t use any means, you can play fast with your will, and no one can stop you …”

Shadru also let go of the girl’s feelings.

“It seems very interesting, let me take a good look at everyone’s skills if you don’t limit your means …”

Tsukimi Glass Rabbit puts Flame Teeth in his hands——

“Testing the strength of the students is also one of Teacher’s obligations, don’t die!”

“Sara, prepare for a nuclear submarine! Darling I will definitely get it!”

Lilith (Bristol) has been preparing for a long time. Do n’t let a military weapon like a nuclear submarine light up casually, wo n’t it be checked?

“I am a dissident of water, but water is my world …”

Beja Doric turned into a stream of water and entered the sea.

“Arthur … I want …”

You Liye plunged into the sea.

“Did you even have Yuliye? Why do you choose me if you choose someone?”

Arthur’s head couldn’t keep up with everyone’s thinking.

“I am also interested in spending a night with the angels …”

The hurricane adjudicator said with a faint smile.

“I’m not BL, the man got away! ~! ~”

Arthur smiled bitterly.

“I can do trap …”

The hurricane arbiter bit a rose in his mouth.


Arthur had nothing to say.

“Arthur-sama, forgot to remind you, Yuliye Young Lady can’t swim …”

The girl steward Sara said in Arthur’s ear.

“Uh, you said earlier, Juliet!”

Arthur plunged into the sea …

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