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Arthur’s academy lived after Mandatory Contract Pandora Cathy Lockhart, and faced another setback, and was regarded as a [special] existence, becoming the first male Pandora in the history of the Jennetic Academy.

After completing the lightning dress, Arthur and Casey Lockhart were called to the staff room at the same time, but they were asked separately.

“Casey Lockhart, did you complete baptism for Arthur * Lancelot …”

The principal of East Janitex School asked Cathy seriously.

“This one……”

A trace of blush appeared on Cathy’s face, biting her lip and asking, “Secretary of School, should we report this kind of thing in detail, should this be my personal privacy?”

“You have feelings for him? You should know that” he “is different from us. I am not talking about privacy with you, but I am asking you seriously … Just the moment before, your Limiter is in the men’s locker room. Completed the homology dress, he completed it after finishing the basic course of homology in the morning … “

The principal of the school used a more serious tone.

“How can it be……!!”

Cathy eyes widened instantly, dressed in lightning, that is the basic Stigma skills that only female Pandora can complete, the male example has never been.

Sure enough, Arthur is not an ordinary cyborg. Was it cultivated with Stigma …

“I hope you can answer it truthfully, because it is for the entire Shubaliya … no, it should be very important for the entire human.”

The head of the academy kept sliding his mouse on the pulley and browsed the information about Arthur * Lancelot’s on it. The information he knew was also ‘artificial man’, but Arthur from Court Academecian in Aoi (Yuanwu) was definitely not just artificial People are so simple, Court Academecian has concealment, but she doesn’t want to pursue anything, but the thing of male Pandora is very important to the entire human.

“Please do n’t treat him as an experiment! He … Arthur also has the same feelings as our human beings, he will be shy, he will be excited, he will talk, he will chat, he will eat and he will think … Even if he behaves abnormally, do n’t abandon him, we Have the power to create him and the obligation to live as a human? “

Cathy did n’t know what the school principal asked me to do these things, but people ca n’t be ruthless, even if it ’s just a night together, she also feels that Arthur ’s body temperature is real, she does n’t want to …

“Do n’t be excited, even if I want to move him, I have to get the permission above, and as an artificial man in the experiment, he has been very successful. The male Pandora means that the number of Pandora in our human world will increase, that is Saying that fighting against NOVA increases battle strength.

Although I do n’t know how long it will take to experiment with such a future, at least there is an opportunity for us to protect him before it is too late.

I want to ask you to what extent baptism has progressed, without omission and in detail tells me that I need to judge whether he became Pandora’s because of external factors or his own conditions, and it is also waiting for my timely report. “

A smile appeared on the corner of the academy ’s long mouth, let Cathy be his partner also means the above, must is a gentle Pandora, let the ‘artificial person’ affection to human is a special requirement above, to avoid if one day artificial After people know their identity, they will also choose to become human friends.

“Baptism went on, even if Stigma was not transplanted, and I and I were both drunk …”

Cathy paused, as if something could not be said.

“Yes, then he completed Pandora’s Lightning Dress with his own strength …”

The school principal feels that Arthur is definitely not such a simple thing as an “artificial man”. I am afraid that it is Stigma itself …

But when you did not at all find any special places during the entrance test, next you have to look at the medical report of the medical center …


“All tests are normal …”

“Stigma activity increased …”

“Normal lipids … normal blood glucose … normal blood routine … normal urine routine … normal B-ultrasound examination … abnormal increase in bone density … increased cell activity … abnormally high energetic cytokines …”


Arthur was subjected to various tests under the pretext of ‘regular medical examination’. The previous test was normal, and the latter was somewhat abnormal. He even couldn’t understand some of the terms. He listed a total of 100 items, even each item. There are various sub-tests. Is this simply the work of human gene mapping?

Although it is exaggerated, a group of medical staff is very busy.

One afternoon after the test was completed, he walked out of the medical center with an empty stomach.

“Arthur … are you okay?”

Cathy was walking in the chair at the door waiting to see Arthur and immediately came to her support.

“It’s okay, I’m hungry … Is dinner all over? It’s too much torture to test when I was discharged so soon …”

Arthur smiled bitterly.

“Well, after all, you are the first male Pandora in history, I was also asked for a long time …”

Cathy calmed Arthur and said, “doesn’t matter, there won’t be anything, even if there is something, I will be with you, who makes me your partner, even if you are Pandora, I am also the Limiter , Remember this thing well, as a younger generation, do n’t be proud of Pandora’s power … “

“Yes, yes … after all, we are already baptism, at least for a short time I am not interested in other women, even if Cathy Senpai is not my imaginary lover, but at least it is also a beautiful girl Ah …”

Arthur couldn’t help but feel grateful. At this time, Cathy could still be with him. It was really out of true feelings. If he had anything unusual, the normal person’s immediately thought would hide him away …

“I don’t think you are a compliment. If I have charm in your eyes, you won’t drink and come to me …”

Cathy said her voice gradually weakened.

“How are you …”

Arthur asked.

“Arthur is a fool!”

Cathy stepped on Arthur’s instep, pushed him away, and moved towards the girls’ dormitory.

“Ai, wait for me, Cathy Senpai …”

Arthur scratched his head in confusion, chasing up …

“Go back to your boys’ dormitory, I’m going to rest …”

Cathy turned her face slightly snorted and trot away …

“I didn’t say I’m going to enter your boudoir Ah today …”

Arthur lamented that the girl was really weird. It was just gentle, how come you suddenly have a temper tantrum?

“I had reserved dinner for you, now I will eat it myself!”

Cathy said without looking back.

“No, I’m hungry Ah … Cathy Senpai, let me eat it …”

Arthur hurried over, but he didn’t realize what he said was right.

Anyway, almost the entire girl ’s dormitory was heard …

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