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Arthur’s breathing gradually increased, he lied, he has not at all completed the deployment of stardust weapons, but he did not want to use Bombardment 5-Star as a stardust weapon, he must move forward, never back, even if it is The crushing of bones cannot stop.

He has decided to embark on this path, the growth of the silver stage will not be so simple, he began the journey in advance, so he must not lag behind anyone else.

Blindly relying on the existing Item battle, he grew impossible, the system does have a very powerful power, but blindly trusting, it can not produce its own power.

What is the reason for Ougi’s existence?

It is the power that can be used at any time, that is to say, it can be used even without a system!

In this case, what is the difference between him and Pandora holding Stigma by this World?

Power never will simply appear, must have determination!

Do not want to fail, the soul is burning, the hot light will warm the whole body!

“Stardust weapon unfolds–

NOVA * Sword-Solais! ! “

Arthur’s soul is surging, bringing a sword of will Solais in his hand!

Sword condense by the light of soul.


The sword of light.

Dazzling and eye-catching, Cathy could not help squinting her eyes, so strong rays of light.

But after shining, not at all saw something in Arthur’s hands, the only thing he could see was that his right hand was radiating rays of light.

“What weapon?”

Dongzhi Academy’s 3rd year student couldn’t help but frown again–

“Whatever it is, destroying the combination between Pandora and Limiter in your identity, and at the same time as a low school student who is actually a big word to express himself, facing NOVA, is not a hero, and the result will only cause your Senpai to save You die, and finally all people fail …

Only by having order can more people survive. Older students do n’t have to worry about the safety of younger ones. Younger students learn enough ideas and then fight.

It seems that your spleen and body must understand that this is correct.

My name is Ingrid Bernstein, title, Guardian of Order, East Jenneths Academy 3rd year student NO.7!

Stardust weapon——

DIVINE * TRUST (Holy * Trust)! “

East Academy ’s 3rd year student said that a strong rays of light flashed, and a short blade was spread at each hand. The shank end of the short blade was cylindrical, and a small cylinder extended from the center, so that the short The blade is close to the arm, as if the arm became a blade.

What type of melee?

Arthur knows the gap between the two people, and he ca n’t beat his opponent at speed. He can only feel that Stigma with the body can perceive all the fluctuations of Stigma. This is very convenient for him to fight, as long as he grasps the opponent You can avoid the attack trajectory. Compared with victory, you should support it now.


Ingrid’s body burst forward quickly, moved towards Arthur and the short blade end of the right hand was aimed at Arthur’s chest. Because the opponent was the Limiter, she did not use the blade, but the sword handle.


The sound of air swimming passed into his ears, and Arthur staggered his body like lightning, avoiding Ingrid’s attack …

“How can it be!!”

Both Casey and Ingrid’s Limiter were surprised, and it was absurd to use Limiter to dodge Pandora’s attack.


Arthur is already experienced. After experiencing so many worlds, if he didn’t grow a little, he would be lucky to be able to live to the present. Unfortunately, he already has a certain Fighting Intuition. Even if he is a bullet, he can try to avoid it as long as he exerts his full strength. , Plus Master’s guidance, he is not an ordinary person …

There is no need for a trace of waste in the movement, the breath of Ingrid Stigma in the air can be fully captured, image the space of 2 people in the mind, and complete the feedback in the brain in the split second of Stigma fluctuations!

“It must be a coincidence!”

Ingrid continued to attack, although he didn’t believe it, he had begun to use advanced techniques to accelerate!

In this split second, Arthur closed his eyes and fully sensed all the information in the air with tactile flies. His Stigmata Body can clearly perceive Stigma’s fluctuation laws, even the slight fluctuations can’t escape his perception, it is possible of……


Ingrid’s right hand thing’s word handle pointed to Arthur’s chest …

“The battle has just begun!”

Arthur’s mouth smiled.

“Ding! ~”

The word handle in Ingrid’s hand was nowhere near Arthur’s chest!

“Don’t ignore my stardust weapon …”

Arthur’s chest has his stardust weapon, because it is light, so this star weapon is invisible. As long as there is light, it will automatically hide itself by relying on the light, and human eyes cannot see it.

Fortunately, after rising to silver, the suppression of entering the Dimensional World is at the bronze low grade level, which is about 4 times the strength of the ordinary person. The strength, defense, etc. are the 4th of the ordinary person, but this is not for Pandora What, Pandora can no longer calculate with multiples of multiples …

And his chest is very open. This should be the case where Ingrid suppresses the power, that is to say, he can no longer resist the next blow, then Ingrid will fight with all his strength?

“It’s a good block, so I don’t have to be cautious of my strength, even if it is a Limiter, i will not show any mercy!”

All of Ingrid’s power was unlocked, and moved towards Arthur quickly attacked …

“It’s really terrifying … but I have mastered the running rules of your Stigma. It will not be so easy to defeat me, and the invisible sword, how do you defend?”

Arthur’s sword gave him the possibility to attack, if it is a normal sword, it will definitely be captured and given? But this light sword is no problem …

Ingrid’s attack was completely resolved by Arthur, even Arthur’s clothes corner was not touched. Although Arthur’s body seemed to shake like a tumbler, he was actually avoiding Ingrid’s attack …

“Did you see through my acceleration? Well, I admit that I can’t hit you with ordinary power, but you can only remember my acceleration information, pull it down!”

Ingrid’s body split into 4 instantly, moved towards Arthur and attacked!

“bang! !”

At this time, Arthur was not so lucky. Invatar in Avatar mode had to be able to perceive the trajectory and not avoid it at split second. This result was also what he expected …

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