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Chapter 86th looking forward to Yukinoshita being rescued (Part 1)

Alisa would never have thought that Yukinoshita Yukino would say such a thing. The word ‘companion’, she always felt that Yukinoshita Yukino was impossible.

In fact, on the gear of destiny, everyone is changing, but people always deceive their own cognition, even if the people around them change, they will not admit to this change.

Arthur is changing, Yukinoshita is changing, she may also be changing unconsciously, in order to survive better.

When Alisa was on the verge of despair, Arthur was pulled back with his last power, and touched by Yukinoshita’s seemingly icy words.

They are companions, so they can depend on each other.

Perhaps at at first, Alisa realized that the three of them had similarities. They were all lonely and were pitiful people struggling with fate. However, she and Yukinoshita were both cold and proud type people. Disharmony, the most important thing is-

They all love Arthur, and Arthur, who bears no regrets and no regrets, is the object of her and Yukinoshita’s longing. At the same time, he has saved them, and all this has taken root in his heart …

Sometimes love and love are two different things. Love does n’t turn into love at split second. You like something, just touch your heart, so Alisa and Yukinoshita like Arthur’s just like ordinary likes, but when they like When it comes to the relationship between men and women, it will change drastically, get along together, how can it not be cranky, even if it is as plain as water, the heart must be turbulent.

Alisa and Yukinoshita’s bet that they are serious. The three of them will continue and one day will exclude one person. Then, if you break this feeling at at first, then you can be less painful.

However, Alisa gradually found that the trust between Yukinoshita and Arthur exceeded her imagination. On the one hand, she was tortured by the hatred of her parents. On the other hand, Yukinoshita felt better than her. Alisa, who roared in pain, already fearless feared, thinking Isn’t it good to die like this?

Unfortunately, Arthur and Yukinoshita rescued her for only one reason–

They are companions.

In the same team, in this eschatology, if you can’t trust the people around you, you can’t survive. Arthur and Yukinoshita’s initial trust is this relationship.

Even two unfamiliar people can form a companion for the same purpose. This is what Yukinoshita wants to tell Alisa’s.

Yukinoshita is an arrogant person, she will not use that inferior means to let Alisa take the initiative to quit, she just believes in herself, if one day in the future, she really likes Arthur, then she will rely on Keep Arthur on her side with her sincerity, so even if Alisa pursues Arthur, she will not be disgusted.


Alisa looked at Yukinoshita’s extremely clear eyes, tears floating in the corners of her eyes. Yukinoshita is like a mountain lotus in the snow, always so dazzling, people can’t look around, maybe they can become good friends.

“It’s just an insignificant thing, do you need to thank your companions? Arthur and I didn’t rescue you for the sake of thanks … Okay, let’s talk about the strategy first. I first attract Dyaus. After you find the place to escape, send a signal, and then I use flash bombs, we run away together … “

Yukinoshita Yukino held God Arc in his hand, black hair fluttered with the wind, a faint rays of light radiated from the body, the whole person was like Buddha’s radiance body——

Stigmata Body: First Layer, Accelerate!

Yukinoshita Yukino, which disappeared in an instant, has suddenly appeared above Dyaus’ head. This speed cannot be predicted even by Dyaus.

Since it is a variant of Vajra’s, the weak points are probably the same. Vajra’s weakness lies in the head, forefoot, and tail. Then the Dyaus ‘weakness in front of the eyes is also the head and forelimb. For the tail, Yukinoshita thinks it should be unlikely. After all, Dyaus’ speed is different. Looking for, there is another weakness that should be the wing-like bone wings on the back.

The cloak organ on Vajra’s back can issue Lightning Attribute attacks, but Dyaus is different, so it is possible to attack this place.

Stigmata Body: Stardust Weapon!

With Yukinoshita Yukino’s destruction of Stigma in her body, God Arc in her hand instantly stretched out, and the extended sword body instantly cut off a wing on Dyaus’ back.

“Aooar ——”

Dyaus’s back wings, which had been attacked by Arthur’s Phantom Swordsman before, had a tendency to break, and now Yukinoshita was cut off in one fell swoop, but it also sent an angry blow.

Just when its other wing was about to hit Yukinoshita’s body.

Arthur, whose physical strength was already seriously overdrawn, pushed Alisa away and ran towards the front. He understood that Yukinoshita did not seriously bet on Alisa at first, and now her charge was just trying to verify one thing-

Alisa saved by him made Yukinoshita Yukino a little bit envious, so she was betting that he would save herself the same.

Yukinoshita Yukino, who has a temper tantrum.


This is youth.

“I’ll cover you!”

Alisa also suddenly realized that Yukinoshita knew that Dyaus’ strength was strong, but he rushed up without any turning back. This reckless way was not her character at all. Yukinoshita was also struggling.

Then beat Dyaus now, believe in companions, rely on companions, as long as they can do this, they will be successful!

God Arc of transformation of sword form to gun form fired one after another shell, attacking Dyaus’ dorsal wing.

“Sword, draw my strength!”

Arthur spoke to his God Arc while running.

Suddenly, a thorn extending from God Arc was wrapped around Arthur’s hand arm, and blood was drawn.

The shape of God Arc swelled in an instant——

“Tendou Sword Drawing Style: Third Style, Number Eight ——”

Arthur’s deep Breathing Technique’s breath instantly freezes the falling rain.

In this continuous rainy night, a thunder bursts, and the huge God Arc of Sword is violently rubbing against the air, slashing a red crescent moon-

“—— ‘Unebiko Yusei’-gallop!”

Dyaus found that its vision was cut into pieces, accompanied by a crackling sound like a icicle cracking, and countless cutting lines across the land between it and Arthur, the whole land began to crack, dumping the world It made it impossible to stand, and the ground cracked in an instant.

Immediately after the red rays of light invaded into its body, one after another blood stains spilled across the cracked ground, its breath weakened to the limit.

“Yukino, Alisa, give you the last blow!”

After Arthur said his pale face, he fell to the ground. Although he was very tired, he was very happy. As long as he worked hard, he would still achieve a perfect ending.

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