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Arthur came to Ingrid’s ward, and looked at her condition. It seemed that she still stayed at that time. Instead of being unable to wake up, she didn’t want to wake up. Once she was sober, she would recall that scene.

“Ingrid Senpai …”

“Who … don’t come! Go out! Go out!”

Ingrid’s hazy consciousness coaxed back, dilated pupils, crawled up from the hospital bed, lying in a corner behind him.

“It’s really pitiful … I didn’t expect it to give you such a big shadow, I’m so sorry …”

Arthur crouched in front of Ingrid, a smile floating in the corner of his mouth.

“You guy … start from Ingrid Senpai! It’s you … making her the way she is now!”

Ingrid’s Limiter Leo quickly ran into the ward.

“I need psychotherapy …”

Arthur waved his hands helplessly, “If it wasn’t for Xi Feng Senpai to come over and ask (threate) me, I wouldn’t do this kind of thing. After all, except Cathy Senpai, I don’t want to have contact with other human women in the future.”

“Leo, let him go on … whoever hung the bell on the tiger’s neck must untie it …”

Xi Feng and Elizabeth and the others came in.

“Xi Feng Senpai … Elizabeth Senpai … But …”

Leo resisted.

“If you want her to continue to be Pandora’s, this is the only way. Ingrid is also a good Pandora. In the future, she will be a good Pandora as a 4-year student to join the service of Soubali. It is a waste to stop here …”

Elizabeth reached out to stop Leo.

“Okay, but if he wants to hurt Ingrid Senpai, I will never stop!”

Leo will not succumb as a man even if he is afraid of Arthur.

“Then be prepared for death … Under normal circumstances, after fighting with me, at most, there will be fear in the spirit. This kind of thing happened to Ingrid Senpai, it must be too obsessive, suffering for his weakness , I fantasize that an opponent who can never be defeated will continue to fight in the spiritual world.

So if you want to eliminate this shadow, only let her recognize the real status. Next, it will take a little effort. Xi Feng Senpai, Elizabeth Senpai, I believe you, so keep everything here confidential. , As long as you don’t make small reports! “

Arthur took a deep breath, biting his finger and smearing the blood on his pupil—

gradually, under the watch of Xi Feng and Elizabeth’s, the world in front of me seems to have changed, the whole room is filled with blood, and a drop of liquid covers the whole room …


Leo looked at his feet in horror, as if the pale bones were bubbling in the blood …

“Just sleep!”

Xi Feng hit Leo in the back of his head and stunned him …

“The spirit world that resonates through the blood of Stigma, after the Divine Power is enlarged, it looks like this. It can be used as a space for Genjutsu. The spirit of Ingrid is imprisoned in the cage he set up, which can only be so …”

Arthur’s explanation said that this is the power of covering the reality with the deep sea of ​​blood in his body, which is a subspecies of spatial ability.

“This is really great, that is to say, what will happen to your pupils?”

Elizabeth seems to understand what it is, because she also has Stigma to be able to perceive the existence of this space.

“Almost, I was with Cathy Senpai … only to find that I was able to invade Pandora’s spirit, equivalent to five senses synchronize, which is a compulsory five senses synchronize Ereinbar * Set, which draws you into my world with the realm …

if it weren’t for Xi Feng Senpai to ‘threate’ me, if I don’t do this kind of thing, it will consume a lot of physical and mental … “

Arthur pouted, he didn’t tell the truth completely, and forced to resonate Pandora he saw to his own world, only the sea of ​​blood in the body can do it, the first time use this power, if he does not control well, You can also get out of control, but it is possible for him to “forget” the past.

“Is there another use for Ereinbar * Set? I really feel connected … but, Arthur-chan, I didn’t threaten you. It’s a request. A request!”

Xi Feng extended the hand with emphasis, with a gentle smile on his face.

“Do n’t laugh at me, I ’m scared … In silence, I ’m going to invade Ingrid ’s Senpai ’s spiritual world, become her enemies, and let her break me. The edge of the collapse is because there are unforgettable memories in the past, I want to peep into her spiritual world … “

Arthur’s forehead cracked a small gap, reached out to reach Ingrid’s forehead, and the bloody space opened and twisted—


When it came to life again, Arthur became a huge humanoid monster, probably–


And under him, there are a large number of corpses of girls. In this bloody space, a silhouette of Ingrid appears in front of him. She is wailing, holding a Pandora who is about to die in her arms, and the sky is also there. Weeping intensive rain.

“Marlen !!!”


“This is? At the 9th NOVA shock …”

Xi Feng narrowed his eyes and said.

“Well, it seems that NOVA suddenly appeared during the exercise. When we were second year student, Marlen of Ranked 7th was a close friend of Ingrid. The first year students first contacted NOVA is definitely trying to try. As a result, NOVA is powerful Surprisingly, in order to protect the first year student, Marlene died in that accident, and then Ingrid thought that if the first year student could obey the order, there would be no casualties … “

Elizabeth sighed.

“As Pandora, you can sacrifice at any time. You must have this consciousness … Marlene’s approach is correct. She alone made the first year student survive. These first year students will have a very strong future. power……”

Xi Feng said looking towards NOVA——

“Arthur-chan has become NOVA, the simulated reality is real, so NOVA is the existence of Ingrid’s fear. If you can’t defeat this NOVA, you can’t come out of the spiritual world. Arthur-chan really caused her a lot What about mental stress … “

“Can we shoot in this space?”

Elizabeth felt it was difficult for Ingrid to cheer up now.

“No, only Ingrid defeated Arthur’s transfiguration Arthur himself. Let’s appreciate this NOVA shock. It may not be a coincidence that Arthur-chan becomes NOVA.”

“The president means that the documents stolen by Student Council are …”

“No guessing … there will be a killing disaster …”

“Well, understand, I will forget …”


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