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Cathy felt that she might be a little greedy. She wanted to evade Pandora’s responsibilities, become an ordinary person after the end of the three-year course, fulfill the dream of a novelist, and wanted to experience various things with Arthur …

At first, Arthur might be the target of surveillance for her, but it is different now. In her world, Arthur is a ‘human’ and has a real existence of various emotions. During this time, 2 people experienced Everything is real, the most important thing is-

They have the same dream!

There is nothing better than having a companion with the same dream around her, and this companion is still the opposite sex, if she can, she even wants to be together forever, like this …

But she also understands that Arthur’s dependence on her is completely different from that of men and women only if she is a kind of Bond like Senpai, elder sister or the like!

It was here that she had been unable to release her heart, unable to express her mind at all, afraid of being rejected …

And if she had any changes, she would be ordered by Seubaly to leave from Arthur?

People’s lives in this world will have all kinds of pain!

Human is the most intelligent creature, but it is also the most hypocritical creature, repeating the vicious circle of deceiving oneself and even deceiving others. People who are alive and right will be rejected!

This World has never been gentle. If you want to get a better life, you must learn to wear a mask. The human nature is Myriad Evil Origin. Deception is easier to get a quality life. Hypocrisy can better avoid all kinds of troubles …

Sinking into a life of integrity and hypocrisy, and eventually becoming ignorant of yourself, even forgetting the reason for being alive!


So Cathy wants to understand what she really wants, and in this NOVA shock, think about how she should exist in the future!

‘Continue to supervise Arthur’ or ‘Continue to pretend to be yourself’, or ‘Frankly face the heart’, or ‘Give up everything and leave’ …

Among the endless choices, she must choose one, the path of life is only a multiple choice question!


Arthur came to Cathy’s room in a downturn, holding the dress she was wearing in her arms, praying that she would return safely …

“Really fragile human Ah … That kind of woman can let go after being used, and now should be invested in the battlefield that really belongs to King-Type Ability User!”

In the shadows, Shizaki Kuang 3, who was drilled from the ground, looked up at Arthur’s cheerful expression …

“If I were that kind of person, would you stand with me? Crazy 3 classmate? Can I give it to you and set foot on the battlefield by myself?”

Arthur asked.

“No, the strong enemy of the NOVA camp is uncertain. Without Freezing Domain, how big do you think the first year student will win? And I’m not you, I just ask myself to live!”

Shi Qikuan 3 tilted his head and smiled gently. The pure and charming smile was a bit ecstatic …

“Sure enough … No matter how I choose, I regret it. I used to follow Cathy for the sake of the past, but now I seem to have changed a little. I have become like this, in order to fight for enough benefits … “

Arthur reached out his hand and pressed his forehead, but now he had no intention to look at the beautiful appearance of Mad 3.

“This is not your hypocrisy, but the feeling of powerlessness in the face of the event. All the misfortunes of this World are caused by the lack of the parties’ capabilities. If you are hypocritical, are there real humans? Can you admit that you are weak? powerful.


I said you might be satisfied, but I’m sorry, let’s go to the battlefield, those guys in the NOVA camp really have a strategy. They use NOVA’s dimensional fluctuations to hide their dimensional interference. They are already close to the school and fighting Right! “

“Lightning dress unfolds …”

“Stardust weapon unfolds–

Carved Emperor (Zafkiel)! “

Shi Qikuan 3 took off his pajamas, split second completed the lightning dress, and at the same time the stardust weapon was in his hand, the pistol in the left hand, the rifle in the right hand, the shape is very delicate, with a crimson pattern Entangled.

“So let’s start our fight … After finishing the fight here, I’ll go to Cathy. It’s true. It’s really ashamed of me to think of everything is in disorder. I’m in the name of Arthur …”

“Stardust weapon unfolds–

NOVA * Sword-Solais! ! “

Arthur reached out to show his stardust weapon, Solais, the sword of light, which was not visible during the day, but it was exceptionally dazzling at night, except that although he could not hide his form at night, he also had a strange power.


“Di …”

“Level 1 alert posture …”

“All first year student Pandora and Limiter retreat collectively …”

“Target NOVA-

Type-H! Humanoid NOVA … “

Sure enough, as Arthur thought, after the second year student and 3rd year student left Academy, the NOVA camp carried out a plan to eliminate the first year student …

“Our war has begun …”

Ashera opened the window and jumped out of Cathy’s room in an instant. Shiqi Kuang 3 follow closely from behind.

“bang! !”

Just after leaving the dormitory, a seismic field spread …

A black hair girl wearing a red oil paper umbrella stood on the top of the girl’s dormitory building, and the NOVA camp invaded in the moved towards the school launched an attack, destroying the entire playground in half in an instant! !


Shizaki Kuang 3 landed steadily on the ground, looking at the girl on the top of the building, it was really powerful enough.

“This guy won’t even attack his teammates?”

Arthur naturally knew who the white haired attack was. No. 2 Young Lady Wenti of the first year student Yamato, this was the first time Arthur saw her exist!

This girl ’s stardust weapon is not the blushing oil-paper umbrella, but a very violent equipment-

The reduced-size warship 3 guns are located on the two sides of the shoulder. There are auxiliary guns under the 2 guns. At the same time, there is a reduced version of the warship’s continuous high-angle guns and a reduced type reconnaissance aircraft. It should not be a decoration … …

This kind of armed force is too direct and too violent. It was the 3 guns that fired …

“Yamato’s attack is the strongest, but her other abilities are not strong enough …”

Shizaki Kuang 3 watched several humanoid NOVAs approaching Yamato and took Arthur’s shoulders. “I usually don’t protect teammates, so I will leave it to you. As long as she can continue to output, we will win!” “

“Don’t just throw me this troublesome Quest Ah …”

Arthur bitterly laughed.

“You are Limiter, don’t do Pandora anymore, let’s fight Pandora’s fight … Don’t snatch my prey, or kill you! ~”

Shizaki Mania 3 licked his lips and rushed to the humanoid NOVALegion, each and everyone Shizaki Mania 3 drilled out of the ground, as if in infinite Avatar mode! ! !

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