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Isuna ’s betrayal begins in Alaska. After killing the regenerative H4, Arthur captures Isuna ’s expression, which is different from other people ’s fear of Arthur’s but a yearning.

So Arthur came into contact with Isuna in order to place a time bomb next to Aoi Aoi. As Arthur thought, the surface appeared to be a cheerful girl. At the same time, his performance on the battlefield convinced his teammates, but in fact, inner Has a twisted dark psychology.

So Arthur induced Isuna and told her that only his inhuman existence can truly experience her feelings, and as long as Isuna follows him, he can develop this mood to the limit–

“Isuna Senpai, be my thing!”

Arthur looked at this Pandora, whom Aoi Yugo trusted most, in the corner of no one.

“I don’t understand what you are talking about … Arthur-san …”

Isuna tilted her head gently.

“Do you feel cold?”

Arthur reached out and condensed an ice flower.

“I don’t understand what you’re talking about, I have to go back and arrange work …”

Isuna turned to leave.

“I like the temperature of ice …”

Arthur stretched out his hand and pulled Isuna to his side, pressing her body against the wall, and Binghua’s chest clung to her—

“Only in this way can we see everything sensibly, and only in this way can we make our fearless body traumatized, no matter how powerful the heart beats, it can only convey ice cold aura, this is your world.”

“You are so rude, can you let me go?”

Isuna frowned.

“Aren’t you yearning for me? You also want to release your own coldness. Look, you who don’t even feel the coldness, really looking forward to someone who can recognize your existence, but you haven’t found it , A person like Aoi Aoi, you think it is where you can give hope, he is using you, right? “

Arthur caressed Isuna’s soft body, not a little bit of temperature. Although it is very soft, such a woman is really not what a man wants. No matter how beautiful his face is, it is a decoration.

“What are you talking about? Court Academecian … but …”

Isuna grabbed Arthur’s shirt and pressed him to the ground.

“But what? Don’t you think you are just an ornament he placed on the table? Do you think he has feelings for this ornament? Why should he approach you, although it is not clear, but I believe he is not What are you looking for?

Human, it’s impossible to understand your world. Even if he doesn’t make any rhetoric about your world, your world hasn’t changed. You just let a watchdog you are currently using. He just throws a bone at you. “

Arthur said jokingly.

“I will kill you, this inhuman existence! I don’t understand human feelings at all!”

Isuna looked at Arthur gnashing teeth.

“Do you understand human feelings? The result is not far away?”

Arthur grabbed Isuna ’s collar and pulled it down, “Are you even a human who ca n’t show the most basic human and male things? Are you really human? Give up, Aoi ’s world does n’t belong to you, betrayed again. What should you do? “


Isuna was undoubtedly guessed by Arthur, and she was betrayed by Aoi Aoi.

“It is only you who will never betray you. It is not necessary to bear the pain. As long as you cooperate with me, I will let you see that the person who Qingyuan Yuanwu really values ​​is not you! Do you want to cooperate? You said I ’m not human, so I ’m the one who understands you. I just work with you instead of dominating you. I need you, I need your darkness and coldness. “

There was a smile on the corner of Arthur’s mouth. Sure enough, the real world of this guy was actually distorted, right?

“What should I do … I won’t help you kill Aoi Aoi, and you’d better not say that, I’m also human anyway!”

Isuna took a hook.

“Of course, I am a friend of human. How could I kill him … but you conveyed his actions to me that I will let you see the scenes you most want to see and least want to see, Aoi Yugo You are not the same kind of person, he has feelings and owns a family, and you, have no feelings, and are not willing to believe these things.

The things you want to release are only me who can give you, me standing on top of humans, and me who can treat them as items only have what you want, and after you are happy, if you want to be free, I can also help you , Give you a true home! A person like you must be suitable for that world! “

Arthur’s body overflowed with a strong murderous aura, and the blushing breath instantly wrapped the two people, and then they sank into a bloody ocean!


Isuna looked at this bloody ocean, even if it was so cold that she felt horror, the graveyard of the dead souls, the sea world where the blood gathered, what is the space …

“Isuna … want to see the scenery on this throne? Then obey me, one day you will be able to feel this mood, but you will have everything.”

Arthur pointed to the throne of the end of the sin domain. Hiiragi Shinoa’s elder sister Hiiragi Mahiru was also very shocked at this World. It is not only as simple as the bloody sea, but also the will to build this sin domain, the infinite will.

Anyone who is dark inside will be guided.

Of course what is after the throne?

It’s not the darkest extreme, but a kind of big enlightenment, so that you can get a new life, this is the sea of ​​reincarnation!

It’s just that it’s hard for someone to escape, and only Arthur can see all this, so he can switch himself at will, either softly or darkly.

“I just convey the message. I won’t do anything else. If I don’t see the scene I want to see, I won’t betray Aoi Aoi.”

Isuna succumbed to Arthur, and she wanted to see what the dark end was.

“Someday you will see …” Arthur smiled at the corner of his mouth, even if he couldn’t see it, it didn’t matter, he had turned on a switch.


As a result, Aoki Yugo created an action that made Arthur angry, so Arthur killed Aoi and Zai, and Aoki ’s vulnerability and love for his family made Isuna truly aware that Aoki was not as strong as she imagined, and I don’t need her to be very happy. After all, I have a lovely grandson, a completely happy old man.

Aoi Yugo falls into the urn prepared by Arthur.

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