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When Yamato was about to launch an armor-piercing projectile after receiving Arthur’s order, he realized that Arthur had personally used his body to prevent the recovery of the NOVA organization in order to prevent H5’s recovery.

“Admiral …”

Yamato hesitated for a moment. This time it was n’t that she was unintentionally missed, but that she deliberately missed a bit …

The armor-piercing projectile hit the edge of the H5 core with a flaming tail, and Arthur’s abdomen was also missing a part because of it, but he did not recover with the fountain of life.

Obviously, this bomb just wiped the edges. Although the core was broken a little, not at all made it completely broken.

“No … Yamato, in the name of the admiral, I issued a combat command–

Shoot at me! ! “

Arthur knew that this kind of thing was big and difficult to make. However, he had to give such an order, because otherwise it would not be possible to eliminate H5 completely. He used all the final cards, but could not give up so easily.

“… but, Admiral …”

Yamato trembles his hands and makes jokes. Now it ’s not the accidental injury to his teammates, but the intention to hurt his teammates. How can such a thing be determined? It’s really impossible to refuse.

“Relax, this guy is Undying Body, he won’t die like this without taking up your whole family, although shoot at him …”

The original black instrument on the battlefield reached out and held Yamato shaking his shoulders, giving her strength.

“Shoot me!”

Arthur shouted exhaustedly again, almost time is running out, and with the interference of Stigmata Body, H5 is about to get used to it. I really can’t look down on this big guy.

“Yamato-class battleship … the 2nd barrel of the left-hand gun … filled with armor-piercing projectiles … target lock … heart … fire !! ”

Yamato closes his eyes and encapsulates the attack automatically. The goal is set to Arthur’s heart.


The roaring flame tail outlined a gorgeous trajectory in the long sky, and accurately hit Arthur’s body. At the moment of penetrating his body, he hit the core of H5. The devastating explosion, the entire battlefield felt the strong wind of outstanding degree, and the scorching breath flushed on the face made it clear that all this was true …


After the explosion lasted more than ten seconds, there were signs of dissipation, and in the blurry and scorching center of the explosion, Arthur came out of the explosion pit intact.

“Resurrection … Really, it made me worry about nothing, no … I just hope you died, now I really have to worry about …”

Wendy May is relaxed, this is the result of Perfection, if the guy who saved everyone is so dead, it would be too incorrect.

“The Admiral is really the best …”

Eyes opened Yamato suddenly relaxed after seeing Arthur’s silhouette in the distance, and the whole person was soft on the ground. Attacking the Admiral is the same as Self-destruction. She doesn’t want to do it anyway, but the order is the order. Must perform …

The result does not look good. Does this mean that the Admiral can be used as a target to practice shooting in the future?

(This thinking is too weird, stop me quickly!)


Just when everyone showed ease and ease, a beam from far and near penetrated, the first thing to prevent is-

“Teslade !!”

Arthur looked at Teslad, whose left arm was flying. Few people were able to cause harm to her. None of the scenes launched this attack. The only thing that could be attacked was-

“Sure enough, you betrayed us, Teslad … You are more and more human, and you never questioned my orders.”

The shadows in the distance gradually became clear, and out of it was Aoi Yugo, and behind him was a woman with golden long hair and a model-like figure, and a girl with a little dark skin.

The attack was made by a woman with long golden hair.

“Cassandra and that one is …”

Teslad’s arm repaired in an instant, and was again blocked in front of Arthur’s.

“Alukatiya … Long Yi and Kassandra’s child, and Zaiya’s younger sister, since I will be brought to this battlefield, you are doomed to lose, thank you for solving H5, the thing behind Has it been solved by Martial Goddess?

Thanks to your efforts, the final battle has ended, so there is no need for you …

Teslad, if you are willing to look back now, then you will survive. As a betrayed daughter, I have no mercy. “

Aoi Yugo came to gather the strength of the fisherman.

“The attack I just used up has consumed most of the soul energy, and once returned to liberation …

Teslad, although you can abandon me, I will not hate you. I have already thought of this result, but being able to fight with you to this moment is my last memory of this World. Satisfied.

As a Knight, I have done what I should do. Although the result is not perfect, the process is bright enough, so there is no need to regret it.

Knight guards this World, but world not at all guards Knight, I have completed the Quest I want to complete, it doesn’t matter how the ending is. “

Arthur said easily, after defeating H5, he felt a sense of relief, and he could return without regret.

“Fuck … what a joke! Don’t pretend to be so pitiful, I can’t see it anymore !!”

Wendy May blocked Arthur’s.

“Heroes have heroic methods of death. How can an unfair duel be the end of Knight?”

Lucy also blocked Arthur’s.

“My life was picked up. How can I use my own judgment, neither Aoi Atsugo and Arthur can order me … I am free.”

Xi Feng also stood on the same realm with Arthur.

“I think it’s more appropriate to watch the 214 Fireworks Festival together.”

Teslad does not retreat, Okaa-sama asks her to act according to her wishes.


Only Isuna did not speak.

“Sure enough … The water spilled by the married daughter seems to be not so smooth to be recovered …

However, I also guessed this result. You have completed the mission I gave you. After H5 is eliminated, you will be useless, so you have no value-

All of you are going to die, Kassandra, Alucadia, you have to avenge Heya, let me see your strength! “

Aoi Aoi raised her hand gently and clenched it as if to crush Arthur …

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