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[I am here today]

After receiving the “Absolute Duo” world rewards, Arthur once again received the “Freezing” world rewards.

“Ding, get—

One orange Dimensional Fragment. “

“Ding, get—

One orange Dimensional Fragment. “


2 consecutive orange-level Dimensional Fragment, Arthur really feels lucky today, orange Certain Killing Skill fragments, plus 2 orange Dimensional Fragment, this is already beyond the imagination, the value of orange Dimensional Fragment can be imagined , Ashera opened in detail, introduced the observation-

Dimensional Fragment [(orange) (Consumables)]: Mystery crystal with a variety of functions-

1. It can be used to improve the soul quality by 100% (it can improve the soul quality by 100%, calculated based on the original quality);

2. Ability to improve one’s own lifespan for 100 years;

3. Able to maintain the normal operation of the world for 1 day;

4. Ability to specify one summon blue 3-Star apostle;

5. Can randomly replace any orange quality item once;

6. Can instantly restore energy value or HP 1010 times;

7. Able to complete “Abyss Level” Main Quest once;

8. Ability to stagnate for one year when the world strategy is completed;

9. Can be immune to any Certain Killing Skill once;

10. At the very least, all possible things can be accomplished. This is a fragment of desire, and the higher the quality, the stronger the desire to experiment.

Compared with the white Dimensional Fragment, the data has improved a lot.

Arthur 比较重视的是1、5、6、9、10。

The first one is to improve the quality of the soul. Dimensional Fragments of different qualities can improve the quality of the soul at different levels. However, the number of uses should be limited. Although not introduced, there should be a hint after use. The soul quality is very important for soul- In the world of type, the soul is the foundation of everything.

The fifth one, instead of orange quality Item, should be able to replace skill fragments? In this case, there are about 5 orange skill fragments, and 5 fragments are needed to synthesize the thieves ’intentions.

Orange Apostle Fragment should not be replaced. Most orange-level apostles are unique, that is to say, they can only be synthesized. Skills have no uniqueness, but the difficulty of acquisition.

Sixth, instant recovery is very good, and can be recycled ten times, which is very useful in combat.

The ninth, immune to arbitrary kills, which means that you can resist all attacks in this world once, this is an absolute life-saving item.

Tenth, the wish mechanism, as orange fragmentation wish should be able to achieve a lot?

“Ding, get—

Mengmeng * Beliya * Magician (5-Star Apostle) (Fragment No. 3): I will swear to protect you, a competent little aunt joins! Let’s build a paradise together! “

“Ding, get—

Mengmeng * Beliya * Magician (5-Star Apostle) (Fragment No. 4): I will swear to protect you, a competent little aunt joins! Let’s build a paradise together! “

“Ding, get—

Frostmourne [(orange) (weapon) (drawing)]: Weapons in the world of the Demon Beast series of games, which is filled with the power of Witch Monster King Ner’zhul, is a cursed sword.

Fear The Demon King family forged the sword, and the Monster King gave Frostmourne the ability to steal souls.

Frost, Frost, Ice and Snow Blades, wrapped around the frozen top.

This is an Artifact with a powerful force of evil, but with a sad and tragic color, where is the master driving it …

MaMaster ials required to combine: 10 orange crystals, 30 (super) top grade cryolites, 15 (super) top grade to suck blood stones, one orange Dimensional Fragment, one orange quality Blade Soul Fragment. “

Orange again …

Weapon drawings should be able to be found in Lisbeth synthesis, but the synthetic material looks outrageous, and actually requires Orange’s Dimensional Fragment. Other things don’t look like ordinary materials, but also a difficult Quest.

Orange’s apostles, items, skills, etc. look good, but they all need to be collected, and some people may not collect all of their lives.

The most difficult thing is the orange Apostle Fragment, the shipping probability is almost crazy, and now Arthur has been turning the orange card and not one.

Orange quality fragments such as skills and Item should be replaced with Dimensional Fragment, but the orange Dimensional Fragment itself is also invaluable. In order to upgrade Level 3 Guild, Hatsune Miku, who is a singer, spent all her savings, and there should still be acquaintances. Purchased orange Dimensional Fragment.

The quickest way is to grab it. There must be more King Race, but this kind of thing cannot be done. Although the existence of King Race is a threat, they work hard for the current world to run. This World runs every day. To consume a considerable amount of dimensional energy, these are all supplied by King Race, otherwise King Race nobles will not be so stable.

The higher the position and the higher the weight, the higher the position, the greater the power, but the greater the obligations that should be assumed.

King Race will not even provide real convenience to King Race members for the world to run, but only give some privileges. Everyone knows that once the world stops, everyone including King Race will die!

Arthur had to admire his clever practices and created the King Race to let King Race run the world from his own strength, so that he could save a lot of power. After all, he had no real power to create a world in the past, this is just a crippled anti-world, Therefore, its operation requires continuous supply of energy, and this is the King Race.

Maybe even King Race is not clear that he was created to complete the mission of running the world.

This suggestion from Soul Source makes them think that they shoulder such responsibilities and obligations, rather than being endowed by Arthur’s in the past.

Of course, part of the memory created by King Race is still unsolved, but it can be guessed that it must have used the bloodlines of the original World King Race.

In the final analysis, everything here was created directly or indirectly by Arthur in the past. Arthur used to plot himself against it in the past, and regarded himself as a pawn. This is the “free chess game”. There is no one who plays chess. , Only free movement between pieces.

Although drawing a lot of good things, but Arthur not at all really wanted.

The next May’s theme is “Puppet”. He wants to get more things related to the puppet. Although Suguha said that he will take him to the puppet market, he still looks forward to summon to produce good things. The puppet market should be all The goods on the street are basically not very helpful.

Well, it ’s good to be able to cast so many good cards, be content …

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