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After coming out of Lisbeth’s Weapon Shop, Arthur went up and down the stairs to the Agil Auction House on the 1st floor.

Sword Art Online players, who are worthy of profiteer, are also profiteer here, and have become a big profiteer, actually achieved the degree of auction.

“Guest is here, excuse me for not going out to meet you, ah, what good things to sell for the 5th and 1th Main Representative?”

Agil saw at a glance that Arthur had something to sell.

“Demon Fruit, can you get Ougi’s Special Item? Interested?”

Arthur took the white domineering fruit on the table and ate it unkindly. Although it was useless to him, it was a very good fruit. It tasted great. Treating guests with this is really ‘rich and imposing’ .

“Oh, did you even sell this 10000-gold oil thing? Isn’t it a lack of money to lack money? I remember you seem to have a lifespan of several thousand years.”

Agil was surprised. Ougi and skills are fundamentally different. Ougi, which is effective no matter when it is used, is generally best taken by yourself? Although death will fall, Arthur should not die.

“I have always believed that not my own strength is never my own strength. The devil fruit looks easy to use. It is actually not my own Ougi. Even if it becomes my own strength, it is not really owned. If you form trust, it is even more It is difficult.

What ’s more, my Ice Spirit ca n’t use this kind of Ougi. As a smart man, why not sell this kind of Ougi, and then one day he happened to meet someone taking Ougi to kill him and take it back, this is pay a small price for big rewards in return “

Arthur said with a cold laugh.

“Well, can’t you mess up? It would be very troublesome for me to steal the things sold from us and affect my reputation.”

Agil looked around and whispered, “It’s best to get inside Dimensional World … But you must know that you can’t auction for the second time after you have auctioned once, so that people will know that you are setting and no one will be stupid. Go in. “

“I know, it’s just cracking a joke. Under normal circumstances, as long as you don’t fight against me, I won’t do it easily. Well, this devil fruit is handed to you. The lifespan at the auction helped me buy 10 orange crystals, (Super) 30 pieces of top grade cryolite, (15 pieces) of (super) top grade to suck blood stone, sorted and sent directly to Lis … “

Arthur took out the devil fruit and put it on the table.

“Orange spar … (super) top grade 30 cryolite … (super) top grade to suck blood stone! Are you not making orange equipment? Really hurtful, I ’m exhausted every day. The card comes quickly, and the devil fruit can also make you encounter, really sad for the depraved, and finally got Ougi to meet your nemesis. “

Agil admires the fruit of the devil with ease, even if it is his Auction House, he has handled this thing no more than one hand, and it seems that he can organize a big auction propaganda again.

In fact, the most important thing for an organization such as auction is to attract enough bidders to attract a large number of guests through some top grade auctions. Even if some people are just watching, it is also very useful.

Auction is not just about auctioning a thing. After a final auction item is set, a large number of small boutiques are listed in front. Those rich local tyrants or real tyrants will spend more money on auctions to enrich their face.

The price of the auction is sometimes not based on the value of the lot, but a competition that reflects the identity. If there are several people at the same time, these people will raise the price to bid for each other. The price increase of the auction is also various unwritten Rules, in short, good treatment will be considered rich and imposing, and bad treatment will be treated as a boiled dead pig.

However, for real quality products, there is no need to turn corners, and show the cards directly, and those with higher prices will get it. Of course, if the financial resources are equal, you need to have mental tactics and the like, showing weakness or showing strength are strategies.

The basis of these auctions is based on the situation of a large number of people. The larger the number of people, the more valuable the most powerful. After all, they are forced to be high. Without mentioning the nobles such as King Race, ordinary King-Type Ability Users also need to be forced.

King-Type Ability User is even a lone man. If you want to get in touch with people, you need to learn to improve your own personality, so that you can get a variety of benefits, such as capturing the beauty of the beautiful women, gaining admiration from the subordinates, and improving yourself Value and so on.

Just pretending to face risks, pretending to be risky, and being cautious when you are forced to pretend to be laughable.

Of course, these all are unbearable sayings, but in fact it is.

“Okay, I’ll trouble you. I have to go to the puppet market to learn something in advance …”

After Arthur explained, he was ready to get up and leave.

“It’s fair to say that there will be boutique musts in the future to help me attract the popularity of the auction. The handling fee will give you a 50% discount. Although I am a friend, I still have to settle the bill. If you do n’t make your money, will you be assured of me profiteer? “

Agil got up and prepared to send Arthur out.

“Stay back, I will take care of you with good things, but you are more knowledgeable than me, and I will draw the card to the top grade, don’t need to send me anymore, you Big Boss personally send me out, it will make people suspicious.”

Arthur patted Agil on the shoulder and walked out of it.

“Okay, I’m welcome. I will send the materials to Lis. I will help you look at the puppets. I have some acquaintances in the puppet market, but, not at all, what a good thing …”

Agil nodded said.

“Well, that’s trouble …”

After leaving the Auction House, Arthur went to the 5th school district. Instead of going back to Guild, he went to Kirito’s house. Suguha made an appointment to go to the doll market with him.


When it was about Suguha’s time, Arthur was warned by Kirito not to let his younger sister move his feet before he was allowed to release. After retrieving some of his memories, Kirito began to be vigilant to him, although he did not at all think about it.

“Puppets are now very common, generally divided into household type and battle-type puppets. The family type is the kind of nanny, but some people with bad ideas will be treated as comfort objects …

However, the puppets are strictly prohibited from re-engraving portraits.

Some time ago, Nunotaba Shinobu sold your portrait rights to make pillows that also violated rights and interests. Now that production has stopped, those that have been produced are in circulation at high prices.

The right of portrait can be re-engraved if I agree, like some advertisement posters of Song Ji, but the portrait authorization has a time limit. The authorization time I agree is about one year, and the agency authorization is one month. about. “

Suguha explained to Arthur the basics of the puppet.

“Domestic dolls are not that kind of (inflatable) dolls …”

Arthur is so emotional, the doll is actually used in such a place …

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