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Arthur’s answer made Fea feel unexpected, but it was not directly rejected!

As usual, should Arthur blame him? But now not at all refused, but indirect consent, let her carefully confirm before deciding.

Arthur, who answered in this way, calmed Fea down, and she was so violently abandoned by King’s Palace that she didn’t know herself anymore.

If you ask Arthur to give her “seeds” like this, isn’t it the same as those hypocritical people?

She wants to unite Elf Race through her own hands to develop and grow, not to pull all factions together through interests. This is fundamentally different. The former can be long-lasting, and the latter is only temporary peace.

“Thank you, you woke me up, I was abrupt …”

Fea seriously apologized to Arthur.

“No, this is you are smart enough to consider things to have a master-slave, you don’t want to be a descendant. This is not at all, and you are a cute girl like me. I will also be a little emotional. You can kiss Elf without being responsible. Princess Fangze, how can I hate it, but this is my desire and the desire of those who incite you behind.

I want to taste your taste. Those who incite you want to get a stronger card. Naturally Elf heir is really a good card, but are n’t you just a political Item?

Since it’s a friend, I have an obligation to help you. I don’t want us to conceive a heir only through interests. If it is necessary to conceive a heir, I hope at least to be based on friendship.

If you want to think about it, I will wait for you to become the guest of the scene after you have mastered Elf King. You need a sustenance for a girl like you.

Everyone has arduous dreams that cannot be fulfilled, which are far away and unreachable, but because of this we need to transform to realize the future. “

Arthur gently pulled Fea’s finger. He didn’t hate such a girl.

“You … too surprised me! What the hell happened to you these days? If not … I might really like you.”

Fea doesn’t know Arthur anymore, is this still the timid boy? It was as wise as Elf ’s elders, and she shone and dazzled like a star in every word. She almost fell and became very charming. The lovely teenager appearance, plus the incomparable wisdom and gentleman style … …

“That’s my honor. Well, take me to visit the library. I hope you will be Elf King when I meet again next time. When the time comes, I won’t refuse it if I invite again …”

Arthur pinched his nose, and Fea looked a little hairy …

“Well, I should have realized it too. Come here. After reading it, you should leave. Don’t contact too many people. Also, thank you for your advice.”

Fea pulled Arthur and walked deeper.


Elf ’s Magic library is not as big as Arthur thought, and it ’s small!

Like the house where Elf lives, the Magic library of Elf is also in the tree. There are a lot of ‘Wisdom Trees’ in the Elf King’s court. These Wisdom Trees are the places where books are collected. Elf, who believes in nature, uses nature as a library, and then These Wisdom Trees are the places to read. A Wisdom Tree generally accommodates a reader. Only the friendly and natural Elf can make the Wisdom Tree open.

The natural library has endless knowledge. As long as you pass the imagination in the Wisdom Tree hole, the books you need will appear in front of you. If you stop watching them within one minute, they will disappear and return to the natural library. .

At the same time, various books obtained by Elf from the outside world as well as some books written by Elf Elder will be stored in the natural book library through the Wisdom Tree.

Elf is the most knowledgeable race, and how many books in the natural library are not even known to Elf. In short, it is endless.

Wisdom Tree is also of high quality, and high-quality books can be read at a higher level. Arthur entered a top-level Wisdom Tree, which means that all books can be read. This is a privilege of natural Elf. , Elf wants to enter the Wisdom Tree also through its consideration, answer all the questions listed in the Elf tree, have enough wisdom to be able to see more wisdom.

But naturally Elf is a special case, you can enter everywhere.

When imagining a puppet in my heart, Wisdom Tree automatically emerges a large number of books.

When Arthur began to read patiently, some flowers and fruits Elf, which only had a slap, would send Arthur fruits and various flower stuffs from time to time. They were sub-Elf species, serving Elf sub-species Elf.

With food and drink, Arthur felt that King Race was really enjoyable.

Temporarily put down his emotions, Arthur began to browse the books of the puppets, first of all, the puppets in technology, the simplest is driven by gears and cylinders, and then the next step is the smart chip, but such puppets grow To the limit, it can’t be compared with the wise dolls that Arthur saw.

If the robot puppet is to be used in combat, it is to strengthen the body. The surface material can be replaced with various alloys, stone, etc., and it can further cooperate with the automatic defense attack Magic, intelligence enhancement Starting with the original simple chip, some programs are stored in the chip, and when used, the degree can be repeated to make specific activities.

In addition to the limited program chip, there is also a biocomputer processing center, which uses protein molecules produced by bioengineering technology as biochips to replace Semiconductor silicon wafers, and uses organic compounds to store data. The spread of protein molecular chains is faster than the fastest ordinary computers. The chip must be hundred thousand times, and even the energy consumption is 1 billionth of the average computer chip.

Efficient reaction speed and efficient energy utilization, almost make the biochip can store more information and have more superior analysis capabilities. At the same time, the biocomputer has some characteristics of the organism, which can play the regulation function of the organism itself and automatically repair the chip. Failures that occur can also imitate the mechanism of the human brain and so on.

In this way, the technology puppets are not bad. In terms of the current black technology, the robot puppets are fully capable of general assistance after strengthening the external internal organization and carrying combat weapons.

But there are all kinds of defects in the robot puppets. How to grow intelligently is only a “simulation of the human brain”, yes, simulation! It is only good for simulations to grow to the limit. Their strength will not improve or degrade, and they will always stay at a stage …

But the smart puppet has the possibility of breaking through the limits …

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