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system provides the original original automatic puppet Magic Circuit, but Arthur does not intend to use it. He wants to achieve a better enhanced Magic Circuit on the basic Magic Circuit, the heart of Eve.

[Eve ’s Heart] is similar to [Soul Essence], which can make a person have a basic circuit of self-recovery, self-awareness, wisdom, and biological reality, but this circuit just makes the automatic doll from an ordinary person doll to a wise doll.

The strength is the most similar to the kind of puppets that Arthur saw in the puppet market, but the strength of the Black Iron level is not enough.

Arthur didn’t realize this until he received the kind of named essence from Fea.

Since soul essence has advantages and disadvantages, Magic Circuit also has advantages and disadvantages.

It’s just that no matter how optimized it should be based on the original.

Although Arthur only has a little material information, he can distinguish the magic circuit of the ingenious world’s automatic figure.

First of all, you must have the heart of Eve to make people even have intelligence, and then equipped with a variety of powerful Magic Circuit.

That is to say, a truly powerful automatic puppet actually has [Eve’s heart] that ‘gives intelligence’ and ‘other Magic Circuit’ that ‘gives combat capability’.

Without analysis, Arthur may only use Eve’s heart as Magic Circuit, so that although it can also pass the screening test of the system, it is actually no battle strength.

Now that I have studied puppet making for almost 2 months, I can’t just do it casually.

The only question is, is it okay to have 2 Magic Circuits on one body? Will Magic Circuit interfere with each other?

Then only

The cascade method, assuming that Arthur wants to set up the second Magic Circuit, then the first Magic Circuit [Heart of Eve] is used as the material, so that the interference force is much less.

After straightening out his thoughts, Arthur started to produce the most core production of the automatic figure.

Prepared materials:

Eve’s Heart, Death Natya (Mature Soul Essence), Stigma’s Blood.

Magic Circuit design:

Using the blood of Stigma as a chain contact medium, the heart of Eve and the dead Natya are connected in series. The way of the connection is the structure of the Tree of Life of Kabbalah as the Magic array (Magic loop), but the ten particles of Kabbalah Arthur Set into ten law circles.

The ten dharma circles include 6 (van) 4 holy, hell, hungry ghosts, beasts, Asura, human, heaven, sound, fate, bodhisattva and buddha. There are ten realms in total, and the strength division is increased in sequence.

Arthur is preparing to build a puppet Legion War team. Tsai borrowed Stigma ’s Ereinbar * Set, also known as five senses synchronize. Using Stigma ’s blood to construct a circuit allows the puppet to resonate with him. When activating Ereinbar * Set, His power can be transmitted to the body of the puppet.

The dead Natya was placed on Asura Road, the reason is Asura, because he read a secret about the puppet in the Wisdom Tree. The appearance of the puppet is related to the Mystery who appeared in the Guild copy, among them There is a man named Sharan. She once said that there is a recipe called Natya, which is a battle mage. Since it is a battle mage, Arthur placed Natya on Ahura World.

So Natya ’s Magic Circuit should be [Eve ’s Heart * Asura].


The production of Asura Magic Circuit took Arthur nearly 9 hours. During the period, he bleed as much as 2000CC. The number of failures was as high as 100 times. It was as simple as imagined. In fact, after making it, Arthur found that he was a little too crazy. Ten points of integration of the legal world into the Kabbalah Tree of Life is a big problem, and other problems are various …

However, after spending tedious calculations and corrections, Asura’s Magic Circuit was finally produced.

After the core problem is solved, the appearance is made.

There are a variety of materials in the Item given by the system. First of all, he needs to select four materials: organ, skeleton, blood vessels, and skin. The cylinder and gear are the core of the skeleton. The blood vessels can be replaced with wires or the like. What about gears? Skin alloy or artificial skin material?

Arthur didn’t want the things he designed to be unattractive.

Suddenly he thought if it was possible to use real human materials?

This approach looks very evil, but it is more human-like.

It is a pity that there is no human body material available now, although it is intentional but also powerless.

The robot puppets made before were Arthur not at all. Considering the production of smart puppets …

That’s all, it is used to fight anyway, it doesn’t matter what the appearance is.


Arthur made it according to the normal method of making a mechanical puppet, but the skin was made of silicone material, and it was soaked with rose flowers and his blood was refined. Although it does not matter the appearance, I still try to make the appearance beautiful. , Whatever is inside …

The production of the parts other than the core is very simple, and Arthur, who already has experience with mechanical dolls, quickly made it.

After making the appearance, it’s the magic circuit …

Arthur puts the Magic circuit on top of the heart, then connects the Magic Technique flow to the Magic circuit, and then injects energy to start-


Just at the split second into the heart (Magic Circuit Asura), the puppets made by Arthur began to change shape automatically. The heart emits rays of light, and the appearance gradually changes into a silver-haired little loli, which is soft and beautiful. The hair is swaying and dancing gently, pearly white skin, purple black boots, black dress, white lace underwear, a black rose on the right chest, a silver skull pendant hanging on the right waist, A small black dome hat with a blue rays of light Trident shining in the hands, deep apathy in the eyes like amethyst, the clear and pure eyes are unpleasant, the little Elf ears White as porcelain.

Well, Arthur startled (whale) …

It’s not satisfaction, but it is beyond expectations, and it can automatically change the shape of the appearance. What is going on?

Beyond his imagination.

Such a cute little loli will break him! !

Play with your sister, he came to this world to experience combat, but he didn’t show off with little loli to show off the world, hell! ! !

“The multiplayer world” The Clever Girl Will Not Be Injured “[Auto Puppet] is designed. The puppets produced are the initial puppets and can be included in Inventory.”

“Multiplayer world” The Clever Girl Will Not Be Injured “is officially registered and sent …”

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