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Hualiu Nizi, a sudden visitor, is actually a puppet maker who makes Yaya.

“Glass Young Lady … I let you down, I still have such an excellent automaton like Yaya …”

Chi Yulei really showed shame.

“Boy, do you think I will be sad? You are my thing … you have the blood of the Red Wings that I need, and I will take the initiative to approach you without a purpose? So your ending will not make me produce Any shaking.

Of course, anger exists. My anger is something that others destroy me without my consent. The precious materials are destroyed when they are not used. I am very angry … “

The pipe held by Hualiuzhai’s glass was gradually pinched in half, and the crunching voice revealed unhappiness.

“Glass Young Lady …”

Chi Yulei’s eyes widened slightly, as if he had already known what he was doing, and then he said, “Sorry, I haven’t been able to become your material. My wish hasn’t been fulfilled. Please allow me to be capricious this last time. It’s your material, this body is still useful to me. “

“Now that you know, then, Ms. Hualiuzhai Glass, as the price of watching the secret Yin-Yang technique for free, you will have to settle the next situation. I believe that a puppet master like you can come here with open eyes.” This Academy must have the confidence to be able to escape even if it is discovered. “

Arthur said, his expression became serious, his hands clasped together, and he clapped his hands together several times. With his movements, the temporary torii made four torii blaze with a dark flame.

“I’m sorry to stop your caster, but I want to ask about your success rate. For me, the boy is also an important material for me. If your Curse Technique fails, the boy will die completely?

Academy I will help you balance it. Relatively, I want to make another deal with you. You must be very interested in my automaton? I know you are doing the Yin Yang secret technique deliberately on the “big fan”. One of the purposes is to attract me. Yes, I do have a very careful grasp of the boy ’s whereabouts. After all, it is my precious material …

Hualiuzhai suddenly interrupted Arthur.

“So … indeed, I was one of the first time use in Mount Tai’s priest sacrifice. I said that the white red feather is really just an experimental object of my practice of Yin and Yang Curse Technique. No matter whether it is successful or not, I have a profit, and I have a way to increase the success rate. Yes, and I tell you clearly that this is the deal I have left for … “

Arthur smiled at the corner of his mouth. Although Hualiuzhai didn’t show up, he was also planning to increase the success rate, but when she appeared, she would be charged for it. Chi Yulei should be more than just materials for her.

“My favorite work, how to give you the snow trade in the 3” Snow Moon Flowers “of Hualiuzhai’s top masterpieces? I see you use Ice Element’s Magic Technique, [Irori] is equipped with air-conditioned Magic Circuit [ice mirror] , As your automatic puppet, it will be very good. “

Hualiuzhai Glass pointed to the Snow Maiden behind her, as beautiful and soft as a silver-haired girl.

“Oh, this is good, but how can I make sure that she is not the item you used to monitor me? I am more interested in your doll making technique than your automatic puppet.”

Arthur shook his head.

“Automatic dolls rely on the magic power of the puppet master to maintain life. She will naturally loyal to you when she becomes your automatic doll, just like Yaya treats boys … And, I advise the teenagers not to be too greedy, Some things you will get sooner or later, with your technique of making automatic puppets, even if you do n’t need my technique, you can become an excellent puppet master.

Not to mention handing over the boy to you, but I also made a lot of determination! “

Hualiuzhai’s charming face instantly became cold.

“Then I will accept it politely, please allow me to avoid it …”

Arthur reached out one after another frost wall to wrap his body, making Magic Circuit.

Chi Yulei ’s true heart has shrunk to an ice burst. Therefore, something needs to be replaced. Arthur cannot achieve the real Mount Tai prince ’s sacrifice. He just uses some power to detain Chi Yulei through Yin and Yang Dao. In a state similar to the essence of the soul, and then together with the Magic Circuit fuse he made.

Arthur set the Magic Circuit for Akane Lei Zhen as [Eve Heart * Hungry Ghost]. Since Akane Lei is really a descendant of Yin and Yang, Hungry Ghost Path should be suitable for him.

However, [Hungry Ghost] is not a finished state, but a semifinished product. Arthur needs to introduce the real soul of Akabane Lei into the Magic Circuit of Hungry Ghost. This is like a defective electronic component in the middle of a serial circuit. Only this The electronic components can be formally operated only after the two terminals are continuously connected.

It took nearly 3 hours for Arthur to make [hungry ghost] semifinished product, even if he had previous experience, it wasted a lot of his time, and at the same time it was a semifinished product.

The finished product will take longer time, and you can make up for this period of time without using Mount Tai Temple.

“Wait … boy, are you making Magic Circuit?”

Hualiuzhai glass frowned as he watched Arthur coming out of the frost wall when he wanted to deal with Chi Yulei’s real body.

“I can’t tell you the program, but the method can tell you that the Magic Circuit I made is a semifinished product. Through the resurrection of the Mount Tai Junjun Festival, in fact, the real soul of Akabane Thunder is resurrected in this Magic circuit. Conditioning is required to resurrect. Modern research on the soul has long been lost in Yin-Yang surgery. In short, modern Yin-Yang Curse Technique is completely ineffective for the soul.

Therefore, I have to use some special methods. I only have a theoretical stage for the King Tai Festival in Mount Tai. Therefore, I can only imprison the real soul of Akabane Thunder. Dealing with Shinigami must be paid enough. My name is Magic Circuit. As a hungry ghost, since Shinigami will surely have a price for keeping your soul alive, all opponents killed by Akane Lei in the future will be taken away by Shinigami through his body.

I will not explain the specifics. The time is coming. Before dawn, Curse Technique must be completed! “

Arthur dug out the heart of [Akayu Leizhen], he could not feel the pain when he was dead, then replaced the heart with Magic Circuit, and used Stigma ’s power to connect the human tissue with Magic Circuit, Arthur repeated The previous high-five action-

“Onmyouji, Fuxi’s family, Jinji, the first king of Mount Tai, the gods of the underworld …”

At this moment, the sky slowly began to whiten, and a huge darkness was chased by the sun. Soon it was about to dawn, and the time when the yin and yang alternated would come.

Arthur has obviously calculated the time!

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