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[Today ’s 5nd item is sent for subscriptions, monthly tickets, recommended tickets]

[Thunderstorm weather, the thunder is more severe, so the power is turned off for a while, the update is late]

On Sunday, after Arthur and Frey got the entry and exit application, they left the school gate, and Frey’s puppets were taken care of by Natya and Irori 2. Since it is a date, the automatic puppet cannot of course follow, for this reason, Natya tossed Arthur all night on the 6th night of the week, saying that he had no energy to put in when he ran out of energy.

In addition to Natya’s toss, the group of red haired man finally started to dispatch. When the automatic figure could not follow, they took the opportunity to follow Arthur and Frey.

In fact, one of the purposes of DATE is to ‘to pull a snake from its hole’. After seeing Natya’s ability, the red haired man party will definitely not act to blindly without thinking without absolute certainty.

When Natya and Irori are not on Arthur’s side, this opportunity is extremely rare. Arthur is very strong, even if there is no automatic doll, but it is already the most advantageous situation without automatic dolls, so The red haired man group had to be dispatched.


As the home of Wang Li Jiqiao Academy, Liverpool was also named as [Jiqiao City].

Because the center of the city is home to the world ’s finest Magic Technique institution, Liverpool is also full of fireworks in this era of war. Even at the beginning of the century, the commercial street is very beautiful and modern. A variety of style shops flood the 2nd street.

If it is night, you can definitely see the bright side of the lights? Isn’t that scenery so beautiful in this generation?

The to-and-fro of people with different clothes is endless, especially today’s weekend, there are more young men and women, but because of the classic atmosphere, the interaction between men and women also stops at the ceremonial conversation. Those younger couples will hold hands. Although there are such things as kissing on the street, they are not very casual, but very formal.

Once a kissing scene occurs, two people are destined to step into the church. Arthur takes Fule’s small hand in a polite way, holding it softly in his hand, and it is very slender and small. Girl, Arthur thinks it’s good to simply enjoy the atmosphere.

“Is Fleet’s first date?”

Arthur inquired while looking at the surrounding buildings.

“Um … um … um!”

The nasal sounds gradually increased, indicating Master’s hesitation and hurried mood. Frey wanted to admit to Arthur that Cinderella planned, but looking at his brave face, holding the warmth of her fingers, in this brief moment seemed to feel For the first time, I am so intimate with boys who are not related to blood for the first time …

Fleet hoped that she was Cinderella. Although she was confused and could not understand all kinds of things, she could feel each other’s mood by pulling each other’s fingers. This simple warmth was very happy for her.

“Do n’t be so scared, I wo n’t eat you again, and do n’t listen to Natya, I wo n’t attack you casually, come to this World, you are my first girl to handle, to be honest, I was really shocked when you saw the trap at that time. Although I do n’t admit it, I like some strange girls. No, should I say ‘shiny’ cute girl? “

Ashera came to a dessert shop with Fleet, bought 2 small desserts, and signaled Fleet to eat together.

“I … I’m not as brave as Rocky … not as strong as Charlotte, and not strong at all … only bigger breasts …”

Fleet does not understand why Arthur and her date.

“But you are cute, and you are kind. This is what I saw. After digging the trap, I still wanted to rescue me, and then I didn’t want to kill me. Just let me stay until the end of the night. Although at the night party, kindness only brings harm, but it also brings friendship.

Compared to the throne of Demon King, do n’t you think that Bond is more important to each other? We have made a pledge with **, more important than the Demon King title, to protect your back, until one day you feel that you do n’t need my protection … “

Arthur stroked Frey’s head and said sorry, he used Frey and her to lead a group of red haired man on DATE, which might hurt Frey …

“I do not deserve……”

Frey burst into tears, and Arthur’s words were so warm that she began to curse her betrayal. She was close to Arthur’s with ulterior motives. For her family, she had to be close to Arthur to get his blood or even …

“Be careful……!!”

The crimson rays of light, fleeting, Arthur had long noticed, not at all heard Frey’s whisper, but threw her to the ground, the dessert in the hands of 2 people rolled down on the ground.

“Flame * Herricker !!”

Just like the monster of the elemental type encountered that day, Arthur’s appeared again in front of him, but the figure of the monster was much smaller than that of that day. The monster of that day forced the selection of Felix. Magic Power and Life Force, but today the Balrog has not absorbed enough power to miniaturize.

But … still very difficult to deal with!

At the same time, not only the flame demon, but also a variety of dolls lurking.

“It’s really worth looking at me even if I nest out!”

Arthur knew that it would be bad to go out alone, but this situation is really not easy to ensure that it is intact, and there is a tulle bottle with Frey around. To defeat these dolls, the fastest way is to find out the manipulation The puppets used it, and they needed a place that was wide enough, then—

“Frei, hold my body tightly, we are going to fly …”


Although Fleet didn’t know what happened, she still held Arthur’s body tightly with her slender arms.

Although the soft and elastic girl ’s body behind him felt very comfortable, Arthur did n’t have time to think about it—

“Mercedes in the sky, tearing the night like a wheel of silence, echoing in a flash, this is the dim, the lacquer coffin, The-Wheel-of-Fortune, X, Wheel of Fate, The-collectibles, XI, King Star, ORDER! “

In the void, quickly draw out the Latin text with Magic Power, the rhythm in the mouth at the same time, the sound is refined by Magic Power into a strong spell through the throat, and the two spells are quickly combined in the void, and then his feet Stepped on the thunder and lightning, just like 2 lightnings, immediately flew into the sky with Flei, sprinting with his feet in the sky! !

“Raytheon …”

Ordinary people watched the light flashing around Arthur and couldn’t help but look up …,

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