Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 102.

No way! Gotta run!

With this thought in his mind, Red Dog immediately turned into a red light and quickly flew towards the Warring States.

Now his only chance of surviving was the War Country!

I have to say that he was really thinking a bit too much.

Ling Yu didn't leave him behind even as he watched the quickly fleeing Red Dog.

In his eyes, Red Dog's ambush was only a matter of time.

"How are you feeling?" Ling Yu looked at the white-bearded man and asked.

"No problem." Whitebeard smiled widely.

Nodding slightly, Ling Yu looked towards the naval forces in front of him and laughed, "For the sake of value for money and to be worthy of those two hundred points, we must make this world remember our name completely!"

"My lord has been waiting for a long time!" After a party passed, it turned into a black dot and disappeared.

"We're leaving too." The rest of them also said, and quickly went to the battlefield to find their opponents.

Only Suzaku Goh and Rem were left standing by their side.

Reimu gave him a funny look, "Why don't you go?"

"Group Master, don't make fun of me, it's fine for me to take care of a few naval soldiers, but I'll really win the lottery if I run into a Lieutenant General. Besides, I think following behind the group master is the most appetizing." Suzaku Goh revealed a bright smile and spoke out his thoughts about the dog without blushing.

Ling Yu gave him a speechless look but didn't chase him away, the product was a jerk, if he really let him out, he would surely hiccup.

"Damn, who are they!" The warrior cursed under his breath.

Everything had gone according to plan, but these people who suddenly appeared disrupted all together.

Looking at the silhouettes that burst over, War Country's pupils shrank and shouted, "Yellow Ape!"

The golden light quickly jumped in space.

"It's a brat? Well, forget it."

A languid voice sounded in his ear, "Speed is both weight, have you ever been kicked by the speed of light?"

The one who spoke was the Admiral of the Naval Headquarters, Yellow Ape.

"Heh!" The silver-haired man who was considered a brat by the yellow ape had a disdainful smile on his lips.

The golden light that the eyes couldn't react to instantly rushed in, and the party passed without any resistance, as if it was stupid.

The yellow ape was likewise of the same opinion.

But in the next instant, he felt the elemental riot around him, and his entire elementalized body felt as if it had been directly squeezed and burst by something.

It turned into a curtain of light that dissipated into the heavens and earth.

For a long time, the golden elements in front of one side of the passage slowly fused, revealing the figure of the yellow ape.

"Hey, hey, what kind of strange ability is this that can disintegrate my elementalization in an instant?"

It was still the same lazy words, but with an extra hint of gravitas.

"Haha, funny, really funny, you're the first person to stay alive after touching my vector manipulation! I knew it! Group chats give me supreme pleasure!"

"Come on, Admiral! Do everything in your power to please me!"

The untamed words of a party's passage resounded through the sky. The vast superpower would directly change the color of the heavens and earth.

Making the sky change into a vortex shape like a typhoon.

The ocean was lifted and endless seawater swirled up, forming a huge tornado that washed the sky.

"Here, one side passes!"

In the midst of everyone's horrified gaze, a plaintive voice slowly came out of it.

Chapter 77 - You have to learn to get used to it.

The purpose this time was to save Whitebeard, and it was his son that Whitebeard was trying to save.

But this is not important to the party pass, he came straight to the execution platform the most critical thing is to see here has several powerful breath.

A party pass face arrogant, unabashedly stared at the yellow ape, as if looking at a prey.

The yellow ape is not so calm, elementalization can be said to be one of the means to save his life, if he is hit by that strange move again, he will have to shed his skin.

But even though he knew that, his status as an admiral didn't allow him to retreat.

"What a scary brat." The yellow ape pulled out a nasty smile and his body disappeared into a light.

Estes' long, ice-blue hair moved with the wind, and the ocean was quickly covered with ice as he stepped on it.

"What's the situation?" The green pheasant who was playing soy sauce on the side was confused, wasn't the frozen fruit eaten by itself? Is it possible that there is a more powerful ice demon fruit in the world than my frozen fruit?

The white military cap was slowly pulled down, and a tyrannical air raged wildly towards the surroundings without Estes concealing it in the slightest.

"Evil ...... Evil ...... Demon!" Some of the more mentally fragile navies directly sat paralyzed on the ground, their spirits destroyed by this powerful killing intent, their eyes hollow.

Watching one of the surrounding soldiers slowly fall, Qing Pheasant couldn't help but see the momentum of being a naval general released to resist the violent attributes that this Estes was emitting.

A hint of cold sweat appeared on Qing Pheasant's forehead, how many people would it take to kill with such a solid killing intent!

The white-bearded man with the naginata in his hand looked at the figures that kept killing out around him, his eyes blurry.

This group of members had really touched him!

"Coo-la-la! Children, the reinforcements are here. Come with me! Save Ace and destroy the Navy!"

Whitebeard laughed, growled, and lurched towards Ace's place.

In an instant, the pirate group members who were still confused also reacted.

Since they were acquainted with Pops, that meant that it wasn't an enemy, but a reinforcements that had come to save them.

In a flash, all the pirates, one by one, let out bloodthirsty roars and growls and killed towards the navies that were still a bit dumbfounded.

The navies, too, regained consciousness in an instant, and the square was once again plunged into a scuffle, led by several admirals, fighting each other and the captains and group members of the Whitebeard Pirates.

In an instant, thunder rang out, the ground exploded, and countless debris and dust covered people's silhouettes.

Rem, who was by Ling Yu's side, took a glance at the fast fleeing Red Dog and asked, "Lord Ling Yu, should that man leave him behind, he seems to know something."

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