Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 106.

Black Tigers: "......"

Black Tiger was slightly speechless, do I look like a child to you?

Link Fantasy Emissary: "Nice system, that's an ability I've never seen before. You can learn from it."

Sealed Poor Mother: "So-so, if I could use it in my Heaven's Royalty, that Red Dog probably couldn't even move."

Crash Queen Ritsuka Na: "Oh? You got a big mouth? What capital do you have to compete with what I want?"

Suzaku Goh: "Just by virtue of her being strong enough to be sealed by her own son!"

Suzaku Goh says I'll be the first to die.

The poor mother who was sealed: "!!!"

Lord of the Air: "Suzaku Goh has started to die again."

Great Chief: "I'm surprised that Suzuki Goh is a man who can calmly fight the air, but how did he become like this? I don't seem to be oppressing him much."

Suzaku Goh: "......"

Don't you have any idea who oppresses me?

Avalanche Queen Ritsuka Na: "So that's what your seal means, what a poor mother~"

The poor mother who was sealed: "!!!! @Ling Yu, Group Master, I'm going to unseal the seal and come to my world next! I can't help it."

Suzuki Goh: "About to spray?"

Silvia: "......"

Silvia: "Can this group will the segment?"

Lord of the Air: "Sorry, can't, you'll just have to do it as a daily death, and a little entertainment for the group chat."

Silvia: "Oh."

"What kind of world is this!?" Hiccup, silently peeping at the screen, horrified at the group's broadcast and statement.

I'm no expert: "Is this all true?"

Hiccups all still feel like a dream now.

Southern Hiccup: "Group guide reminds you that to find out if it's real, click on the group chat avatar."

The Greatest Chief: "Huh? @South Birdie, Birdie, when did you become a group guide?"

Nan Xiaobird: "Hehe, no matter what, I'm still a senior group member, so it's only right to provide new group members with some things they must know, right?"

I'm no expert: "Thanks."

Who the hell am I: "Thanks."

The new group members all click on their group avatars, and all of a sudden a huge wave of memories is sent to them.

Emissary of Link Fantasy: "Now I'm all a bit flustered."

Who the hell am I: "The Big Thousand Worlds really do exist!"

Silvia: "I don't want to talk, my skull hurts."

Silvia rubbed her temples, she didn't even want to read the student council papers now.

Everything was so appalling.

Chapter Eighty - Evacuation? I think you've misunderstood something.

"Ice Age!"

Flooding sounds rang out.

Green Pheasant leapt into the air, and the ability of the Frozen Fruit was instantly unleashed, freezing the sea that had been broken open to ice once more, turning the monstrous waves that were about to engulf Marin Fandom into an iceberg.

"Trying to save someone, did you forget about me."

The cold female voice would fall the moment Ayanami's move fell, and a completely different dark blue ice layer than Ayanami's would quickly cover the sea.

An ice cone broke through the air and exploded delicately towards the pheasant.


Pheasant's figure disappeared in an instant and dodged away in the next second.

A blue-haired woman in a white uniform was slowly treading on the ice as she fixed her eyes and looked over.

The bloodthirsty killing intent even more often affected his own consciousness.

"What a terrifying woman." Pheasant said under his breath, looking at Estes who was holding an ice sword that was bursting towards him as the ice layer below stretched crazily.

A saber made of ice was condensed in his hand.

One blocked the oncoming longsword.


A sound like a metallic clash sounded, and the green pheasant blocked Estes's long sword.

With a turn, Estes' other hand suddenly chilled out, and a huge endowment of ice spikes instantly condensed and rushed into the sky.

Sensing the danger, the green pheasant's head instantly tilted, and the huge ice spike stretched straight into the sky from his ear.

A drop of red blood fell low from the side of the green pheasant's ear.

"What a terrifying woman." Pheasant said afterwards in fear.

"Heh!" Estes laughed lightly and swept a foot across, but it was blocked by Green Pheasant's arms.

The powerful force still caused Pheasant to take six steps back.

"Ice Block "Pheasant Beak"!"

An ice bird was released by the green pheasant.

"Interesting." Estes' lips curled slightly.

Demon God Manifestation - Demonic Essence!

Only in the great super danger of the ancient past, it rose up from the surface of the sea into an ice-blue dragon with fierce dragon eyes and a solid killing intent that made it look as if it were alive.

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