Dimensional Fantasy Group

Dimensional Illusion Group Chapter 110

Tichy's appearance not only caused the anger of Whitebeard Ace and the others to burn in an instant, but also the people in the naval headquarters, who were also looking away at this moment .

Because what appeared at this time . It wasn't just Tichy One, the entire Blackbeard Bandit Group's members had successively flashed out and were standing behind Tichy .

"What, what's going on one by one?"

The warrior's pupils shrank.

"San Juan Hungry Wolf! Why are they here!"

"Aren't they imprisoned on the sixth floor of the undersea prison?!"

"Thieves hahahaha ...... They're all members of my Blackbeard Bandits now, ah!"

Blackbeard was still using his smile.


Whitebeard suddenly shouted, and just as he tried to raise his naginata to slash at it, Voban blocked him.

"Let me take care of him." Voban suddenly spoke up.

"No, take care of it." However, the next moment he spoke, Ritsuka Na made a sound.


A huge black ball of energy suddenly appeared on a pirate ship in the distance, and when the black ball disappeared, the pirate ship had completely disappeared, and what was left was like a curved moon on the sea.

"Sh!" This hand of Rifaena's even made the warrior's heart tremble, looking incredulously at the deep pit that was constantly filled with seawater.

A slight shake in Ritsukana's hand revealed a figure in it.



Everyone was suddenly shocked to see the ball of light in Rulhuana's hand.

Vauban's movements stalled for a moment.

Eyes somewhat grudgingly looked at Ling Yu, is it so hard to pretend to be real these days?

"Oh." Ryuu smiled helplessly, indicating that there was nothing he could do about it.

Ritsukona gave the people a glance, manipulating the space without anyone's consent to turn the tiki inside the little ball into powder.

"Whew!" Whitebeard looked at the empty sphere and exhaled.


In the villa in downtown Linhe City, Ling Yu, who had appeared across the sky in his bedroom, fell straight down on his bed and exhaled a long breath.

The day had just muddled through for him.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for slaying the traveler and gaining a point reward of 20,000 points."

Ling Yu's consciousness entered the group chat at once.

Nan Xiaobird: "Congratulations to me, the three views are shattered once again."

Lord of the Air: "Hitting the sauce the whole time, only cut down two Lieutenant Generals, it feels a bit low."

Black Tiger: "The Lieutenant General is don't think about it, you can only rely on playing sea soldiers to maintain your life."

Oldest Demon King: "......"

I indicated that I didn't want to say anything.

One-way pass: "It's boring, it's boring! That kind of trash can't even satisfy my lord!"

The Greatest Chief: "Sheesh! Is a man with the speed of light no longer enough for you?"

One Way Pass: "Grass! Can you talk?"

Crash Queen Ritsukona: "Too weak to mention interest."

The Greatest Chief: "666, that's the big guy who should be worshipped."

One Way Pass: "......"

What the fuck do you mean, sexist?

Ling Yu: "@ all members, come on, you guys are giving out red envelopes."

The Greatest Chief: "Do you guys think I'm hallucinating?"

Lord of the Air: "What's wrong?"

War Law Witch: "It's just a red envelope, isn't it? Anything in particular?"

Suzuki Goh: "No, that's not the problem."

The poor mother who was sealed: "The point is, the group leader guy gives out red envelopes? Isn't he an iron cock of a feather?"

Ling Yu: "...... I'm like this in your minds?"

Yagi Toshien: "Tell me yourself, then group leader, have you ever sent a red packet?"

Ling Yu thought about it and realized that there really wasn't any.

Forget about it, let's talk and walk up.

Ding! The group owner, Ling Yu, sent a red packet.

Stellar Luck: "What's going on? When I came in to the group chat, I saw the red envelope, and four hundred points were suddenly added to my account."

I'm not a master: "Three hundred more."

Link fantasy messenger: "Sloppy, more than two hundred."

The great richest man: "By virtue of what! It's not fair!"

Chapter 83 - Silvia Who Wants to Get Rich by Playing Online Games

Ling Yu: "What is this, a sheep seizure?"

Suzuki Goh: "I guess the hand was too bad. Oh well, Europeans are like that."

The strongest man on the ocean: "Goo-la-la, I got three hundred points."

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