Dimensional Fantasy Group

Dimensional Illusion Group Chapter 116

"Who are you calling auntie!" The everyday sputtered, and the Infinite Tachiko didn't care.

"We're sort of caught in a rape?" Infinite Tachiko looked at the cold-eyed Ling Wei from across the room with amusement.

After Icarus and Ling Wei left, the somewhat grudging expression that had been there just now instantly disappeared and turned into an icy look.

"Himeko-sensei." Meiko looked at Himeko the Infinite Tower.

"This is really meeting a remarkable person." Feeling the oppressive power, the corner of Infinite Tower Himeko's mouth curled up into a smile.


Over an unnamed mountain.

A pink light was speeding along at a supersonic speed of Mach 28, followed by the rolling clouds.

Beneath it was Ling Yu who was pinned with both arms.

The entire person was completely dragged flying, and if it wasn't for the strong physique of the Godslayer, he probably would have died from lack of oxygen due to the speed.

But the hair was too windy, making its entire head become like a hedgehog.

"Ika ah! Where are you taking me?"

After flying for several minutes, Ling Yu couldn't help but ask.

The flying Icarus listened and flew towards a nearby mountain.

The dust was blown away by the wind pressure from the landing, revealing a bare mountain rock.

Ling Yu was also put down by Icarus.

Detached from his embrace, Ling Yu looked at the surrounding scenery somewhat listlessly and patted his back, truly one mountain after another, so fierce!

But Ling Yu didn't just sigh and looked at the silent Icarus who used to touch her little head.

Softly, he said, "What's wrong?"

"MASTER, is Icarus broken?" Icarus touched his chest.

"I don't know why, but the power furnace is so hot, and it's running faster than normal hours, especially when I see Master with the other women, as if the parts are going to burn out, but no matter how much I check, I can't find out why. The parts are still intact."

Ling Yu, who was still a bit confused, suddenly looked happy.

"Ika, how long has this been happening?"

"There was just a tiny little movement when I met Master and said I was family, but for some reason it's gotten stronger since then, and Icarus is so afraid, so afraid, that he'll leave Master for it!"

Saying that, Icarus' originally flat tone suddenly became agitated.

Tears rolled in her eyes, and her eyes were pitiful.

Without saying anything, Ling Yu reached out his hand, still with that same strength, and gently stroked Icarus's head.


With his head down Icarus looked up and saw the same unchanged smile.

"Ika's not bad oh, just becoming more human. The power furnace getting hotter means that Ika is starting to have a mind of her own, I like the Ika now more than before oh."

Ling Yu now figured out one thing, was Icarus jealous of this?

Ling Yu slowly took his seat and waved towards Icarus, allowing her to sit next to him.

Looking at the cloud-covered mountains in the sky, he smiled, "This view you've chosen is really nice, Ika."

Icarus remained silent.

Ling Yu reached out and touched the pink wings, and then a blush appeared on Icarus' white face.

"Do you know why I thought of you as family in the first place?"

"Because I know Icarus can have human emotions, Icarus you are an artificial angel who calculates and fights, unlike Nymph who has emotions, but that's not why I can use you as a tool, you are important to me and I believe that one day you will be able to have your own emotions."

Ryau said, ruffling Icarus's pink hair so hard that the silky touch made him not want to let go at once.

"Do you remember what you said to me the first time we met?"

"Entertainment with the universal angel, Icarus at your service, begin inscription." Icarus lowered his small head and repeated what he had said then.

With a slight smile, a chain wrapped around his palm appeared on his right hand.

"From the moment you inscribed, you belonged only to me, as your MASTER, at least have some faith in me, how could I abandon you because of that? I'm treating you as my real family."

Saying that, Ling Yu showed a helpless expression.

"No, master, I ......" Icarus' little face was a little panicked.

Ling Yu stopped Icarus' words, looked at her seriously and asked, "Ika, I just want to ask now: can you tell me what kind of angel you are to me?"

Icarus' pupils shrank, yes? Whether she was a "universal angel for entertainment" or a "universal angel for strategy".

Looking at Ling Yu's serious gaze, Icarus' startled eyes suddenly relaxed.

"I am the universal angel for your entertainment!"

"Wrong!" Ling Yu reached for a hand blade on Icarus' head.

But seeing Icarus who didn't have any expression, Ling Yu sighed.

Although Icarus was slowly starting to have a mind of his own now, he hadn't matured yet.

"You should answer, guardian angel, guardian of me, guardian of Lynx, guardian of Ramleem and Nymph, guardian of this little family."

"I might be away for a lot of my usual time, and if I'm in any danger at that time, I'll need you to be there to help me protect them, after all, you're the strongest of the few."

"So, Ika you will guard this family of ours?"

As the sun set, Ling Yu was still stroking Icarus' little head.

Ah! This comfort is really hard to let go of!

"Yes, MASTER!" to Ling Yu's order, Icarus immediately agreed.

"Don't get so serious." Ling Yu lost his smile as he looked at Icarus whose small face was slightly straight.

"Right, let's take you somewhere." After Ling Yu said that, a card appeared in his hand.

It was crushed, and in the next moment, a magical force brought Icarus' consciousness to a strange space.

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