Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 128.

"Immortal Law - Bright Divine Gate!"

A huge red torii suddenly descended from the sky.

Under one of Voban's inattention, the whole thing was smashed into the earth, splashing a large amount of dust.

"Is it resolved?" Naruto asked stupidly.

"Idiot, how can you be so easily dealt with when you can be with a monster like that?" Sasuke's eyes glazed over as he looked in the direction of the Akagami Gate's fall.

Sure enough!

"What a shame! The guys in the group probably already know about this. It's not going to be less of a mockery again."

Vauban's faint words rang out from within, but this time they contained a full-blown killing intent.

"How dare you humiliate me like that! There will be an equal price to pay."

[Karma's fire cutter!

The sky began to turn red with light.

Burning flames descended from the sky, and even the heavy rain that was still falling couldn't put out the flames.

"Ah! What is this!"

"Why can't you put it out?!"

"Ouch! Help!"

One after another, the ninja allies who had been exposed to this flame were all mercilessly consumed by the flames and turned into ashes under their twisted expressions.

"Why? Why are you doing this to them?!" Naruto watched as one companion after another disappeared, questioning Voban loudly.

"Come back, Naruto!" Breeze Mizukado stopped Maelstrom Naruto at once.

"Why? Hahaha! That's funny. How long has it been? How long has it been since I heard that. Boy, is that saying you're stupid? Or is it ridiculous?"

Voban felt amused, he could do whatever the Godslayer wanted? When have you ever cared about the opinions of others.

So many questions in the world? How can you answer them one by one? The only thing that kept them from questioning the power was the only thing.

"Boy, it's not me who's going to let them die, it's you, and if you can defeat me, none of this will happen."

"What's the word for borrowing a side?"

"Come on! Come and please me! I might spare their lives if it gives me the satisfaction."

Said Voban with a cruel smile.

Chapter 96 - The Seventy-Two Pillars of Demonic Power

"It can't go on like this." Ukyou's pupils swept over to Ling Yu who seemed to be watching the battle.

Unknowing was the most frightening, this man had only struck twice, but both were devastating strikes.

"Hey, hey, hey, how dare you be distracted even when fighting with this master?" A party passed tyrannical shout.

The tyrannical power of the two swords reversed the chakra within the two samurai swords formed from chakra all at once.

It was only a little, but it was enough to break it in half.

"If it was before, I might have run away immediately when I saw you, but now. Sorry!"

The pupil power of both eyes filled the chakra blade once again and forced the side passage back with one slash.

"Divine Law Heavenly Journey!"

The huge repulsion bounced the tiny body of the party passage into the air.

A pitch-black sphere flew into the air quickly.

A huge attraction came out.

"What is this?!" A powerful suction force tore at the body of the party passage.

Relying on vector control to frantically repel the force, but it was still too small in the face of that powerful attraction.

Under this terrifying suction force, the stones, mountains and rivers that had been firmly stabilized on the ground disconnected from the ground in an instant and flew towards the sky.

"What is it this time?!"

A bunch of ninja allies wanted to die.

"Earthburst Celestial Star? The one party pass kid is in trouble too." Voban looked at the dirt around him that was constantly being sucked away.

"What trouble!" One side pass crushes one huge rock block and there's another flying over, plus the need to keep his body from being sucked away by the suction can be said to be on the verge of the limit.

"One party boy? Squeak if you need help!" At that moment, Otsutsuki Teruyuki's derisive voice came from afar.

She hadn't forgotten that this kid usually mocked the fact that he was sealed together with that Suzuki Goh guy.

Here was the chance for revenge.

"Nagging! You old hag!"

One-way he would never accept help from others even if he were to die!

Seeing the party pass refusing the help of Otsutsuki Teruyuki, Ukyou exhaled a sigh of relief in his heart, fortunately the party pass was a pride.

"In that case, go to hell! One-way traffic!"

Utsurigi's hands are folded!


The world was stilled.

The rocks that were drawn up also stopped in an instant.

"Earthburst Celestial Star!"

As Uchiha looked on with a loud cry.

Numerous stones that filled the air were like meteorites falling to the ground, quickly smashing towards the black seeking jade high in the sky.

Boom boom!

Endless roar, one stone after another hit it, and soon it became a huge ball.

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