Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 138.

"Yes yes yes, no need to explain." Voban smiled faintly at the side pass, looking at his still remaining points.

"Aren't the points saved for this kind of situation."

In the next moment, a pale white light enveloped the three.

Oneworld Order: the poor mother who was sealed away

Tenth Order: One Party Pass

The Twelfth Order: The Oldest Demon King

The great richest man: "Look, the list has changed."

Greatest Richest Man: "What rank is the Oneworld Order? Is there a rank above the twelfth?"

Suzuki Goh: "The poor man's naked envy!"

War Law Witch: "@Great Chief Wealthy, have you forgotten the Exterminators of your world that gathered the six god suits, that's way beyond the twelfth class."

Greatest Richest Man: "Also oh."

"What? Did something happen again?" Ukyou Sasuke looked at the three wrapped in light.

"What a headache." Chibi complained, the power contained in those three silhouettes had completely surpassed his knowledge.

The white light disappeared, the eight seeking jades behind Otsutsuki Teruyuki all turned scarlet, and three tiny hooks suspended around the seeking jade like an arrangement of writing eyes.

When the eyes were opened, they were no longer pure white, replaced by a pair of azure pupils that seemed to contain the stars.

The reincarnation writhe on his forehead disappeared, turning back into a smear of white forehead.

"How does it feel?" Woban, who had become an extinguishing star powerhouse, asked Otsutsuki Teruyuki.

"If I want, this star field can be extinguished with just my hands."

Terra Nova spoke faintly.

Hearing the words of Otsubagi Teruyuki, the party passage that had felt the destructive strength in his body and wanted to laugh wildly instantly held back his smile.

Ugh! It's tough!

The power of being able to stop the earth's rotation for five minutes on your own seems a bit inadequate compared to the real big boys.

"What a fascinating power." Voban's pupils narrowed and then relaxed, it wasn't an unattainable power, he could reach that realm with enough points.

"And there is a very strange power as well."

Otsutsuki Teruyuki's eyes narrowed.

Eight seeking jades formed an oval behind his back, and dark black rods linked them together. The hook jade on the scarlet seeking jade stopped functioning for an instant, transforming into sixteen sharp blades suspended around it.

A huge reincarnation of the Writer's Shadow was behind it.

Suzaku Goku: "I knock! Evolution?"

Minami Kotori: "Teruya Beast Evolution!" and

Nanotori: "The Supreme Phaeton!"

The poor mother who was sealed: "......"

Queen of Ice: "What are you looking at, why don't you go and save the group?"

Poor Mother Sealed: "It's on its way."

Otsuka Teruyuki is in the lead, with Voban, Party Pass and Icarus around him.


The hot magma was churning and spewing upward from the ground in a steady stream.

"I'll show you my newfound power."


Otsurugi Teruyuki's eyes snapped open and he shouted.

Shame on you!

The huge reincarnation Writer's Eye Void behind it moved quickly to its feet, then quickly zoomed out and disappeared without a trace at once.


After a moment of silence

"So what happened?" One party passed confused.

"Don't worry."


Everyone was shocked by the loud noise.

Under the shocked gazes of countless people, the bubbling magma underground actually split in two of its own accord, peeling away layer after layer. The scorched earth began to appear.

"Oh? I'm curious as to how you were able to comprehend the power of the domain in such a short period of time."

"To think that it took thousands of years for the main body (the main body, in this case, the split body) to comprehend the domain."

With a thick voice ringing in its ears, Otsutsuki Teruyuki waved his hand, and the sixteen black blades that were suspended around him quickly exploded past.

Each one possessed the power to pierce through the planet.


Stretching out his arm to block the flying black blade, a crack appeared in the red snake scales on its shoulder.

"Hahaha, this is good, just time to move my newly mastered body."

'Ukyou Lookout' smiled at his skin that appeared cracked, and with a flash of fire, the broken snake scales regained their original shape.

Chapter 103 - Shut up, shameless old thief!

"He's left to me and Voban, you two go find the group leader!" Phae said and disappeared with Voban who hadn't agreed yet.

The 'Uchiha Lookout' looked in Icarus's direction, showed a hint of defiance, and turned around and disappeared as well.

Looking at the magma that was peeled to the sides, Icarus flew down immediately.

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