Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 142.

Ding! Do you spend 10,000 points to strengthen your body?


Ding! Do you spend 20,000 points to strengthen your body?


Ding! Do you spend 4,000 points to strengthen Greed and Desirelessness?


All of a sudden, Ling Yu's heart ached as he looked at the original 90,000 points (five hundred points each from the group members who were rewarded with high praise after viewing the memory copy) that were suddenly less than half of the points.

But it couldn't be helped, if you wanted to get stronger, you had to have kryptonite!

Ding! Congratulations to Group Master Ling Yu for advancing to the 6th level of Oneworld!

Ding! Detecting a power imbalance within the group, the system begins to update!

Hearing the cold voice of the system beside his ear, Ling Yu slowly lifted his own hand, feeling the power that filled his body, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl.

"Let's go, we're here to help Teruyuki solve the problem, but now we're asking her to protect us, what's going on."

"No problem, I can't wait, it's my first battle too!" Suzaku Goh was also a bit excited.

"This time, MASTER, no leaving me." Icarus' small hands grabbed Ling Yu's clothes, and his cherry lips lightly opened.

Looking at those big watery eyes, the tears that didn't fade away made Ling Yu's heart ache and touched her small head.

"Sorry, it won't."

Then, Ling Yu put his hand on Suzaku Goh's shoulder and hugged Icarus with his left hand, and the three of them disappeared in a flash.

Ritsuka-na took a look at the silent party pass and snapped her fingers, and a yellow circle of light appeared around him as well.

"What are you doing?!"

"Now that we're here, let's finish this battle properly." The electronic-like synthesizer sounded, and Ritsuka-na flew off towards outer space by herself.


A party pass stared blankly at the empty surroundings and suddenly caressed his face and laughed. One couldn't see his face.

"Of course! Who do you think I am? How can I as an evil party allow others to interfere with my prey?!"

Showing a fierce smile, his toes nudged the ground slightly.


Plucking a massive tornado from the earth, the party passes to manipulate the vector around it, sending itself flying fast towards the sky.

Chibi looked at the lava that had been calmed by the Otsutsuki Terra Nova field.

Looking up, even in the darkness of the night, the bright glow of the moon could be clearly seen, the heat emitted even slightly distorting the space around the moon.

"This will be the most terrifying disaster since the birth of the Endurance World."

Chapter 105 - The Burned Out Moon

on the moon

Teruyuki chopped out a golden light with both hands, shattering the swarm of fire meteors flying towards her into pieces.

Suddenly, Phaeton's heart tightened and reached out to block violently towards her own back.


The waves of screen hair carried a fury that made the power in Teruyuki's hands tremble a bit. But it still defended against the metal sword that was like a fire spirit.

With azure eyes narrowed, the other hand became a palm and turned abruptly, blasting a huge air cannon towards the back.

Eighty divine Air Strikes!

However, there was no one in sight behind her, and the powerful impact of the air blasted a path through the debris that surrounded the universe.

"So close, so close."

Speaking in an off-key tone, the cutting of flames came down steeply from the sky towards the moon.

Terra's eyes turned, replaced by a pair of reincarnated eyes with six circles.

Shinra Heavenly Journey!

Hands slammed together. The majestic repulsive force eliminated a layer of dust from the entire moon. It shook the trajectory of the surrounding suspended meteorites away quickly.

This was still not a repulsive force directed at them.

Sixteen black blades fixed the void, adding the repulsion of the divine Luo Tianzheng, as if the moon was the center, fixing the entire universe.

But, even so.

The planet's constantly shifting orbit was known to be just barely blocked by Terra.

"I'm a little curious now, why would someone so strong look at your world?"

Crushing a reply card and recovering all the wounds on his body, Voban stood back up and gazed at the sky above, emitting a flaming blade strong enough to melt the sky, and said with a heavy voice.

"I've come to wonder." Teruyuki smiled bitterly.

A drop of cold sweat lowered on the white plasm's forehead.

This kind of existence wasn't something she could handle at all, right?

Even though he had raised his strength by the power of the group chat, he was only barely able to fight, but to say that the ongoing counterattack was a bit out of reach.

A small sword appeared in his hand.

Among all the powers except for Gale Rage, it belonged to the power of [Cut the Knot of Fate] which he strengthened twice.

After all, the power to cut off karma had infinite possibilities in the future anyhow.

"This sword?" Teruyuki looked in surprise at the small sword that Voban had taken out.

Reaching a higher level, Teruyuki instantly saw the essence of this sword.

"The ability to cut off cause and effect, if the level is high enough it might be able to cut off his cause and effect with his physical body, but the level is a bit low."

"I know, and I've already made preparations to prevent such a situation."

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