Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 145.

I'm no expert: "@Poor Mother Sealed, you're not dead?"

The poor mother who was sealed: "You're the one who's dead, your whole family's dead."

I'm no expert: "......"

War Law Witch: "But didn't you turn to ashes along with the moon?"

The poor mother who was sealed: "Maiden, do you not know that I have the Mikado of Heaven? Together with my reinforced Reincarnation Writing Eye, I've strengthened my Heaven's Imperial Midst by one level, and although I can't trap the enemy, I still have no problem staying alive."

Poor Mother Sealed: "Alright, I'll stop talking about it, I'll go sneak attack first."

Greatest Chief: "@I'm not an expert, how about the War Law Witch? Are we still cold and heartless?"

The strongest man on the ocean: "It's not your fault, you're worried about Phae, we're not, but we trust her more than you do. If something really uncontrollable happens, I guess Toni will be the craziest one of all."

I'm no expert: "......"

War Law Witch: "......"

Turns out the others already knew that Terra would be fine, and we're still acting like two-bit wannabes.

Ling Yu: "@Poor Mother Sealed, we're rendezvoused with Voban, where are you?"

Ling Yu's words instantly drew everyone's attention to the live broadcast, only to see on a huge stellar star, the six of Ling Yu standing there, scanning this Phaeton for clues.

Ling Yu flipped through the group chat records, knowingly to the crowd, "Phae went to play sneak attack, I'll go rescue her later."

In Ling Yu's guess, Teruyuki's assassination would definitely fail, after all, one force broke all laws, Teruyuki had just been promoted, and his strength simply couldn't reach Ukyou's current strength.

Celine pondered, "I don't know what this system is that can strengthen a person's strength to such a terrifying level."

Ling Yu smiled, "What the heck, we'll just arrest Ukyouwang later and we'll know everything, crossers, are not as fearless as we think, it's just that the powerful power covers up their death-fearing nature."

"Amidst countless pretend facepalms, their thinking has long since become inertial, fearless of everything? Just never met anyone who didn't give him any chance to develop and was strong enough to make him feel desperate."

The same goes for me.

Ling Yu said in his heart.

"In that case, Group Master, let him have a good taste of despair!" Voban smiled at Ling Yu to.

"Of course no problem." Ling Yu smiled slightly.

Unfortunately, I'm not the only one who's weak, but progressing with this group of members is not a thing worth remembering for the rest of my life.

Chapter 107 - Ling Yu vs. Solomon (I)

After finishing everything, Ukyou looked on in a cheerful mood and put away his snake scales.

Stretching lazily.

"Ah! It's been a long time since I was as happy as today. Although the strength is still a little less than the original power, it's completely sufficient for controlling this world."

It was simple in Solomon's mind, as long as he took control of this world and then directly devoured it, then his strength would be fully restored, and maybe not even as strong as the original's original strength.

"Only, before that, some of the gremlins in this world still need to be cleaned up."

Suddenly, Ukyou put away his lazy look and held his hand in front of his stomach.

The red blood slowly slid down the side of his fingers.

Solomon's pupils shrank.

"The power to cut off cause and effect!"

The right hand steeply grabbed towards the void and grabbed Teruyuki's neck that was hidden in the void.

"Say! Where did you get this short sword!"

Solomon's gaze was fierce as he looked at Teruyuki.

The existence of this sword would naturally not have been feared if he had been in full victory, but it wasn't the power he feared, but the essence of severed karma attached to the short sword, a power that even this man didn't control!

"Heh, Group Master, leave it to you." Phae said with a scornful smile.


The indifferent voice sounded, Solomon's heart was bad, immediately turned back, pitch black enveloped the world, an endowed golden lance ran through his right arm the instant he turned his head.


The pain was so intense that he let go of Teruyuki at once.

And Teruyuki took advantage of the opportunity to quickly conceal the void and run away, while the small sword in Solomon's hand also slaughtered its stunned recall by Voban.


Cursing under his breath, his left hand reached out and grabbed the golden spear on his right shoulder.


The sound of flesh and blood being pulled sounded, and blood falling low into the universe and landing on the meteorite belt below all made a snorting, burning sound.

"The power of faith!"

Only, not even a second had passed, but King Solomon instantly became nonchalant.

Startled, he looked at the golden spear that was slowly fading in his hand.

The power of faith, this is the power that this Honored One can only use by gaining the faith of the living beings, its essence completely blows away his magic power, it's the hope of the living beings!

But how could he use this man?

Could it be that he is also a god?

With incredulous eyes, looking in the direction of the lance throw, the pupils shrank.

"You're not dead?"

"Death? That's still too far away for me."

Ling Yu shrugged his shoulders and smiled, unconcerned.

"Interesting that after taking so many attacks from me, you're still alive, you're the only one besides the Demon Pillar and magi."

"Overkill." Ling Yu's surface was flat, and his heart was discussing.

MMP, fortunately I was lucky, otherwise I would have hung up long ago if I hadn't really faced just.

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