Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 153

Queen Crash: "UGH!"

Ling Yu: "Don't think that I won't recognize you if you change your name! Ritsuka na!"

Queen Crash: "You mother fucker, my name is Celine!"

One Way Pass: "I recognize you, old woman!"

Queen Crash: "...... Had I known I should have lifted protection and suffocated you to death in the universe."

Poor Mother Sealed: "Seems like a lot of fun."

Poor Mother Sealed: "@Queen Crash, old woman!"

Queen of Crash: "......"

Queen Crash: "Ahhhh! I'm so angry that I can fight!"

Poor mother who was sealed: "Sorry, excuse me for telling the truth, little vegetable chicken, but you can't beat me."

Suzaku Goku: "What are we going to do about the group leader! If anyone sees that thing, my reputation for a lifetime will be ruined!"

The befuddled Suzaku Goh finally 'woke up' at this moment.

Ryuu: "Uh, not that I'm trying to discourage you, but may I ask what your wisdom is?"

Chapter 112 - The Group Leader is also a Trekkie

Suzaku Goh: "I'm not convinced when you say that, Group Master, I'm at least a man with a great history!"

Lingyu: "Then tell me, what's wise about you."

Suzuki Wisdom: "Hehe, the most wise thing about me is that I have embraced the thigh of the group master you."

Lingyu: "......"

You're a damned little showman.

Southern Bird: "Are you really still the same Bone King I knew who was shooting his mouth off at the air?"

The poor mother who was sealed: "Hold on, everyone, I have something I want to ask the group leader."

The Great Shoujo: "Well, you tell us, we're listening."

Otsutsuki Teruyuki took a deep breath and sent the words he had already typed.

Poor Mother Sealed: "@Ling Yu, Group Master, are you a traveler?"

The group was momentarily silent as soon as this was said.

After a short silence.

The Strongest Man on the Ocean: "I've thought about this before, I'm just not sure yet."

Queen Crash: "@Poor Mother Sealed, why do you say that."

Poor Mother Sealed: "Remember the Trekkies we met? Trekkers are by definition people who have crossed over from another world, replacing the world and its namesake."

Poor Mother Sealed: "I don't know if you've noticed, but these travelers obviously know us."

Queen Avalanche: "Indeed."

In the meantime, Siren's eyebrows knitted together, her small hand dragging her chin, and her mind couldn't help but recall the look on Red Dog's face when she first met him, the two who obviously didn't know each other at all, but Red Dog looked as if he had known her for a long time.

Ling Yu: "Oh?"

The corners of Ling Yu's mouth came to life.

Ling Yu: "I wonder what you guys think about that?"

The poor mother who was sealed: "At first, when I saw this memory copy of Naruto, I really thought that the group master had the ability to foresee the future, but it wasn't until the last time I met the time traveler named Ukyouwang.

He knew exactly where the plot was going, and even more so, he knew that I existed, and at that time I was curious, if you, Group Master, could really foretell the future, why would the traveler also know, could he also foretell the future?"

The poor mother who was sealed: "I was confused at the time, until I saw the man who knew about your White Dragon Emperor's Light Wings from the Group Master and I felt something was wrong. By the look of Ukyou at the time, he didn't know you at all, but coincidentally, he knew the White Dragon Emperor's Light Wings and what benefits they were. So, this makes me even more convinced that the White Dragon Emperor's Light Wings might not have originally been your weapon, Group Master!"

The poor mother who was sealed: "A time traveler can know us? Nah, Group Master, are you from the same world as that group of travelers. Perhaps in your world our very existence is being watched by you?"

Quiet, surprisingly quiet.

People are determined to win: "This ......"

Nan Little Bird: "How can brother Ling Yu be a traveler?"

Greatest richest man: "I don't really want to believe it, but ......"

Queen of Crash: "@Ling Yu, tell us what you think."

Ling Yu: "I think this idea is more or less in the minds of the people in the group. I can also tell you unequivocally that I am indeed a Trekkie."

Ryo: "And all of you sitting here are characters that belong inside novels and anime works."

Suzuki Goh: "Works of fiction? Anime? Does that mean that we all exist virtually?"

As a rb who wanted to be a geek but was forced by life to be a geek, he knew exactly what Ling Yu was talking about.

And he had also read light novels similar to the crossover.

The strongest man on the ocean: "It's not hard to understand why the group leader would know about us. Maybe the Trekkies have read our episodes too."

The Greatest Chief: "I can't believe that the Great Lord Tony is virtual?!"

LINGU: "It's true in the eyes of a certain type of person, but that doesn't matter, what matters is how you see yourselves, do you consider yourselves virtual? Do you think you live to act according to other people's ideas?"

Ling Yu: "The memory copy, represents the world as I see it, but not you per se, the future can be changed, as I'm sure you've seen, Whitebeard is not dead, the Merchant King is not dead, and Terra is unsealed. All of this can be changed, but it all depends on how you think of yourselves, and what about the virtual? Life is already as virtual as a dream bubble, do you stop living just because you're told it's virtual or something."

Ling Yu: "Maybe somewhere in the dimension I'm just a fictional traveler as well? It's all up in the air, but at least, in the group, you're all real. As long as some handsome pusher keeps following, of course."

Emissary of Link Fantasy: "I agree with the group in this regard, I'm a book character myself, but I'm in the main world. To the world of off-book creators."

Emissary of Link Fantasy: "Is it possible that virtual is really that important to us?"

Ling Yu: "Haha, a worthy messenger of link fantasy, here's a smile for you. Expression: smile."

War Law Witch: "Ah, it's nothing really, just a little too much for the brain to accept for a short time."

Strongest Man on the Sea: "Gulla la la la, I'm an old man, there's no use thinking about this."

Oldest Demon King: "I'm not interested in this, I want to kill the gods and goddesses, virtual or not, it doesn't mean anything to me. And it doesn't matter if the group leader is a time traveler, there are all kinds of birds in the forest."

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