Dimensional Fantasy Group

Sub-dimensional Fantasy Group Chapter 157.

Most importantly, Rem hadn't slowed down so far.

"Nymph, you take them and find some rooms." Nimue said, it was fortunate that this was a villa, otherwise there really wouldn't be enough room for so many people.

Chapter 115 - The Kidney Deficiency Prince

"Wait, I just remembered, don't you guys get to live in Hyperion?"

Ling Yu, who was just about to enter the house, got down on his feet and looked at Kiana and the others who were now happily surveying the house.

Ling Yu's eyes narrowed as he swept past Kikyo, only to meet his own serious gaze.

"The Hyperion is out of energy!"

"You can't turn on the air conditioning without energy, and Bronia's heavy bunny needs maintenance. Can't stay in the stifling heat for long." Bronia, who was poker-faced at the side, said something and continued to be silent.

Budgie bowed, "Thank you very much."

Ling Yu almost forgot. This group of Valkyries seemed to be strong, but they were actually a bunch of ordinary people.

"Never mind, but how do you get your energy? Don't you guys get to use your money?"

Soon, Ling Yu discovered another problem.

"Well ......" Himeko fidgeted and divinely traveled too much.

Seeing the expressions of several people, Ling Yu's face darkened, as if he had experienced that helpless feeling of Meiko.


After briefly explaining to Ling Wei and pinching her pouty little mouth, Ling Yu went upstairs.

However, because of the temporary residence and the fact that there were people to cook the meals later, Ling Wei agreed despite some reluctance.

In her heart, she already completely considered Ling Yu as the master of this house, and she was one of the members of this house.

Naturally collapsing on the bed, Ling Yu entered the group chat

Suzuki Goku: "@Airy Goku, Kidney Hollow Man, come out, the group is online."

Emptiness Dude: "!!!! How many times have I told you, I'm empty! Emptiness! It's not kidney failure! What's the matter with you?"

Benji Meiko: "Big brother look at your head pale face, whiter than face code skin, little bird sister said, this is a sign of your kidney deficiency, you need to eat more kidney tonics."

The great richest man: "Make it like your next door party pass, @ the void dude, I'm the richest man in the world, what do you need to say to me, to make sure that you are no longer kidney deficient."

The Emptiness Prince: "Really? So thank you to the great richest man in the world."

One Way Pass: "@The Greatest First Rich Man, Tony! You're getting tired of living! How dare you shit on my head!"

The Great First Man: "Pfft~"

Mr. Void: "Wait, no! Why do I need a kidney tonic? There's nothing wrong with my kidneys, okay? @Great richest man, if you dare to say anything else, even if you are the richest man, I will make you pay for it."

Ling Yu: "Well, there's a newcomer in the group?"

Southern Little Bird: "Greetings, brother group master."

Emptiness Prince: "Oh my, you must be that legendary group master, I wonder who the Great Immortal is? When I entered the group, that formation was so overwhelming that I was a real chicken. It's awesome to create a formation that terrifying!"

He however clearly remembered how he had been killed once without any resistance under the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation.

That terrifying feeling he didn't want to experience a second time.

Ling Yu: "Fallacious praise."

Ding! Group chat upgrade complete!

Suddenly, an alert sounded in everyone's head.

The strongest man on the ocean: "This group chat has been updated again, and I found something interesting."

Ding! Whitebeard uploaded the Seeing and Hearing Color Hegemony and the Armed Color Hegemony.

The strongest man on the ocean: "After uploading two abilities, I gained 10,000 points. And there was no loss of my own abilities."

Suzaku Goku: "What, what! Uploading abilities can even earn points, so I'll try it."

Ding! Suzuki Goku uploads Supernatural Magic: Sky Fall, Supernatural Magic: Heaven and Earth Transmutation, and Supernatural Magic: Sky Army Arrival.

Suzuki Goku: "Fuck, really ugh, I got 12,000 points."

Looking at the group, Ling Yu clicked on the update prompt.

[System update prompt.

Group owner Ling Yu can punish group members through icons like the cm show, similar to: lightning (group owners only)

In order to help group members improve their ability range and maintain balance within the group, powerful group members or those with strange powers can upload their own skills to gain points. Note: Uploading an ability or skill does not take away a group member's ability or skill.

The uploaded abilities or skills will be entered into the group chat shop, and group members can use their points to buy them.

After the update, group members' worlds will automatically be updated with mini-quests to earn points for completing them. Note: The points earned vary depending on the difficulty of the world level.]

The Greatest Chief: "Look what I see. Buying abilities or skills uploaded by group members from the store?!!!"

The great richest: "The richest backlash is finally here!"

Guru Suzuki: "Oh, the backlash of a loser."

The Greatest Chief: "Shut up, you're the only one who doesn't get to talk!"

Queen of Ice: "I just uploaded the Demon's Extract and only got 6,000, that's a bit low."

I'm no expert: "Six thousand? Quite a lot, I uploaded the dragon taming method and I was only given two thousand."

War Law Witch: "Look what I saw. A dragon? @ I'm not an expert, do you have dragons in that world?"

The Empty Prince: "O Dragon! That's a very powerful creature."

Poor Mother Sealed: "Shut up, Kidney Deficiency Guy."

Empty Dude: "...... I say we can't have a good and pleasant time."

Oldest Demon King: "I will never be a member of the Void Pushing!"

The Empty Dude: "......"

Yagi Toshinori: "@Ling Yu, Group Master, you seem to have forgotten to send us the memory copy of the newcomer's world."

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